healthy eating = stomach aches?

Every time i incorperate fruits and veggies into my diet, i feel sick to my stomach! Does anyone else have this problem? Does my stomach have a hard time digesting these foods? When im not watching what im eating or incorperating fruits and veggies im fine! What gives?


  • i have that issue too, it usually happens when i try to change my diet to go back to your normal diet for a day and start again, really slow and build maybe switch in some veggies/fruits 1 meal for a week and add on each week. it worked for me. :)
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Any big sudden change in your diet is likely to cause some initial disruption. Your gut bacteria have adapted to their usual fare, and need to adjust, which takes a few days. If I eat very clean for a couple of weeks and then eat a chocolate bar out of the blue, it sends me running to the loo.
  • I'm opposite. HOWEVER, I will say that some green vegetables will upset my stomach. As for fruits, if you eat them after you eat something else, you will usually have a stomachache because fruit digests very quickly. SO - the key is to eat fruit at least two hours before a meal because it needs that digesting time.

    Some dark green veggies are harder to digest - like broccoli or some lettuce. Try keeping a food journal to see what upsets your stomach and what doesn't.
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    I recently "detoxed" off crap food... and ate nothing but natural foods... veggies, proteins and fruits. I was so nauseas, headaches, etc.... lasted for about 4 days. Worst 4 days ever, felt like a really bad flu, with muscle cramps, twitches, etc... but then that all subsided, and now I feel great!

    if the "detox symptoms" (dont know how else to explain it, sorry) are too much, try making gradual changes... from white rice to brown rice, from white pasta to whole wheat, etc. I also got extremely constipated (TMI i know) but after a few days it subsided.

    i'm sorry you are going through this. keep at it though, it does get better.

  • Laviegurl25
    Laviegurl25 Posts: 121 Member
    i have gone through this before as well. when i was doing a bootcamp. i had done it for three months and the entire time i was nauseas. and i didnt eat any junk food or fatty foods in that time frame. thanks for your guys help. it gave me a couple of ideas to see if it helps!
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I've gone through something sort of similar.

    I didn't get stomach aches, but more like digestion pains. It *really* hurt, I felt like I was cramping pretty badly, could feel it in my abdomen, below the stomach. It would happen usually after eating a large amount of fruits/veggies with nothing else.

    Often, I'd get it after eating a ton of baby carrots (I'd eat a LOT in one sitting). I read into it and found that some fruits/veggies can be hard to digest raw. This is silly, but what fixed it for me was simply chewing my carrots more. The pains with other veggies went away. I think maybe there's an adjustment period... just chew carefully, and introduce more healthy foods in a little more slowly, til they stop hurting your stomach... and if they still do, see a doctor. And remember to always wash produce really well - it has more potential for germs than the unhealthy packaged stuff does.