How to get his attention



  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Men don't like mixed signals or interpreting code. I suggest: "Hi. Let's date."
  • edenxoxo
    Sooo moving on from that.....

    Any stories of what guys and girls have done in the past to get a love interest attention???Xx
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    aw man, he's your friend already? this can end bad
  • thinkingthingirl
    thinkingthingirl Posts: 153 Member
    but babe if he likes you then you will already be on his mind.

    Very True!!

    I feel because he has a lot of interest already that I need to be extra special to "stand out from the crowd"

    We have loads of common interests but I feel we may have covered them already.... He's a gym addict like me.... Very into sports like me... I feel like I need a general talking point though.

    Maybe I'm wasting my time... everythings worth a shot though hey

    If I could sing for my girl in a boxer under her college window then you sure as hell can pull this off!! Go get your man

    no way???!! Thats so romantic!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Life's too short to obsess. Ask him out for coffee. Basically "I really enjoy your company and I'd like to get to know you better. Would you like to go for coffee sometime?"

    This. It's 2011, not 1911. Go for what you want.
  • thinkingthingirl
    thinkingthingirl Posts: 153 Member
    Sooo moving on from that.....

    Any stories of what guys and girls have done in the past to get a love interest attention???Xx

    I organised a house party just so my crush wud turn up and id have an excuse to hang with him. Not a good idea, my house was trashed and he didnt even show. But then im a silly billy
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    Sooo moving on from that.....

    Any stories of what guys and girls have done in the past to get a love interest attention???Xx

    I went with my friend to his girlfriends house to crash a Julia Roberts movie marathon to speak to a girl that was going to me there. We dated and it was the worst relationship i ever had..I now despise Julia Roberts!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    If youre going to be at the same event... skip the BBM or text and just walk up and talk to him. Be you. Be confident. Be forward.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Why are you trying to get his attention via Facebook or Blackberry? Maybe I misunderstood your post, but I think a direct approach will get you a lot farther with this guy (or any guy). Personally, I hate when guys try to flirt with me online or via text message. It says to me "I don't like you enough to actually call you or come over and talk to you."

    If you've been friends for a while, I don't think it would be weird at all for you to initiate an actual conversation. Ask him to hang out with you. If he says no or comes up with what sounds like a bogus excuse, then you know he's not interested, and you can move on. If he says yes, the door is open.

    As for asking him out on a date, I personally wouldn't go that far. Things differ from place to place, but where I'm from, the only guys who like being asked out on dates are the wimps and the *kitten* who don't want to do any of the work. All men like to know ahead of time that there is some interest on your part and that they aren't leaping blindly into the Land of Rejection and Ego Destruction, so it's okay to let a guy know you like him. I'm usually pretty direct about this. Not in a creepy, fatal attraction sort of way, just something simple and honest. But once I've done that, if he still hasn't asked me out, I assume he either isn't interested or that he's so clueless I would end up strangling him inside a month if we ever started dating.
  • much2gain
    I'm going to go against the grain of advice on this one and say not to chase him. From my experience, the more you chase and fawn over men, the less interest they have. Just be a confident woman in his presence and do the things YOU enjoy, that will get his attention. Maybe one bold move to let him know your interest.. such as the coffee/movie ideas. It sounds like this person already has the attention from the ladies so for you to be just another girl that "wants" him, it's nothing outstanding from his perspective. If he likes you and is aware that you are single, let him chase you. If after your bold move he still leaves things at "friends" decide if that is what you want or not. If not, move on.
  • edenxoxo
    It sounds like this person already has the attention from the ladies so for you to be just another girl that "wants" him, it's nothing outstanding from his perspective. If he likes you and is aware that you are single, let him chase you. If after your bold move he still leaves things at "friends" decide if that is what you want or not. If not, move on.

    Good point!!!!!

    I am going to be myself... If he isn't intertested i'm off! :D