Turkey Trim & Slim Challenge (CLOSED)


Welcome Battle of the Bulge Turkey Trim & Slimmers!!!

To get back to this post you can go to my profile and look in the bottom left corner OR go to our official web site: www.wix.com/prplangl4/trimandslim
(those are Ls in my name, not 1s)

All the rules and weekly results will be posted there, so let me know if you cannot open it! On the resources page I have a thermometer you can print and post for added encouragement, as well as a calendar (to be posted later tonight).

I recommend everyone copy and paste my signature to remind you of your success throughout the challenge.

TOMORROW, WED. NOV 9th: Message me with your (1) Goal Weight for the 5 weeks, (2) Weigh in for Wed. Nov 9th and (3) measurements for the following:

EVERY WEDNESDAY you will need to message me your weight. I will tabulate your weigh loss and % body fat lost and post the full spreadsheet on our web site. Every Wednesday night or Thursday morning I will also post in this message board:
(1) biggest loser for the week by % of body fat
(2) biggest loser for the week by total weight lost
(3) biggest group loser of the week
(4) biggest loser from each group

I will post DAILY challenges/tips/questions to keep everyone logging in daily and supporting each other! You should be logging in every day to record your food intake and exercise, so check in with the group and contribute to discussions!!!
:glasses: Motivational Monday (a challenge or motivating story for the week)
:flowerforyou: Tipsy Tuesday (tips to stay on track)
:love: WEIGHIN WEDNESDAY (send me your weight; share why you did/didn't get the goal weight you wanted)
:drinker: Thirsty Thursdays (water challenge; posts about drinks)
:blushing: Fabulous Fridays (share a NSV or anything that happened this week that has you feeling fabulous!)
:bigsmile: Secrets to Success: S&S (posts will be about sharing your secrets to success!)

Challenge will officially being Wed. Dec. 9th; have decided to give us a fulll 5 weeks so our last weighin will be WED DEC. 14TH! :bigsmile: (5 full weeks of workin out).

Add each other as friends and keep your group mates accountable!!! You don't wanna let your teammates down (muhahaha - spicin up my challenges! :wink: :tongue: )





Tune back in on Wednesday (tomorrow) for the start of our posts! :smooched:



  • tamlom
    tamlom Posts: 49
    I'm here
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Bumping to get this on my profile!! So looking forward to it!
  • Woop woop, can't wait!
  • TheLanora
    TheLanora Posts: 11 Member
    Letttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt's Gooooooooooooooooooooooo Grouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup UNO! :)
  • TheLanora
    TheLanora Posts: 11 Member
    Letttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt's Gooooooooooooooooooooooo Grouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup UNO! :)
  • TheLanora
    TheLanora Posts: 11 Member
    Letttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt's Gooooooooooooooooooooooo Grouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup UNO! :)
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Can't wait to get this started! :)
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    EVVVERYYYBBOOODDY knows its about Group 4!!! :laugh: wooop woooppp!!!
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Group two rules!!!!!!
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Yay!!!! Group 4 bring it!!
  • Group THREE all the way, y'all!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


    Let's get it started - Black Eyed Peas

    Today is our first official day of the challenge.:bigsmile: Please weigh yourself today and send me your CW (current weight); and GW (goal weight) for Dec. 14th. If you'd like to track your inches lost (I encourage everyone to do so) send me your measurements:


    :huh: Have you friended all our turkey trimmers?!? If not get to it!

    (1) Record all you eat and STAY UNDER CALORIES! (we've got a lot of people gettin back in the swing of things so we're starting off simple!).

    (2) EVERYONE post in our message board A LITTLE about yourself (not a novel, just a few facts so we all know each other)
    1. how long you've been working to get in shape
    2. your weight loss successes to date (lbs lost, inches lost, or how you know you're in better shape!)
    3. a NSV since starting your journey (NSV = nonscale victory = not just your weight on the scale, but did someone notice your weightloss, do clothes fit better, etc.)
    4. Why you want to do this challenge

    Visit www.wix.com/prplangl4/trimandslim for all the rules, resources, and some good tunes!

    *Calendar of the month has been posted on the resources page; print it out, put it on your fridge or wall, and keep track of your daily workouts, time, spent working out, and weight loss status for each week! (for all our visual peeps)
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    1. It's been 3 years in the process;
    (year 1) I started in 2009 when my mom started a family biggest loser challenge; that lasted only 3 months and everyone stopped working out; I tried to keep going but after the summer I stopped working out and gained it all back by the new year. My christmas pics that year I looked so fat so...

    (year 2) I started again in Jan 2010, and come Sept I wasn't working out anymore and I gained back what I lost.

    (year 3) Jan 2011 I tried getting going again (I work out 1-2 months and then just stop...horrible!). Since a good challenge keeps me going I started a Battle of the Bulge Summer Slimdown Challenge on MFP (a 3 month challenge) and I lost my most weight: almost 25 lbs! But since the challenge I haven't kept up with working out...apparently I thrive best when I've got a bunch of people
    workin together, so I started the trim & slim challenge!

    2. Came close to my 25 lb mark! Never been able to get below 164 and my lowest was 158! I was so happy!!!

    3. Definitely my clothes fitting better! And I am in so much better shape - running around and taking the stairs don't leave me huffin n puffin!

