Let's try posting how AWESOME our significant others are for



  • Nic620
    Nic620 Posts: 553 Member
    < Gets on soap box>

    Why are there so many "My boyfriend sucks" posts? Let's start a shout out to all those who are suportive and encouraging day in and day out.

    You know what mine ROCKS! He is super encouraging, helps me get things done so I can spend time at the gym, never complains when i am tired, tells me I look great both now and before, and hardly ever rolls his eyes when i use MFP in public :) Thank you~

    <Gets off Soap box>

    Cute post! Made me smile!

    I have to toot my husbands horn as well.
    I now weight less then I can ever remember. Maybe I was this size as a teenager? Not sure I always had a warped sense of what I looked like. My husband and I have been together 17 years. More then half of our lives we've been together. He never has once ever made me feel less than beautiful and my weight has never been HIS issue. When I was 21 I was my biggest( clearly see this from pictures even thou I was oblivious to it), he never wasn't proud to stand tall next to me and tell me how beautiful I was. Now fast forward 9 years we have a toddler and since I've joined MFP over two months ago and really committed to being healthy for us and our daughter, he is the one pushing me to get my work out in and taking over things with our daughter so I can go work out. Im told im inpspiring and beautiful all the time. He's been my number one cheerleader....all throughout our lives and especially now. I'll never know why I lucked out at such an early age to have crossed paths with ths man, but I did luck out and he's always been my constant. Without his support ths would have been a harder journey. Thank you Rich! Xo
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    My husband has been amazing though the whole the process.
    Loving me when two kids in two years pushed me over 225 lbs. Saying yes when I decided a $90 Beachboby product was the answer, Saying yes when I decided to join WW (and agreeing to eat whatever I made for us as long as there was no tofu). Being the only one who is there to see the tears of pain or disappointment when I stumbled along the way. And of course being there for the happy tears of amazement at how far I have come.

    Most of all he is there to give me compliments that would be totally inappropriate coming from anyone else, we were laying in bed talking about our day and he was rubbing my belly, "Sweety, I think your belly skin has gotten tighter" Awesome compliment, totally inappropriate from anyone else. :happy: :love: :laugh:
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I'm super spoiled in all departments of our relationship! :) I love him more everyday :love:

    He's an amazing dad to our three kids, a huge help when it comes to everything around the house, etc! LOVE LOVE LOVE that man.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    My boyfriend is awesome in so many ways .. but when it comes to my decision to get fit, he's a champ. He doesn't sugar coat things, doesn't get in my way, and never tries to feed me lines.. he lets me know that he's going to be here with me through whatever I need to do, and he'll support me in any way I need.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I like this idea! My wife is great! She tries to help me all along the way of my weight loss, but that's only a small piece of our lives. We've been married for 27 years. Through thick and thin, we stuck through it. At this point in my life she is my best friend!
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    We had a post like this not so long ago.

    My hubs is amazing! I am working full time - have a new addiction to working out - AND I am back in school working on my degree. He usually cooks and he does quite a bit of cleaning as well. On top of that - he can't keep his hands off of me! I think I'll keep him! :heart:
  • Nogo
    Nogo Posts: 105 Member
    My best girlfriend gave me the biggest compliment today - that she is envious of what My Charmer and I have. He tells me daily I am the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen in his life but still supports my weight loss endeavor.

    He doesn’t always like that my choices affect what he eats & most things are sugar free, fat free & low calorie. The 1st time we grocery shopped I sent him to pick up a can of bug spray & he was taking forever. I went over and asked what was up. He said "I was just looking for the fat free stuff baby!"
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    My husband & I started got married January 4, 2003. We started MFP June 28th, 2011 together! He is, has and always will be my very best friend. We have a healthy competition going all the time of who is eating healthier or burning more calories. While he has lost 70lbs & me 45, we love and support each other through thick and thin....literally!! :blushes: I could NOT do this without him!! I am a 315lb woman and I am trying to be a runner. He walks alongside me and when I am ready to jog, he becomes my cheerleader/coach. Without him I might give up sooner. He's my rock, my protector, my lover and my life. Praise God for such a GOOD MAN!! Love you baby!!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    My husband told me about how he used to be able to squat 250lbs when I was bragging about my 100....

