Starting C25K!

Hi All!

Last spring I completed the C25K program and was feeling great! I had great plans to build up to a 10K as the weather got beautiful and I was really starting to enjoy running! Unfortunately, the summer became filled with work, beach, and parties and it surely got the best of me. I stopped running and working out and gained all of those awful pounds back! I'm back on MFP and I'm ready to start C25K again! I want to start ENJOYING running again!

Who's With Me?! Anyone out there ready to give it a try and interested in keeping each other accountable? Friend me! :)


  • ChristinaLConway
    ChristinaLConway Posts: 115 Member
    Im planning to start it Monday (after I finish up my last week of JM ripped in 30)
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    just started tonight. NOw I just hope I can keep up the motivation
  • ardavis23
    ardavis23 Posts: 95 Member
    Im starting mine tonight!!!!
  • OhSuzzz
    OhSuzzz Posts: 44 Member
    Just wanted to say good luck :) I'm doing the 5k in 100 days program, which is similar. Starting Week 3 on Thursday!! Keep the focus, it's worth the work!