


  • rebecca_lc28
    rebecca_lc28 Posts: 93 Member
    i have 2 first is my butter fly believe tattoo
    I got the word BELIEVE tattooed on my wrist with a butterfly because butterfly symbolizes change... And as a daily reminder that I can turn my old life in to a new life I got the butterfly in black color because I read that the color black is a strong yet subtle color... The black butterfly symbolizes the new strong but subtle life after a period of transformation

    The butterfly on my arm is also a daily reminder to make changes when the opportunity arises. Change and transformation are inevitable for all of us... But it dose not have to be traumatic!
    The word believe is really self explanatory meaning if you want to do anthing in this life you need to put you mind to it and just BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!

    and my second one is a little silly BUT I LOVE LINKIN PARK .. so i have there band symbol on the back on my neck :D
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    I have 'MONSTER' inside my lip. Got it when I was 16 to commemorate my youth. Figured I'd end up regretting it, so I got it somewhere no-one would see and they often disappear anyway within 5-ish years. But it has been four and I still like it a lot. I do need to get it touched up.

    Then I have one on each foot. They are excerpts of Charles Bukowski poems, in memory of my grandfathers. I typed them out on my maternal grandfather's typewriter, then assigned them a little symbol each, a cricket and an anchor. One is the last paragraph from For Jane:

    what you were
    will not happen again.
    the tigers have found me
    and I do not care.

    And the other is from For Jane: With All the Love I Had, Which Was Not Enough:

    and I call God a liar,
    I say anything that moved
    like that
    or knew
    my name
    could never die

    Flash makes 'em look icky.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Butterfly on right lower calf. No regrets. Would like another one but have decided what exactly or where.
  • Spliceintuit
    Spliceintuit Posts: 26 Member
    It took me years to decide on my tattoos. Summer of 2011, I finally had them done. I love my tats! I have 3 tattoos of stephanotis (my favorite flowers that I picked for my bridal bouquet during my wedding), one small, one medium and one large representing my 3 boys on the left side of my torso in black. On the right side of my torso, I have 3 dragonflies, swishing different directions, one mainly blue, one in green and one in purple. Each one represent my sister. One sister the dragonfly in the middle is my oldest sister that died when she was only 18 months old. I will have a set of 3 more tattoos to complete my vision. I do things in 3s. I graduated high school in 3 years, finished school in 3 years, have 3 boys.... it wasn't the plan, but I like it:)
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I also got a ladybug on my shoulder at 17...or maybe 18 years old :-)

    Tribal sun on my shoulder (no *kitten*)
    Lion's head on my chest
    Homemade ex gf name carved into my hip (x-acto blade and school ink)
    and for my finale a capital M branded on my right arm (highschool football stupidity)

    They're not the greatest tats, but they're mine. Everything was done in Highschool. I have visions of getting work done on my sun and lion, both on the left side. I would like to have them cleaned up some and then start working on a chest-half sleeve (not sure if thats what you call it.

    I also want the Louisville Slugger logo tatted on my right inner bicep. I want it to look as if it was burned in. I'm from Louisville, so....

    I have a tribal sun and added a tribal looking phoenix red and black when I lost 100 lbs. I also got a Boston Redsox old school B on my other Bicep. The sun is on the bicep and the phoenix goes from my bicep up and over my shoulder. My trainer has his daugthers footprints from when she was born tattooed on him, which is pretty cool and I think one day when my wife and I have a baby, I am stealing his idea.

  • celticknot83
    celticknot83 Posts: 12 Member
    We'll I got my first one when I was 21, to cover a bad scar from childhood. From there I currently have 8. Some I love still, some are what was I thinking..

    1st- Middle of back, thorns heart shaped with a purple flower-still like but is badly faded-got to cover scar
    2nd-Right ankle-trinity symbol-all black-love celtic knots-I'll admit got it cause I loved Charmed
    3rd-lower back....tramp stamp area. Celtic knot work all black.Got it for my bday.
    4th- Left ankle-Dolphin/mood with purple/pink background shading. my friend carol and I went I picked hers, she picked mine.
    5th-Was drunk dont remember getting it. A gothic tinkerbell, wish I never got it.
    6th-Jesus Fish all black, left wrist. My grandma was very sick, she was the one that helped me become a christain. Still love it, but a lot of church people try to get me to go to church with them.
    7th-About a week after my gramma passed away I got something for both my grandparents. Since my grandpa passed in 91. This would be the perfect time to do something. So on my left inside forarm 2 inches below my jesus fish. Is 2 angel wing,heart/olson.
    8th-On the other side of forarm, still on left arm. My family dog who I've had for 18 years 11 months, passed away this past summer. My brother and I got matching tatts. 3 paw prints, with the word Seirra.