    But besides that he's awesome. He is responsible for child care 2 weeks days a week. He's an excellent father. He's really great at knowing when I've reached my limits of patience with the children and stepping in, which is amazing since I would have never considered him a patient man before we had children. He is basically paying for me to get my Master's. He is very supportive of my fitness goals. He got me into mountain biking and snowboarding both of which I love (but will never be as good at as he is). He's funny, smart, flirtatious, not afraid to express his emotions and insecurities. And after 9 years of being together the sex is better than ever. :bigsmile:
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    My hubby is super sweet. He watches our child so I can have my own special time for zumba. And he tries hard not to sabatoge me with suggesting unhealthy foods. He has always loved me at any size and that is a beautiful thing. *pass the tissues please*
  • beautifulnovember
    My bf is very supportive. He lets me order all the food when we are out so we are eating a lot heathier. Also he cooks healthy meals for us ike kale and garlic. Yum.
  • littlegemroberts
    My husband is also on here with me, we support each other every day and this time we are both determined to keep the wait off. My husband is fantastic - he tells me I'm gorgeous (even at my heaviest weight) and every weekend when he is home.
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Got you all beat hands down!!
    My husband, before we were married helped me take care of my terminally ill mother. He would carry her to the car to take her to the hospital for treatment.....we were dating for only a few months. We got married...he adores me and my body no matter what size I am, he thinks I'm a goddess......(hard to be angry at that...EVEH!!) Moved in with my father after my mom died...just have to say If we broke up I would have to move out, dad loves him too!! When I got sick he took care of me. I was so wrapped up in treatment and how I was feeling that the house would have fallen apart and the pets would have starved to death if it wasnt for him. He did this ALL without being asked, without complaint and willingly. Had he taken the out I offered when my mom was sick 'you can come back when the smoke clears' I dont know where we would be! He stroked my bald head when I didnt have hair to hold back when I was puking, laughed with me when he towed my heavy *kitten* around on my belly boat so I could fly fish, cause I was too weak to kick myself out onto the lake. He would tell me, and believe himself, when I was pale, sickly and had a funny smell couse of the chemo that I was the most beautiful woman on the planet........
    ,,,,,and I *****ed at him cause he didnt wash his hockey gear =( ...........I'm a turd!!!:embarassed:
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    My husband is super supportive. Always willing to watch the kids, all six of them. Pitches in where ever he is needed &...tells me I'm te sexiest woman in the world! My very best friend!!
  • alib510
    alib510 Posts: 24 Member
    my husband has literally loved me through thick and thin! i weighed 168lbs when i met him and have been every weight between there and 258lbs over the 12 and a half years we've been together and the only reason my weigh bothers him is because it bothers me. we have signed up to mfp together and as previous junk food addicts we have made our own personal breakthrough by not ordering any take aways for the past 3 and a half weeks. he is losing a consistent 3lbs a week and i have lost a total of 11lbs so far.

    he influences my life in so many positive ways, not just about my weight, and i love him xxx
  • LeSsOvMe
    LeSsOvMe Posts: 117
    My husband is Amazing! He's there for me through the good and the bad. I can be a huge pain in the butt, and he still loves me. He's so strong and supportive. He's my best friend. I couldn't imagine what my life would be without him.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    My husband is awesome.. he is kind, generous, fun loving, trustworthy, honest, loyal, a great father and husband and he is my biggest fan.. he tells me how beautiful I am daily..gotta love a man that is like that!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Yes, I see so many posts about others who has a significant other that seems to suck in that posters eyes...........

