Mile Challenge for 11/07 - 11/13, open group



  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    tageekly, Group A, 1.98 mi yesterday
  • 11/8/11
    2.75 MILES
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    Polar135 Group B 11/8/11 4 miles today(stationary bike 4 miles) Total 12.5 for the week

    Just posted a 4.00 mi bike ride with @RunKeeper. Check it out! #RunKeeper
  • eveydunton
    eveydunton Posts: 32 Member
    I already responded that I would like to challenge myself in Group A, but I have no idea what to do now!
    Do I simply send my miles each day to PlunderBunneh?
    Is there a link that I can connect to in order to see the stats on the spreadsheet?
    I'm sorry I'm so technology challenged!
    Thanks for any help you can give. :embarassed:

    I would like to join Group A - better start next week as this is Wednesday now, Like above I don' t know what to do! :-( sorry
  • Eliannasmom
    Eliannasmom Posts: 55 Member
    eliannasmom group c 5.3 mile run today.. thanks again for putting this challenge together way to keep motivation!
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    I already responded that I would like to challenge myself in Group A, but I have no idea what to do now!
    Do I simply send my miles each day to PlunderBunneh?
    Is there a link that I can connect to in order to see the stats on the spreadsheet?
    I'm sorry I'm so technology challenged!
    Thanks for any help you can give. :embarassed:

    I would like to join Group A - better start next week as this is Wednesday now, Like above I don' t know what to do! :-( sorry

    You can still join in this week - all you have to do is post on this thread each day what group you're in and how many miles you've done.

    For example:

    "Group A - 2.5 miles for Sunday"

    That's it! Nice and easy - PlunderBunneh will post a list each day giving everyone's totals so far for the week :smile:
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    Group C - 5.5 miles for Wednesday
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    Wifeygonzo - group C - Wed 8.9 miles
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Group A: 2.92 miles today, 10.14 for the week.
  • urbanmasala
    urbanmasala Posts: 95 Member
    Nov 9 Mileage: Just completed a 7.5 mile ride this afternoon for a total of 22.0 miles this week. I am in Group C (35 miles goal). Thanks! ;-)
  • Cindyleeski
    Cindyleeski Posts: 27 Member
    Group A 4.37 miles today walking some pretty good inclines.
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    I would like to join goup B-25 miles:
    I did 5.3 miles on Monday and 6.5 miles today
    did 6.2 miles today

    zoe4friends: Group B- total 18 miles
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    amandac72 Group B

    Tuesday: 1 mile
    Wednesday: 7.5 miles

    Miles so far: 13.5
  • 11/8 Group B 6 miles (1/2 way there!)


    Had to move my off day up so no miles today :-( . So steady holding at 12.6 miles this week.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Hi Members,

    I wanted to direct your attention to this post about migrating your group thread into a Group using our newly debuted Group feature.

    If you have questions, feel free to PM me. I think you'll find that transitioning your thread to an official Group is a major upgrade in terms of your ability to interact with each other.

    If you've already posted an invitation to your followers to join a Group you've formed, forgive me for not seeing it in the thread!

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • Group C - 8 Miles done so far :)
  • Group A 6 miles for the week jogging
  • kendf60
    kendf60 Posts: 234 Member
    Group C
    13 miles (3 treadmill/ 10 stationery bike)
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Hey all. I'm sorry I haven't gotten the update up yet today, it has been an incredibly rough day for me family wise and I kinda flaked out. I have to deal with some things first, but I'll get the update posted before I go to bed tonight, and take a look at the group function tomorrow.
    Sorry again :(
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Group C

    PLUNDERBUNNEH You take care of you first!! No rush here!! Thanks again for the extra time you put into this!! I hope all is well!!