what was your turning point

my turning point in my life or should i say that light bulb getting switched on over the top of my head came in september after a weekend away with the girls on the motorbikes

On the Sunday we went to a hotel for lunch (all 60 of us) and i ate everything, the food was so nice i stuffed every little bit in till i was bursting, looking round the table i was one of the first ones to finnish with a clean plate (had to stop myself from licking it) while all the skinny girls left some or even half the food..

now they had the same as me to eat and where full up too, but they did not feel sick..but they must know when they have had enough..

did i learn from that day, , NO even though i thought at one point i was going to be sick inside my crash helmet riding back to the resort..

The following weekend i went out for a meal and drinks with my hubby and our friends, and did the same again..Even though i vowed never again

only this time i did learn my lesson,(Light finally came on moment happend) and that is when i decided it was time to change my mind-set and my waistline..

I know this is going to take time and there is no quick fix answer to make me skinny over night, and every lb off is to be a small step closer to the new me that is fighting to get out


  • I think my real turning point came this time when I realized how many nights I was sick from being stuffed full. Also have horrible nights up with heartburn. The feelings where not making me happy. And to boot none of my clothes were fitting. I was shopping for new clothes in bigger sizes. That had to stop!
  • 0syris
    0syris Posts: 2 Member
    My turning point was a little over month ago. I've been self conscious about my weight for a while. Ever since college (2005-2009) my weight has been creeping up slowly, to where I maxed out at 170ish (I wasn't exactly weighing myself all the time, since I definitely did NOT want to know what new and un-fantastic number the scale was going to show me). I'm 5'4", so that's not exactly a healthy weight :(

    I was tired of looking in the mirror and seeing my clothes not fit properly, or to not have the energy to go out and do things (or when I did, I'd get tired).

    I've tried dieting before, and exercising, but they never stuck. For the first time, I'm trying to actually change my eating habits (learning what a portion size actually is was crazy...I honestly had no idea). Starting to get fuller easier now, especially now that I don't stuff the food down, I take the time to chew it and actually let the chemical signals go from my stomach to my brain signalling me to stop :)

    Sorry for the giant wall of text, I just realized there was a forum part to MFP (and not just the phone app) earlier today, and talking to other people helps :) My husband has the metabolism of a field mouse and I swear he could eat doughnuts for the rest of his life and end up losing weight lol. He's extremely supportive of whatever I want to do, but since he's never struggled with weight he can't be fully empathetic :)
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    this year i had to buy mens xxl bike leathers, soooo not nice i want my ladys fit back, hope to get to a size 16 by the new biking season.. can see this is going to be expensive
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    My turning point came in AUgust. I was going out with my sister for my birthday and we went to a bar.Everyone ignored me and its was my birthday. I have gotten very tired of being the wallflower and leeting my weight keep me back . I am almost halfway to my goal and "wallflower" no longer describes me lol:blushing:
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I was almost 150lbs, a number I had never seen before.

    That was when I started using MFP.
  • coffeemom55
    coffeemom55 Posts: 3 Member
    My turning point came yesterday! Found out my fasting blood sugar was high and that I'm probably going to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. NO WAY!!! I'm also just so tired of being tired, the muscle and joint pains, high blood pressure, sweating, breathlessness, depression and heartburn. I started MFP about a week ago, half-heartedly. Now I'm full blown on track and I'm going to DO THIS!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    When I couldn't look at myself in a mirror anymore!
  • newdaynewme
    newdaynewme Posts: 77 Member
    I'm getting sluggish. clothes don't fit. I eat more than ever. I look horrible in the mirror
  • jjbraid
    jjbraid Posts: 54 Member
    I didnt like how my tricepts were begininng to take up residents over my elbows.
  • I 've been telling myself for a long time i need to lose weight, I need to lose weight. oct 24th I decided I was going to do it. I love this program,my husband is doing it with me. Our daughter is getting married July of 2012, I will NOT be this overweight. I guess my turning point was when we went to Chicago I seen myself in a picture that was the backside of me , and I thought omgosh !
  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    Combination of divorce, high fasting blood sugar, and doctor telling me that I'd better change things NOW, if I wanted to "be there" for my daughter.
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    my major turning point was i had lost 28 kilos after my second pregnancy and was pre pre baby weight which i hadnt been in alsmot 4.5 years, all ot feel "relaxed"and put it all back on again! which of course made me very upset and make a change and to never let it get to this point again
  • When my 17 year old son said "Mom,,you need to do something, when I have kids,,,they need a Grandma like you!":cry: Tears...and yep, doing the trick for me!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    starting doing yoga and realising lots of the poses were impossible because of all the rolls of fat in the way. I can do them all now!

  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    wow thanks for sharing that everyone, in the back of my mind i know i am at a high risk of becoming diabetic, my Mam died when she was 52, cos of complication to her diabetes(she was the eldest out of her siblings who all died at the age of 38 of the same thing)

    now my dad has just been diagnosed of it to but so far he is controlling it by diet,

    The big 40 is not to far away now so i no that i am now fighting the clock to lose the weight before i too develop this aswell.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    My wake up call was also my blood sugar. There are a lot of us here who are prediabetic or diabetic, so you'll find lots of advice and support. I was diagnosed prediabetic in March, and my blood sugar went UP between March and September even though I lost 16 pounds. After that, I joined here and am doing much better at tracking my carbs at every meal. Some diabetics here can only eat 15 carbs per meal. You will find a lot of good suggestions here regarding yummy ways to live low carb I'm trying 3 months of eating 30 carbs per meal and always eating protein every meal and every snack, as recommended in The Insulin Resistance Diet Book, which someone here recommended.
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    i will have to look out for that book it sound good