need high protein diet


Im new to "myfitnesspal" and would like a high protien diet to feed me over 5 to 6 meals with my carbs loaded 60- 30- 20 break,lunch,dinner. I workout heavy 2x a week at 60min and cardio the other 3x at 30min.

So ideally i'd like a front loaded meal plan for my days, ive had some trouble finding this out as im 6'4 and 251 lbs my bmi is 30.5 (high yes) my calories a day resting are 2,195 I cant seem to find on here or get system to work out for a diet for me.... My aim is gain some size and lose weight of course with an active scdule and working out the weight lose will ocme naturallly so my focus will be more on muscle and recovery. So if i've looked for protien per pound of body weight it says 1.0 to 1.5 or higher for protien intake I was thinking since im large and in charge now i would injest 200grams per day until my wieght starts to fall then adjust accordingly and then have my carbs low at around 200 or 300 with fats high (udos oils)

Hope someone understand what im chasing here and I look forword to hearing from you. Only 3 years ago I was in mega shape before become and alcholoic. thanks in advance.


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I eat a lot of meat
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Have a look at my diary, I eat that much protein...
  • born4uuuu
    So if I wanted a high protien diet front loaded then best way to do it is chicken, pastas and steak, eggs... issues i have is being in the philippines and dont have access to what most peolpe have access too.

    Wake up 5am (nitrotech protien powder

    sample meal (breakfest) 4 egg whites scambleed, 2cups rice and water

    sample snack

    Canned tuna in water , bowel of mixed fruits ie apples,strawberry, grapes


    Boneless skinless chickenbreast 4oz, plain spagetti pasta witn 1 table spon of olive oil


    stuck here

    bonessless skinlees chickenbreast, small fruits ie bananna or oranges.

    nitro tech protien shake

    try for 8 glasses of water
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    So if I wanted a high protien diet front loaded then best way to do it is chicken, pastas and steak, eggs... issues i have is being in the philippines and dont have access to what most peolpe have access too.

    Wake up 5am (nitrotech protien powder

    sample meal (breakfest) 4 egg whites scambleed, 2cups rice and water

    sample snack

    Canned tuna in water , bowel of mixed fruits ie apples,strawberry, grapes


    Boneless skinless chickenbreast 4oz, plain spagetti pasta witn 1 table spon of olive oil


    stuck here

    bonessless skinlees chickenbreast, small fruits ie bananna or oranges.

    nitro tech protien shake

    try for 8 glasses of water

    You could have another shake at 3. Sometimes I have a shake with half a banana, 1/2 cup of coffee and a tbsp of PB.... OMG!! It's sooo good!! Or have some hard boiled eggs... or canned salmon too, has a ton of protein in it.