Weird things found in foods...



  • Toenges1
    Toenges1 Posts: 99 Member
    My 10 year old son (who is the Cliff Claven of our family) told me this "little known fact" that he read in a useless trivia book:

    The average size chocolate bar could have as many as 150 different bugs in it. Why? You cannot wash cocoa beans - or they lose their integrity. So, whatever is on the cocoa beans when they were picked, gets ground into cocoa powder.

    In reading this post, many of your findings were in chocolate.....
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I once found A bloody bandaid in a burger I ordered from a small mom & pop place. I never ever went back, and I always check burgers and things like that before eating them now - no matter where I am.

    That is absolutely disgusting!
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member
    Why the hell did I decide to read this as I was eating breakfast? Yuck! LOL!

    I'd like to add that the grossest thing I found was in a can of tuna fish. I bit into a bone. Ewww, I didn't eat canned tuna for quite awhile.
  • pookie53
    pookie53 Posts: 18 Member
    I opened a can of green beans once and found a whole grasshopper....took me awhile before I could eat
    a green been again...Ewwwwww!!!!:noway:
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Thanks for giving me the (URP) incentive I needed to pass up those donuts in the break room this morning. I think I'm gonna be off my feed for at least a WEEK after this thread. :laugh:
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Human nail on a pizza
  • danabrown68
  • danabrown68
    My boyfriend has never gone back to KFC ever again after he found feathers were still attached to his food.

    I've never had any horrific stories, apart from finding workers hairs in my food. Of course I got a free meal after I returned it, but it makes me so very wary of going back. Why did they not think about wearing hairnets?!

    You eat dead chickens. They had feathers when they were still alive. ._. I don't get it.

    Seriously? You think because a person eats chicken meat, that they should eat the feathers? I think that this is a vegan gone astray. And if you are not a vegan, just a vegetarian, do you eat the egg shell? You choose for you, we will choose for us.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    Why the hell did I decide to read this as I was eating breakfast? Yuck! LOL!

    HA! I did the same thing.

    I think the worst I've found aside from the inevitable hair was a metal wire bristle from the brush used to clean the stove at a Chinese restaurant we use to go to. I didn't find it until after I swallowed it and it got hung up in my throat. I managed to cough it up. The owner, whom we told, didn't realize I had actually swallowed it but only thought I found it in my food. She made the cook break down the entire stove and scrub it clean (we saw this happen). A few weeks later some friends that were with us when it happened went back and the owner stated she hadn't seen us come in (we were regular customers). One of them said I didn't want to come back after I choked on the bristle. THAT'S when they realized I didn't just find it in my food. Needless to say, I've never been back and I never received compensation.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Well there goes my appetite...

    I remember as a kid our school tried ordering pizza from a Ma & Pop place down the road. Every classroom had a complaint: hair in the pizza, pebbles in the pizza, paper towel between the sauce and crust, etc.

    5 years ago I bought a egg mcmuffin from McDonalds--I bit into and and got a mouth full of shells and saw that for some reason the entire egg product was freaking GREEN. I haven't been able to eat one since.

    Not sure why it puts me off so much, but every time I find an egg shell in my egg salad sandwich, it puts me off of them for at least 5 years.

    I also haven't eaten a wrap at Kelsey's in years after finding what looked like a half digested tooth pick mixed in with the chicken.

    I also haven't been able to go apple picking or bake apple pies since finding a big fat white worm in a granny smith when I was 16.

    I think if I were to find a cockroach in my food, I'd projectile vomit all over the place.
  • kbonamour
    kbonamour Posts: 49 Member
    After reading all these, my appetite has gone away! Maybe I need to read about gross things in food more often, lol!
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    When I worked at a grocery store we had a lady come in a complain that the candy bar she bought at the checkouts had worms in them. They made me and another employee take all the candy and go through it one by one and check for worm holes. :sick: Let's just say we found alot. I've never bought a candy bar from a grocery store since that happened.
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    I was in a restaurant once and bit into a sizable chunk of glass mayonaise jar. Apparently the jar broke off when putting mayo on the sandwich. How can you miss a chunk of glass the size of a chicken egg? Needless to say, we've never been back. Guardian Angel was definitely watching over me that day.
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    1. In Peru I ate a fritter thing from a street vendor. I'm all for 'when in Rome' and trying new things, but not only did it taste awful (just imagine a ball of grease) but I pulled a bone out my mouth. It looked like a cartoon dog bone, you know, like the 'balls' on the end, and I just thought 'rat'. Still don't (want to) know what that was...

