weighing once a week to every day



  • JessicaEPope
    JessicaEPope Posts: 88 Member
    I weight myself every morning, I tend to have a running average in my head as I know weight can fluctuate by an awful lot within a day! I only tend to change my weight on here once the lower weight has been averaging for a week or so, looking forward to checking in my new weight in the next week or so as I'm a bit lower at the moment :)

    For me, If i logged my new weight now, and turned out weight was higher for next few weeks and this was just a temporary blip then I'd be more miserable than waiting to log it and being sure i have reached this weight. This means that I also am aware I'm usually a bit lighter than my profile says so i don't feel bad about my progress. Haha yes I know that's a bit confusing sorry!
  • MrsCurtisinTX
    MrsCurtisinTX Posts: 88 Member
    I think everyone has their own preferences for whatever their reason might be. For me I only weigh around every two weeks. I did the every day thing and I got to be too nerve wracking for me. This way I stay focused on the goal at hand which is eating right and exercising to drop those pounds. If weighing everyday works for you then by all means do it girl!
  • This is my philosophy too:
    Scales don't lie. The number you see if real... for that moment in time.

    Weight loss, however, is not a linear process. So sometimes you will be surprised. Weight may be up some when it you expect it to be down or down when you expect it up.

    But weighing every day will allow you to see and understand this non-linearity and not freak out like you would if you only weighed once a week and happened to hit one of those unexpectedly heavy days.

    For me, weighing only week is a path toward madness. I'm a huge proponent of weighing daily, learning about the daily fluctuations but also seeing the proof that consuming moderately fewer calories than you consume on a consistent basis WILL lead to long term, sustainable weight loss.

    Good luck on your journey!

    Makes a lot of sense
  • I weigh every morning while mostly naked after relieving myself but before consuming anything (even water). I write the number down in my notebook, then transfer it to several different trackers. One of the trackers I use is the Hacker's Diet, which calculates a trend graph, and reinforces my weight loss achievements even more. Even though my weight fluctuates as much as 1.5-2 pounds day-to-day, the trend is sloping ever downwards!
  • velarneyraptor
    velarneyraptor Posts: 94 Member
    I used to weigh every day, but then gradually realised that if I had a gain on the scales, no matter how small, it made me disillusioned and then I lost motivation.

    Now I weigh just once a week and it's working fine for me.

    This is exactly what used to happen to me..
  • velarneyraptor
    velarneyraptor Posts: 94 Member
    I weigh every morning while mostly naked after relieving myself but before consuming anything (even water). I write the number down in my notebook, then transfer it to several different trackers. One of the trackers I use is the Hacker's Diet, which calculates a trend graph, and reinforces my weight loss achievements even more. Even though my weight fluctuates as much as 1.5-2 pounds day-to-day, the trend is sloping ever downwards!

    This is really good, I have never heard of it, but I will give it a try!! Thanks :)
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    I'm a once-a-week guy. I occasionally check up on myself midweek, but otherwise, it's first thing in the morning on Mondays, even before coffee -- and there is very little in my life that happens before coffee.
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