Get in shape before pregnancy

Hello everyone, today is my first day here. My goal is to get in shape before starting trying for a baby. I only need to loose 10 pounds, but I want to be in best shape before I get pregnant. I just figured out how many calories I need to eat and how much I need to work out to get to 120 lbs by Jan 1st, 2012. I have about 7 weeks left, so I just need to loose a little bit over 1 lbs each week.

In order to prepare my body for pregnancy, I am not going on any drastic diets or crazy workout programs. I am just going to try to follow 3 big meals, 2 snacks meal plan, do cardio 3 times and full body weight circuit 2 times per week. I hope this will get me to my dream body.

I would love to hear any comments or suggestions.

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  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    Good luck and friend me if you would like.:smile:
  • katey82
    katey82 Posts: 70 Member
    I would love to do the same, that is one of my goals too. I figured it would be easier to get back into shape after a baby if I was in shape before I get pregnant!!
  • smashatoms
    smashatoms Posts: 144 Member
    Wonderful! I don't think a lot of women think about their health prior to getting pregnant as much as they should. So I commend you on that! Also, what a wonderful goal!
    Good luck, and you can friend me if you'd like!
  • brismommy79
    brismommy79 Posts: 2 Member
    I gained 10 pounds before I got pregnant with my first and it took me a year and half to get rid of it after I had her. I weigh less now than I did before pregnancy, but I would like to loss another 10 pounds before I get pregnant with the 2nd one. There is really no time to loss it after the baby comes. I didn't start getting a lot of time to work out till she was a year old. Good luck!
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Good luck!! Here's a group you may be interested in:
  • Katey82, it looks like you are on the right track. I am impressed with your weight loss so far. Keep it up :)
  • Thank you everyone, its great to see so many active people on here.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    I think you've got the right idea about how to loose the weight.

    To me, it's a great idea, loosing weight before getting pregnant! What most people don't realize is that the more healthy you are, the more likely you are to be more fertile.

    Good luck!
  • Hi! I share the same goal as you do! I was pregnant this summer but I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks. Since then, I gained 12 lb due to a lot of "emotional eating". Now I'm mentally back on track and I want to be in good shape and especially get back to my good eating habits before the next attempt.

    Good luck to all the future moms! :)
  • Hello everyone, today is my first day here. My goal is to get in shape before starting trying for a baby. I only need to loose 10 pounds, but I want to be in best shape before I get pregnant. I just figured out how many calories I need to eat and how much I need to work out to get to 120 lbs by Jan 1st, 2012. I have about 7 weeks left, so I just need to loose a little bit over 1 lbs each week.

    In order to prepare my body for pregnancy, I am not going on any drastic diets or crazy workout programs. I am just going to try to follow 3 big meals, 2 snacks meal plan, do cardio 3 times and full body weight circuit 2 times per week. I hope this will get me to my dream body.

    I would love to hear any comments or suggestions.

    im soo relieved that someone shares the same feeling i do. although im 22 (i want kids. like now) i wanna lose all this weight so by the time i DO have kid(s), then ill kinda look the way i do now at 160. my goal is to lose 30lbs. all my friends think im crazy for the idea so im glad to hear someone who shares the same goal. :smile:
  • Divastar215, do not listen to your friends and do whats best for you... The healthier you are before getting pregnant, the better it will be for your future baby. Good Luck to you.....
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    I had lost 20 lbs right before I had my first child on purpose. I wanted to be the healthiest I could be so props to you!! A healthy mama to start with is great! So many people are doing not good things and quitting them when they find out they are 5 weeks into the pregnancy. Coming from someone who has lost multiple pregnancies those first 5 weeks are still a baby growing. Your diet plan sounds great!! Small meals will help after you are pregnant too. Can I put a note in on taking a prenatal? They are great vitamins, doctor told me it's great to take them ahead of time when you are planning a pregnancy.
  • jess213tx
    jess213tx Posts: 85 Member
    My husband and I have an understanding that I'll be ready to start trying for a baby after I reach my goal weight too! It's really important to me that my body is as healthy as possible before I become an incubator :)

    I have about 30 more pounds to lose, so we'll probably start trying Summer 2012.