    Since I was thinking about getting a tattoo for my other grandparents I could put it on my right inside forarm. I don't what to do for it. I would also like to get my nieces name somewhere. maybe to cover something.
  • I have a one simple red maple leaf on my left shoulder. i was 14 years old, my brother was 17 and some guy tattooed us both in my brother passed away when i was 18 so i keep it as a memory because it was something i can always remember us doing together. other wise i probably would redo it or cover it because it really isn't that great looking..kinda like a jail tat.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I have two - the outline of a tree in brown ink on my left wrist, and two hands cupped together in black ink on my right. I love them both, but I don't want more tattoos.
  • CaitlinMyers428
    CaitlinMyers428 Posts: 151 Member
    I got a music note and stars on the top of my foot when I was 19 and I still love it. I love music!
    I want my babies names on my shoulder once I'm done having kids.
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    I want my childhood dachshund's paw print on my foot in remembrance of her.
  • TC1728
    TC1728 Posts: 264 Member
    I have the number "17" in block with a lightning bolt through the middle. "17" was my number when I played professional baseball. I drew it out when I was 21 and got it for my 40th birthday.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    At the moment I have one full Sleeve :) It was all free handed and has taken over 90hours resulting in me spending over $8000 so far.

    I will be looking at getting another sleeve in the near future :) once I have recovered from all the money I have spent on this one haha
  • <
    Got mine when I was 248 pounds and it has never looked so good at 169.
  • TC1728
    TC1728 Posts: 264 Member
    I have a one simple red maple leaf on my left shoulder. i was 14 years old, my brother was 17 and some guy tattooed us both in my brother passed away when i was 18 so i keep it as a memory because it was something i can always remember us doing together. other wise i probably would redo it or cover it because it really isn't that great looking..kinda like a jail tat.

    I can't think of a more valuable, meaningful tattoo that anyone could have. Amazing story.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Have a tribal butterfly between my shoulder blades signifying rebirth , new life, transformation!
  • oh dear, where do i start, i have three awesome pictures/portraits of my beautiful children going across my back with the word cherish underneath. Then i have a cancer poem on my abdominal side, a Polynesian half sleeve on my right arm which means survivor, a Polynesian half sleeve on my left arm which means family, and oh by the way i have no Polynesian in me, just a great respect for the art. Also on my left arm i have the Hebrew spelling of karma/do good and receive good and the slogan LIVESTRONG just to the other side of karma. on my left leg i have a Celtic cross to display my faith in God. on the right leg i have the Disney castle with a runner for every marathon I've ran and a set of balloons just above that for every half marathon. then on the back of my right calf i have a Celtic circle which means the circle of life.

    I dont know if i will ever be done getting tattoos. Everyone always asks me, what happens to all that mess when you get to be 50 or 60? My response to them is simply; what happens if i dont make it to the age of 50 or 60. when i was 19 i was diagnosed with cancer and it took me 6 years to get rid of it. at that point in my life i said that i was going to do what i wanted to do and not regret it. I will worry about my 50's and 60's when i get there, but for now I'm takin care of business!!!
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    I have one tat, a red moon with clouds and trees on my left ankle. My best friend of over 20 yrs passed away last yr from cancer. The night I met her the moon turned red. She had a winnie the pooh tat on her right ankle, if I ever find a pic of it, I'll have the same one on my right ankle as well.
    I'm planning one for my children (I have 3 dermals on my right wrist for them, birthstones) I also want frogs and lily pads, probly on my foot. As well as a pisces fish on my lower abdomen, either directly below my belly button, or to the right side of it.
    Who knows after that :)
  • Banrion
    Banrion Posts: 157 Member
    I have plans to get the bow of Artemis tattooed on my right front rib area, I know its gonna hurt like the devil though!!
  • You have to gain/ lose significant weight before it will affect the appearance of any tattoo. when i say significant i mean 60 or more pounds. My tattoos help keep me motivated to stay on track so i cant show them off, and i'm a bigger guy, so this is extremely important to me.
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    tribal-ish maple leaf upper back (first one)
    woodstock logo left top of my back
    stars that start on the right side of my back and go over the collar bone (like 13. three match my cousins)
    1st kiddo footprints shaped into a heart on my lower back
    2nd kiddos footprints on the tops of my feet
    big tree on my side/ribcage. done when i got to my goal weight. gaelic words "nothing without effort" and right under it.
    goth-y fairy on my shoulder area.
    and i have a stupid heart with flames on my chest. picked it out in like 5 minutes. that's what i get for not thinking about what i want.
    plan on having it covered up with something.

    oh and i want sparrows done.
    i need to start planning my next one.