calories and going over

dang this is hard. everyday i go over in calories just about like 200 over. i work from 5:30 in the morning and don't get off till about 5 or 7:30 and then on the days i get off at 5 i have sports for my son. what in the heck can i do?????????? this is driving me nuts


  • bjpiper74
    bjpiper74 Posts: 13
    dang this is hard. everyday i go over in calories just about like 200 over. i work from 5:30 in the morning and don't get off till about 5 or 7:30 and then on the days i get off at 5 i have sports for my son. what in the heck can i do?????????? this is driving me nuts
  • angelascott919
    One thing you might try is to on your day off spend a little time planning out your meals for the week. You can cut up veggies and fruit and each night bag them up and pack a lunch to take with you so you know what you are eating and be able to stay within your calories. Busy schedules make it hard to be healthy but planning ahead might help.
  • Hodgsonp
    Hodgsonp Posts: 5
    My sons use to play soccer 4 nights a week, which made it really hard to work out. So I started to walk around the field while they were playing. This allowed me to burn extra calories and stopped me from sitting around. The best part was that I got to actually see more of the game. I don't know what sport your son plays, but mayby there is some way that you can turn it into a work out.

    PS yes I do think that the other parents though I was nuts, but it was worth it to me!

    Good luck :)
  • BoxerLady
    In the morning I am not hungry and rather busy so it is just my drink of choice (sugar Free) which holds me until about 9 or so; I am an evening eater. So I have changed things around a little to make it easier on me by not fighting my nature. My first meal ( breakfast food) would be closer to your lunch, My lunch would be your early dinner, then in the eveing rather than piece on snacks high in calories, I eat my last small meal of whatever I want. I have been able to hold to my 1200 cal diet about 95% of the time. I quess it is what ever works for you.
  • bjpiper74
    bjpiper74 Posts: 13
    ok for breakfast i eat about 6:30 am and then a snack bout 9:45 with my kids at daycare and then lunch at 1 and then maybe another snack around 3 if i eat then and then supper between son plays soccer and is now doing t-ball also. i eat weight watchers smart ones for lunch mostly and south beach diet bars and stuff like that for snacks.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Is it inhibiting your weight loss? 200 might not be much in the grand scheme of things.
  • bjpiper74
    bjpiper74 Posts: 13
    i am suppost to weigh for my heights 128-135 or something. i am considered obese.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Are you logging all your foods?
    If not, then give it a try.
    If so, then look & see where there are 200 calories you could do without. Cut something (or substitute something) that isn't near & dear to your day.
  • Hodgsonp
    Hodgsonp Posts: 5
    I agree with ghanie, maybe 200 calories is okay depending on what your daily calorie count is. For example if you are on 1200 calories a day then eating an exrta 200 calories will still allow you to lose weight. Remember the more active your livestyle the more calories you need. An active life style does not always mean organized exercise. If you walk all day at work and stand at the ball games that all burns energy.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    dang this is hard. everyday i go over in calories just about like 200 over. i work from 5:30 in the morning and don't get off till about 5 or 7:30 and then on the days i get off at 5 i have sports for my son. what in the heck can i do?????????? this is driving me nuts

    one thing that helps with all tough things is to actually accept that is is tough

    this is not easy and if you can accept that then you can focus on dealing with it

    nothing worthwhile is least not at first...

    tough it out until you get into a routine and then it will be much easier
  • bjpiper74
    bjpiper74 Posts: 13
    my calorie intake on this site says for it to be 1710....i go to 1800-1900 ...i eat small meals all day. i eat smart ones for lunch ussually and yogurt for snack or a half a bagel for breakfast ...and for afternoon snack usually a south beach diet bar. it's the homecooked meals that make me go over and i eat small portions of that. but i eat like roast, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, pork chops in mushroom soup, etc.
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    Maybe it's time for some new cookbooks? If the homecooked meals are sending you over your limits, lighten some of the traditional ones up. My favorite cookbook right now is "Good Carb Meals in Minutes" by Linda Gassenheimer. Yummy, simple, and she gives you the calorie counts, so they're easy to enter into MFP. I checked Linda's book out at the library, and I like it so much I'll be buying it this weekend. Pampered Chef's "Healthy Recipes for Busy Families" is pretty good too.

    The other option is adding more exercise to your day so that you balance out. I can hear the groans - but if you really want to be at the 500 calorie deficit, then add a 30 minute walk to your routine - and burn off the extra 200 calories. 15 minutes here, 15 minutes there, you get the idea.

    Good luck!
  • Hodgsonp
    Hodgsonp Posts: 5
    Diet bars tend to have more calories than one may need. You might save calories if you eat a salad with some tuna on it instead.

    Keep up the good work, and keep trying new things until you find out what works :)