    All of the things you talk about doing have worked for me so far. I try to eat 4 meals a day (every 3 hours or so), and work out 5-6 days a week with at least 3 days of strength training included. Just stick to your plan, ask lots of questions at first, be consistent with your tracking, and the weight will fall off!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    exactly what i'm doing too :) i want to have a healthy, happy pregnancy! hoping to start trying in a couple years when my hubby finishes school.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I think it's such a great idea to get in shape and have a good understanding of how food/calories impact your body before getting pregnant. I have had 2 kids already, started my first pregnancy at 137, gained 37 lbs during the pregnancy (really more than necessary but not as much as it could have been LOL), lost all the weight by 6 months (yay for breastfeeding!) but then started gaining weight back as I didn't understand how much I should have changed my calorie intake as baby started nursing less and eating solid foods more. Got up to 157 by the time I got pregnant with my second baby. (officially overweight by over 10 lbs, but more importantly very out of shape physically). Gained 37 lbs again, lost those 37 lbs by 6 months again (yay breastfeeding!) but again started gaining weight when baby started nursing less. Got up to 165. Got fed up with feeling out of control, took a hint from some acquaintances that had great success with MFP and got serious. 3 months later I am down to 142. When I lose 5 more lbs I will be back down to where I was when I got pregnant with my first baby almost 5 years ago. I aim to go another 7-12 lbs past that which will put me right in the middle of my healthy weight range. One of my big motivations is that I want to have a third baby, but before we try, I want to really have my weight and health under control. I am losing weight and exercising to get in better shape, and once we try for our third baby I plan to still exercise as far into the pregnancy as possible and use what I've learned to gain a healthy amount of pregnancy weight. Not to mention I will have a better understanding of how to get the weight back off in a healthy way.

    All I will say is don't stress yourself over how fast you want to lose the weight. 10 lbs in 7 weeks sounds very reasonable, except keep in mind that the closer you are to your goal, the harder it is to lose and the slower it usually comes off. You might be able to lose it that quickly in a healthy way, but don't be discouraged if your body doesn't react as quickly as you hope. Even if the numbers don't move as fast as you'd hope, just remember that you are still doing a good thing for yourself by getting in shape and learning to monitor your food. Make sure you're getting good nutrition to prepare your body for pregnancy, go ahead and start taking a prenatal vitamin with folic acid if you aren't already, and just do your best. :-)

    *editted some silly iPad autocorrect typos ;)
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I'm in a similar position, except that I have a lot more to lose than you. I want to be much healthier when we decide to start growing our family. I don't want to add to the risks for me or the baby. Glad you're here and have joined our community :)
  • It's a great idea to get into a healthy lifestyle routine now (like you said, no crash diet) because you can continue it throughout your pregnancy and, yes, get back into shape quicker after the baby is born. I felt so good during pregnancy when I would at least walk 20 min a day. 6 weeks after my c-section (breach baby), I started walking 5 min slowly each day and within a few months I was jogging more than I had before the baby. (but make sure to keep your healthy fat intake up while pregnant and nursing! Your baby's brain development is much more important than a six-pack). Good luck!
  • I am so glad to see that I am not the only one trying to get in shape before getting pregnant. Good luck to us all !!!!
  • mytwobabies
    mytwobabies Posts: 113 Member
    Can I put a note in on taking a prenatal? They are great vitamins, doctor told me it's great to take them ahead of time when you are planning a pregnancy.

    I was thinking the exact thing! Since you are already working towards being the best you can for pregnancy, you can start prenatal vitamins as well. (as always consult your DR. first) I think you have an excellent mind set and your plan is spot on. I wish you the best of luck! Babies are soo wonderful. I am currently working to get back to a high fitness level before trying for baby #3 :)
  • I like your idea and the goals you have set.. I am also actively trying for our rainbow after I lost my son in July, I now need to lose the pregnancy weight before I can get pregnant again... I have started eating healthy, drinking lots of water and doing the 30 day shred, pilates.. Friend me in.. and good luck...