What are you taking?.....

Interested in taking some vitamins/supplements like fish oil, calcium, etc...

Just wondering what you are taking and why??? What are the benefits and have you felt/seen results??


  • ladyjh578
    ladyjh578 Posts: 207
    Interested in taking some vitamins/supplements like fish oil, calcium, etc...

    Just wondering what you are taking and why??? What are the benefits and have you felt/seen results??
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Beyond a basic multi-vitamin, I wouldn't take anything that my doctor didn't say I should - without special reason. For example: if I was a vegan, I would take extra calcium, B-12, and maybe Iron. Just my 2 cents. I don't think fish oil or extra vitamins in moderation will hurt you.
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    I take extra calcium and vitamin E.

    The calcium is due to my chiropractor letting me know I had a calcium deficiency. The E is from doing an online analysis of my diet which said I may be low in Vitamin E.

    Vitmans, like anything else, will not hurt you in moderation. And as you age it can be a good idea to make them part of your health plan.
  • babyhippo
    babyhippo Posts: 247
    I take Women's One-a-Day.
    I also recommend asking you Dr. before taking alot of additional supplements. You can take too many.
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
    Also be careful with some of the vitamins mentioned above (fish oil. vitamin E) if you have a blood clotting problem or are on blood thinners, as these and some others also work as blood thinners.

    At the moment, I take a good multi and flax oil, which has a lot of benefits but I use to help keep me regular. I also take iron, because i've been vegetarian since I was twelve, Ester-C because I have a very weak immune system, and a B-complex, which helps with stress and energy.

    I feel comfortable taking all these because I do work in nutrition, and usually have a good idea of what I'm lacking, and what would be helpful to take, but, as babyhippo said, if you're interested in starting a new vitamin regimen it would always be helpful to talk with your regular doctor, or a naturopath doctor, who could help tell you not only what vitamins you're lacking, but what form your body could best absorb.

    A great pre workout supplement for me is Truestar TrueEnergy, which comes in a daily packet that has ginseng and maca for energy, plus amino acids, magnesium and other vitamins. It helps me go that little bit longer, but again, you can always check with your doctor if you're unsure of any of the ingredients. It is quite expensive, though. :tongue:
  • ladyjh578
    ladyjh578 Posts: 207
    I don't take anything now so i am sure i won't be getting too much, right??
  • amadthom
    amadthom Posts: 3
    Not sure if your a Dr. Oz fan, but if you look on Oprah's website it has a LOT of information that he suggests to take and exactly why and how much.
  • rhondababy
    rhondababy Posts: 119
    I take a multi with iron, 500 extra mil. calcium, Flax oil, and vitamin C (1000mg) in crystal form.
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
    Oh, thanks for reminding me, another thing to keep in mind if you're lacking iron is to always take it seperately from your multi.

    You can have iron in your multi, but it won't absorb. You have to take iron seperate from any other foods and vitamins, except vitamin C, if you want.

    The best time to take it is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, with a glass of orange juice to help absorption.

    Calcium should be taken at night, your multi in the morning with breakfast, and vitamin C can be taken at any time.

    Hope that helps.
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    I take a heart healthy flax/fish oil, Glucosamine ( joints, I have hip issues, yes, only 34 and I want a hip replacement) and a multi vitamin:tongue: .
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    I just started taking Bayer Nutritional Science daily multiple, "Vital Body & Cells" formula & an additional calcium & vitamin D supplement...I had a checkup lately and the Dr told me that the new recommendation for women is 600 IU of vitamin D...old school was 400 IU...I'm getting everything I need with these 2 supplements...if I add anything, it would be an additional Vitamin B coctail.
  • enigmakey
    enigmakey Posts: 63 Member
    I was wondering if you know anything about the vitamin E studies. They are saying taking 400IU or more per day can cause early death. I've read many different things. Not sure what to think.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I take calcium, it helps with pms symptoms, however, if you are eatting fresh fruit and veggies there is a lot of controversy over vitamins and whether or not they are worth the cost. I was told by my doc and heard on the news the other day and recently read that just 2 apples a day will give you all you need to worry about.

    I guess it is a personal preference, plus I hate taking pills if I can avoid it (except the calcium :wink: )
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
    I've never heard anything like that about vitamin E, it's actually supposed to help with aging, just remember that it is a blood thinner.

    The daily recommended dose is actually 400 IU, so assuming these studies are legitimate, if they're just saying not to go over the recommended dose, I don't think you have too much to worry about. Just stick with the 400 IU, or you could even go with the 200 IU if you're worried, unless you're sure you're lacking Vitamin E, which is very rare.

    Though if it's something you're unsure of, as long as you don't have a serious deficiency, you don't have to take it at all.

    Hope that helped at all? :tongue:
  • rhondababy
    rhondababy Posts: 119
    Oh, thanks for reminding me, another thing to keep in mind if you're lacking iron is to always take it seperately from your multi.

    You can have iron in your multi, but it won't absorb. You have to take iron seperate from any other foods and vitamins, except vitamin C, if you want.

    The best time to take it is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, with a glass of orange juice to help absorption.

    Calcium should be taken at night, your multi in the morning with breakfast, and vitamin C can be taken at any time.

    Hope that helps.

    Thanks! I didn't know that about the iron...knew I shouldn't take it with calcium, but wasn't aware my stomach should be basically empty, and that i can't absorb it in my multi!
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
    Yup, timing is everything with vitamins, they can be very demanding. :tongue:
  • enigmakey
    enigmakey Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks I feel better about taking it. The Study was by John Hopkins. Thanks for the reply. Your post are very informative:flowerforyou:
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    I take Omega 3, One a day, hair and nail and from Avon, womes twice a day during dieting , replenish..... I love it. I can tell a difference....
  • healthhero
    healthhero Posts: 14 Member
    I take the following:
    1. Juice Plus capsules (get vitamins, antioxidants, etc from whole foods rather than synthetic)
    www.families4health-usa.com if you are interested... (i'm not trying to sell you anything so don't turn me in! I just think it has made a difference for me and my family: less sick, less tired, etc.) PLUS: IF YOU LOOK AT MANY KIDS VITAMINS, THEY CONTAIN DYES, ASPARTAME, HFCS, AND SOME CONTAIN PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED OIL (TRANS FAT) PLEASE READ LABELS!
    2. Probiotics (to help you keep a healthy digestive system which has many benefits and, in turn, helps you to absorb all the nutrients in the foods and supplements you may be taking)
    3. Fish oil (If you eat several servings of oily fish (tuna, salmon, sardines) per week than you don't need to take this
    4. Homocysteine Supreme ( B2, B6, folic acid, B12) These help reduce your homocysteine levels which in turn lowers your risk of heart disease (which is rampant in my family history!) This level should be checked when you have your cholesterol checked. It's just as important!
    5. Immumax ( a combo of Echinachea and Vitamin C) We take this as soon as we start feeling that little tickle/soreness in the back of the throat or just feeling run down. Helps boost that immune system so you don't get sick (or reduces the length of the illness)

    I work for a pediatrition (and he is also my doctor) and he suggested all of the above. He is very anti-medicine and pro-prevention. One thing he highly recommends is puchasing "pharmacy-grade" products. Not just anything off the shelf.

    Sorry this was so long! I also agree that you should speak with your doctor if you have any chronic medical history. Unfortunately, most M.D.'s aren't educated regarding nutrition and supplements and aren't willing to take the time.
    Good luck!