Belly fat!

Ok.... so I have been eatting better for the last month, drinking only water (besides my coffee in the morning), and I have been exercising. WHY I am losing some weight in my thighs, arms, and butt but not my belly? I look like I am pregnant! I am 5'2 and weigh 144 (first thing in the morning). I have lost 6 pounds and I can see it in some areas but I still have this belly. Funny thing is that my sides (obliques) are smaller and then my stomach just pops out........ like I'm pregnant! Any advice and/or special exercise to help lose this belly.


  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    YOu cant spot reduce. I am having the same problem. I am a total of 42lbs down and still have a large waist line. (I am 5'9 and 161lbs) My goal is to be 150lbs and I think my belly is not going to go away EVER..... It will happen, It eventually has to go. lol
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    You cant spot reduce. As you lose fat/weight eventually your stomach will get smaller. Your body picks where it lets the fat go sadly. I wish you could 'pick' where you lost the fat from, cause I have the same belly issue :/
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    We're all made different. I started MFP wearing an extra large top and a size 16 bottom. After I'd lost about 18 lbs, I wore an extra large top and a size 10 bottom. Now, 9 lbs later, I'm finally seeing myself shrink down into a medium/large top.

    Even in a size 10 pant, I look pregnant. Or, rather, like a ball. I joke that my width and breadth are the same!

    Sorry I don't have any good advice.
  • 503roses
    503roses Posts: 8 Member
    same thing is happening to me as well. Ive lost 30. i see it in my legs, arm, shoulders, butt, and even boobs. But i feel like i look fatter becuase now im not in proportion and my belly looks bg :( just like everyone else said.... your body decides where to loose it. But also i heard carbs are what make a belly harder to loose.... but i love carbs. :)
  • kantone999
    There are several reason. Here's a good article that explains it.

    If your blood cortisol levels are elevated, your tendency to gain belly fat are inclreased. Stress causes cortisol levels to rise so it you're stressed, try learning some relaxation techniques and/or burn it off with strenuous exercise. Good luck!
  • AlexJourneyHall
    AlexJourneyHall Posts: 137 Member
    I suggest you just work the front of your abs with crunches(standing or regular) and other upper and lower ab exercises. If you can, go a step further and do things like Zumba or Core Rhythms which engages your abs and give you cardio too.
  • shirerose
    shirerose Posts: 116 Member
    i'm dealing with the same thing haha... it sucks!
    my problem is my lower belly... everything above my belly button is thinning out and flattening... but i still have this pooch.
    all i can say is to do ab exercises so that when the fat does go away you'll have a strong core and a pretty tummy :)
  • jljune
    jljune Posts: 59
    I read an article on Fox that the best way to reduce stomach fat is cardio like running or aerobics. It was proven even better than sit ups or strength training, like weights or yoga. But it is usually the last thing to go as you reach your goal weight. Good luck!

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  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    If you walk, hold your stomach in while walking,
    This worked very well for me. I weighed 227 pounds and
    dropped to 126 in 8 months. Went from a size 24 to
    a size 4! I never dreamed that would happen.
    I can not believe how flat my stomach is and I am 59
    years old.
    It does work!
  • Surambi19
    I'm all belly as well...from my shoulders to my bottom I am literally a square with skinny arms and legs. I always seem to gain the most weight in that area. Don't really have much of a waist to speak of. Started MFP weighing 223 lbs at 5' 3". Down 7 lbs. So far.
  • Surambi19
    Wow that is incredible!! I hope to lose and can only hope to lose that much weight in such a short amount of time. How tall are you? Do you walk every day?
  • RedHeadChick
    RedHeadChick Posts: 39 Member
    My personal opinion is that you will lose in the order that you gained.

    I have a similar issue to you, so I feel your pain. But be patient, it will come off. I have noticed that my abs respond to what I am eating. A flat tummy starts in the kitchen! Do you ever track your food. I know its a pain, but worth it. There is a good food tracker on here in my fitness pall. Anyhow, once I got my portions in control and cut back on my bread intake the belly fat has been coming off, but slowly.

    Also you may consider your colon. It takes time to get it in proper working order if you have spent a while clogging it up. So that is another reason for the tummy to be sticking out. Just keep eating clean and try using a some pro-biotics.

    Also try measuring yourself with a measure tape. That has helped me as I have lost more size then pounds. It's a lot easier to judge then jumping on the scale.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    I measured my belly and it is 36 inches!
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    same thing is happening to me as well. Ive lost 30. i see it in my legs, arm, shoulders, butt, and even boobs. But i feel like i look fatter becuase now im not in proportion and my belly looks bg :( just like everyone else said.... your body decides where to loose it. But also i heard carbs are what make a belly harder to loose.... but i love carbs. :)

    I know right?! My boobs have even gotten smaller too! I would love to take the fat in my belly and put it in the boobs! LOL I am a big carb eater too!
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    There are several reason. Here's a good article that explains it.

    If your blood cortisol levels are elevated, your tendency to gain belly fat are inclreased. Stress causes cortisol levels to rise so it you're stressed, try learning some relaxation techniques and/or burn it off with strenuous exercise. Good luck!

    Thanks! :) I will read that article. I do stress a lot!
  • rygar23
    rygar23 Posts: 16 Member
    Also, from the angle of your own eyes, I think a belly looks 100 times worse than it is. I have lost 35lbs and when I look down my stomach looks exactly the same as before I started. But, I have gone from a tight fitting 36 to a 32 so change is happening! Measure inches for belly and I think you will be surprised.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Don't forget the stress hormone cortisol causes you to store fat around your tummy too - so try and make sure you are getting plenty of sleep, exercise and anything else you need to de-stress. Well done for all your hard work :-)
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    Also, from the angle of your own eyes, I think a belly looks 100 times worse than it is. I have lost 35lbs and when I look down my stomach looks exactly the same as before I started. But, I have gone from a tight fitting 36 to a 32 so change is happening! Measure inches for belly and I think you will be surprised.

    My sister and my husband even think I look pregnant lol. My belly is measuring 36 inches!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Did you take photos? I thought none had come off then I saw the photos.....
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's the Murphy's Law of weight loss. Weight always comes off what you want to keep first and where you want to lose last.