    2. At lunch a few months ago my friend found an industrial sized staple in her burger, THEN cellophane in her cheesecake!

    I'm sure there are loads more. Nothing puts me off my food (hence why I'm here!)!
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    My boyfriend has never gone back to KFC ever again after he found feathers were still attached to his food.

    I've never had any horrific stories, apart from finding workers hairs in my food. Of course I got a free meal after I returned it, but it makes me so very wary of going back. Why did they not think about wearing hairnets?!

    You eat dead chickens. They had feathers when they were still alive. ._. I don't get it.

    Seriously? You think because a person eats chicken meat, that they should eat the feathers? I think that this is a vegan gone astray. And if you are not a vegan, just a vegetarian, do you eat the egg shell? You choose for you, we will choose for us.

    Never said someone "should" eat feathers, did I? Where did you read that? I just don't see how someone could stop eating from a certain place because there are feathers on their chicken. Chickens have feathers. Eggs have shells. Ribs obviously have bones. You run into these things because they naturally exist. It would be more understandable if the actual "weird" thing found in the food was weird (like a tampon or an earring).

    Not a vegan gone astray from my side. More like reading comprehension gone down the drain from the other.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    While eating in my high school cafeteria (some 7 or 8 years ago), I found what appeared to be the small leg of a cockroach. It was in my salad, but when I found it, it'd been on my lip. I tried thinking about it rationally. Things like this happened all the time from what I'd heard from other students. Maybe the cockroach fell into the entire salad mix, and I was fortunate enough to end up with the leg. Sadly by the end of the lunch period, I was more panicked thinking that maybe I'D ingested the entire cockroach unknowingly. As soon as the bell rang, I went to puke.

    On another note, I visited this one little mom and pop restaurant with a friend after hitting the gym. It's no biggie of course, but I pulled the single longest blonde hair I have ever seen out of my mouth... only three seconds after sipping my ice water. I was much cooler about this situation though.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Nothing weird IN food but to comment on you getting coupons for a manufacturers ice tea issue I bought a box of Fibre 1 bars and there were only 4 in it rather than 5. They gave me a coupon for a free box and 2, $1 off coupons after I emailed a sob storey about wanting to switch to All Bran bars after this "horrible" incident, lol!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I found a LARGE green beetle looking bug in one of those green giant, microwaveable veggie pouches. I called them and the lady told me it happens all the time. I wasn't THAT grossed out, but I also didn't ever have it in my mouth either.

    I also found some feathers in a package of raw, organic chicken. I know it shouldn't bother me too much, but I just can't bring myself to buy that same brand again.

    I worked at Applebees when I was in high school and unknowingly served a table a sundae with maggots all over the top of it (hey - I was BUSY!). The maggots were in the nut topping - went to the box where they kept the nuts and it was infested. :sick:
  • Rain_Howard
    It's not what you see and find that should concern you. It's what you don't see, don't taste and don't know about. If you want to get truly disgusted hit up the google and check out what the FDA considers "acceptable amounts" of certain items in our food. Or look of some of those unpronounceable ingredients found in various food items and what else they are used for. I find it fascinating that an industrial cleaning agent is also used for a binding agent in certain foods and most vitamins.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    It's not what you see and find that should concern you. It's what you don't see, don't taste and don't know about. If you want to get truly disgusted hit up the google and check out what the FDA considers "acceptable amounts" of certain items in our food. Or look of some of those unpronounceable ingredients found in various food items and what else they are used for. I find it fascinating that an industrial cleaning agent is also used for a binding agent in certain foods and most vitamins.

    No thanks - I'm perfectly happy being ignorant to those things!