    4. Since the summer I've had a lot going on with work, etc. and I need a good challenge to get me through the holidays. So many people I know are writing off their staying healthy track until the New Year but I don't want to gain back all I worked so hard to lose over a turkey and santa clause! :laugh:
  • 1. Since the birth of my second child it always seems like I am trying to lose pounds. I lose the weight, gain it back and then have to start all over. Babies are done now and its time to lose the weight for good and keep it off!! I relate prplanl4 I need a challenge to stay motivated. I get in a good exercise routine and then stop for some reason. The last time I was in shape (where I was happy with my weight and body) will be almost 3 years ago when I completed P90X.

    2. I am just starting back to losing weight. Right now I am at my highest weight ever so I feel like it is now or never for me.

    3. None yet, but I have a pair of jeans I want to fit into by the end of this competition without the muffin top!

    4. I've gained 8 pounds since the spring. I have gotten so far off my exercise routine that it is basically non-existent any more. I DO NOT want to wait until January 1 and be 20 lb heavier than last spring to get started.

    I look forward to completing this challenge!!! Go group 2!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I turned 40 and started to really pack on the weight. I remarried in 2006 and on my 1st anniversary I was about 40 lbs heavier. I tried WW for a while but would lose about 10lbs and get stuck. I didn’t work out consistently either. I decided to use the money I was sinking into weight watchers and joined a gym that is about 1 ½ miles from my home. This was the best decision I made! Over the next year I lost a little but was not making any progress. I then found MFP this past May and put it all together (diet & exercise) I joined Kristy’s Battle of the Bulge Challenge and it was just what I needed to kick start my weight loss. I am now down almost 17lbs since then.

    NSV - Just recently my favorite spin instructor told me that I inspire him every time I take his class because of how far I have come since I started.

    I jumped at the chance to join this challenge because my weight loss has slowed since the summer. I need to keep focused and on the right track during the holidays. Kristy’s last challenge was a great motivator for me and I am very excited to be a part of this challenge. I can tell she put a lot of thought and effort into pulling this together.

  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 208 Member
    I am Here!! Lets go Team 3 !!!!!

    Which the signature option option was back!! We Are going to have a lot of fun!!!! I like being in groups/Teams where people actually chit chat..about daily life, weight loss, struggles, etc........ I like to get to know who I am "playing" with!!

    My Name is Brande, I am 36 yrs old, I have 3 children- oldest is a senior in h.s. and entering the US Army in August! (Very proud Mama!!)

    My Heaviest weight was 240ish pounds, my lowest (made goal) was 135 lbs.. I am now back up to 170 (following a nasty divorce, and depression) but I am back into my zone, and I am ready to KICK IT, and get back to goal, and flawnt a 135 lb Body this summer!!!

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LET'S GO TEAM!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    Group two rules!!!!!!

    You've got THAT RIGHT! GOOOOO Group #2!!! :happy:
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I have been on MFP since May and have lost a little over 35 pounds. I want to be fit and healthy again. I am 51 years old and notice my health was not the greatest, so it was time to get healthy. I used to be a regular at the gym and now finding my way back.
    My younger sister, (she's 31,) is excited about my weight loss and decided she wants to get healthy. She has now quit smoking ( over 4 months ago). We go to the gym together and track what we eat.
    But I've been slipping lately but that's all going to change.

    I am so glad Kristy is back and started this challenge. Thank you!!!!

    Let's go group 4!!!!!!!
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    My name is Jeanette, but you can all call me Jen! I'm 27, single mom to two boys (9 and 2). I got married at 17 and was in an abusive marriage for about 8 years, he controlled everything and weight loss was something that he never supported me to do...he was very jealous, so he wanted me to be fat and ugly...JERK! Anyways, I have been divorced for over 2 years and happily (sometimes) single since then and I raise my two boys on my own...completely. I am super busy all of the time, and I work full-time apart from all the BS I have to do at home. (I'm also sarcastic, if ya can't tell...lol) I've always been a pretty big girl ever since I hit puberty, but got to my highest in 2009 and was almost 300 lbs (bleh). I started MFP in Feb 2011, weighing in at 271 and have not been very consistent and to date have only lost about 9 lbs.

    I am in the 2nd month of ChaLean Extreme and love the program...I have been consistent with my workouts, but not with my eating so I'm working on fixing that!

    NSV: In the first month of doing CLX, I have lost 16.25 inches throughout my body and my clothes are fitting me big!!!! I'm SOOO looking forward to month #2!!!

    My goal for the next 5 weeks is to LOG EVERYTHING that I eat, workout everyday, and to lose my goal weight (1lb/week) so a total of 5 lbs so that I can FINALLY be in the 250's!!!

    GO Team #2 and everyone too!!! YAY!
  • TheLanora
    TheLanora Posts: 11 Member
    I for one are sure glad that we're kicking things off on a slow note---allowing those of us who are a lil MFP rusty...time to get back into the swing of things lol!!

    I've been on my weight loss journey since November of last year, but did not seriously start "working out" or eating better to get into shape until February of this year. So, since November 10' I've lost a total of about 54 lbs, though it won't show up on MFP---since I only began using the top rated app in March of this year. I want to do this challenge to continue to build upon the weight loss success that I've already achieved. I plan to continue learning how to eat a healthier diet, drop an additional 12-15 lbs, and stabilize. EVERYONE has noticed the weight loss, and I've noticed how all of my clothes fit better, or are now too big, plus I've even been able to fit into some outfits that I've not been able to wear for YEARS! TOGETHER, WE CAN DO THIS CHALLENGE, YES WE CAN, SI SE PUEDE!

    LETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TEAM UNO/#1: Cherub, Arsonsmom, Milene, Carebear2, and Lanora! :)