    We should never take our SO for granted as one person's trash is another person's treasure.

    I have been guilty of taking my SO for granted in the past. Steve Harvey said on his comedy special on HBO "God Ain't Finished With Me Yet" that the reason most couples now days can't or don't stay together that they are so busy looking for someone they CAN live with, that they forget to find the person they CAN'T live without.

    Those words touched in a way not even imaginable. I started looking at my husband in a different light. I think God or a higher power spoke to me because I suddenly started seeing all the things that my husband did right and the things that irked me about him before suddenly were not important.

    I have to tell you that my husband has stuck with me through bi-polar episodes that put us in financial situations, attempted suicide attempts and getting fired from a really good job.

    He will do anything in the world for me and is my one and only one supporter in life. He will give me his last dime if I needed it. He has been my shoulder to try on, my rock to keep me grounded and a voice of reason when I wanted to fight everyone in my path.

    My husband also works hard everyday and is the most honest person I have ever met in my life. Sometimes he is so honest it is a bit on the blunt side, but he always says at least he is honest with people.

    He has loved me when I was 125 pounds and when I was 285 and has never called me fat, acted like he wasn't attracted to me or didn't want to have sex with me due to my weight. He has always called me beautiful, even when I told him he was lying to me.

    My husband also gives foot rubs, shoulder, back and leg massages, cooks breakfast on the weekend and does the laundry and takes out the trash.

    I know he will walk the ends of the earth for me and for that I love him. He is not perfect, but he is perfect for me.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Yes, I see so many posts about others who has a significant other that seems to suck in that posters eyes...........

    We should never take our SO for granted as one person's trash is another person's treasure.

    I have been guilty of taking my SO for granted in the past. Steve Harvey said on his comedy special on HBO "God Ain't Finished With Me Yet" that the reason most couples now days can't or don't stay together that they are so busy looking for someone they CAN live with, that they forget to find the person they CAN'T live without.

    Those words touched in a way not even imaginable. I started looking at my husband in a different light. I think God or a higher power spoke to me because I suddenly started seeing all the things that my husband did right and the things that irked me about him before suddenly were not important.

    I have to tell you that my husband has stuck with me through bi-polar episodes that put us in financial situations, attempted suicide attempts and getting fired from a really good job.

    He will do anything in the world for me and is my one and only one supporter in life. He will give me his last dime if I needed it. He has been my shoulder to try on, my rock to keep me grounded and a voice of reason when I wanted to fight everyone in my path.

    My husband also works hard everyday and is the most honest person I have ever met in my life. Sometimes he is so honest it is a bit on the blunt side, but he always says at least he is honest with people.

    He has loved me when I was 125 pounds and when I was 285 and has never called me fat, acted like he wasn't attracted to me or didn't want to have sex with me due to my weight. He has always called me beautiful, even when I told him he was lying to me.

    My husband also gives foot rubs, shoulder, back and leg massages, cooks breakfast on the weekend and does the laundry and takes out the trash.

    I know he will walk the ends of the earth for me and for that I love him. He is not perfect, but he is perfect for me.
    Oh that is beautiful! it nearly brought tears to my eyes. I say that about my husband often that he is not perfect but he is perfect for me.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    My husband was the one who initially found this site and encouraged me to join. He has since gone to another site as he doesn't deal well with drama! That said, he and are are doing this lifestyle change (not diet) together. He helps cook and prepare our food and this summer started working out with me. He loves me at any size and is always telling me I look good!

    The other day we were talking about my running and I said I get a lot of looks when I'm outside. I said it's probably because I'm larger and the girls are bouncing everywhere! He told me not to worry, that pretty soon they'd be looking for a totally different reason and running into telephone poles like the Allstate commercial. WHAT A SWEETHEART.

    Yeah for awesome SO's!

    Had to edit this to add that right after I posted this Faithfully by Journey popped on on my Ipod. This was one of our songs at our wedding and very apropos!:heart: