progress/question for the ladies of MFP

So i'm up to 20lbs lost since starting my weight loss journey...15 since starting MFP...i was wondering if any of the other ladies on here have had changes in their menstrual cycle with their weight loss success...i'm on the pill and normally get mine like clockwork...i've had pms for almost 2 weeks now and i'm a few days late with no chance of being pregnant and i'm miserable!


  • normusnonaliam
    normusnonaliam Posts: 128 Member
    Oh man, I feel your pain. I don't think mine was because of weight loss but I didn't have mine for months. I was MISERABLE. Eventually my gyno had to give me medicine to get everything started again, so to speak. If it lasts much longer maybe get it checked out? My sister had ovarian cancer so I definitely believe in "better safe than sorry."
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I haven't noticed any changes! Sorry to hear that :(
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    Mine was always normal and then I gained like 20 pounds and it was all jacked up! I'm hoping that weight loss will help straighten that out so I hope that you find the answers you are looking for! I also read on some other threads that exercise and diet can change your cycle though.
  • jlb95
    jlb95 Posts: 29
    I lost around 20 pounds and didn't get my period for almost 8 months, though I don't really know if that's normal. Maybe you could ask your doctor?
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    As soon as I started losing weight my period got lighter and the time window starting shifting like crazy. Used to be the last week of the month and now its the 1st or 2nd. I've been tracking it but the first time it was late I was so confused. Maybe talk to your gyno but dramatic dietary / fitness changes affect your TOM.
  • Estela565
    I lost a total of 45 lbs since I started Mfp last year. and I did notice a change too, now is 4 days instead of 6, before my pms wouldn't be so " severe" & when I did pms would be only 1 week, now is 2 weeks & I am miserable!!! Butagely I've been dealing with a lot of stress too so maybe in my case the stress is playing a role... Idk.
    But I do like the fact that I'm having 4 days instead of 6 :-D
    Hows your iron intake? I'm taking supplements is suppose to help...
  • thinnerjenn
    thinnerjenn Posts: 18 Member
    I've noticed changes in mine. I usually had only a few cycles a year and they were usually horrible when they finally came. Since I have lost 19 pounds, I have had two periods, both lasted 2+ weeks and were only 14-16 days apart! This is definitely odd for me, but at least I am finally cycling! It was annoying that both periods lasted so long, but I must say that they were nothing like the horrible, painful periods I had before! I had very little pain and very little pms. I am hoping that with more weight loss (I have a LOT to lose) things will keep straightening out. Good luck to you! Exercise and dieting can definitely effect your cycle.
  • cpotter4
    cpotter4 Posts: 116 Member
    Yes, weight loss will affect it but so will other factors. (Of course i agree with the other girl too that said that if it continues for too long to have a doctor check it out)
    Other factors could be:
    Menopause starting. I know you aren't that old right, you don't look it too me anyway. But for me the women on both my mother and fathers side for a couple generations started menopause in their 30's.
    Stress. A lot of added stress can mess with your cycle. It can make you have a period and not stop or it can halt your periods for months.
    Diet Pills. If you are on any diet pills, some of them have hormone balancers and things in them and can screw with your body. I knew this before and then had personal knowledge of it when my 4 year post-menopausal mother started her periods again while taking a diet pill for a couple months.
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    I've missed several. My doctor said my body is just adjusting to losing weight and eventually it should even out
  • emt11dgreene
    well i'm 23 and i'm not taking any type of supplement so i might just talk to my doc whenever i find one...since i started seeing a gyno i've always gone to the same practice but i've never seen the same doc more than once so right now i'm looking for one
  • kiahpyr
    kiahpyr Posts: 85 Member
    I'm going through this right now. I've lost 15lbs in the last 2 months and I'm on the pill. Currently in the middle of pack and I have a light period. It really sucks and freaked me out. There's no chance I'm pg either.
  • bunny876
    bunny876 Posts: 40 Member
    Weight loss and new exercise routine can affect your menstrual cycle. If you are losing weight fast or have pumped up your cardio excessively from the normal you might not have a normal period until your body gets adjusted. If you are worried about it I would go to your doctor just to be sure.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I haven't missed anything, but they have gotten lighter...which is perfectly fine with me. I've also noticed that I don't hurt as much or get as bloated as I did in the past. I think this is all due to exercise and not necessarily weight loss, because when I wasn't exercising as intensely as I am now, yet still losing weight, nothing really changed for me.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    By 'no chance of being pregnant' are you referring to being on the pill or are you saying you haven't had sex lately? (rhetorical question since its very personal - feel free to not answer if you don't want to). I only ask since the pill is not 100% and women do get pregnant while on it. Not taking it at consistently the same time can leave a little window to allow you to ovulate. And sometimes it fails anyway even if taken correctly. Weight loss can also affect your hormones and change things in some women. It might not be a bad idea to take a 'just in case' pregnancy test if you don't start your period in the next week or so.

    All that being said, sometimes people just get unpredictable cycles on the pill. You'd THINK it would be more predictable since you are supposed to get your period during the withdrawal week, but I personally had the LEAST predictable cycles of my life while on a tri-phasic BC pill. I should have been getting it at the start of that withdrawal week every month, but some months it would be 4 or 5 days late, some moths it would show up a week early, hang around for a couple days, disappear and then show up again during the 'scheduled' week. And I had an alarm setup on my phone so that I took it at the exact same time every evening. I can't tell you how many pregnancy tests I took while on that pill. All negative. Never a pregnancy, never a miscarriage (even if you miscarry the hormones still show up for a short while on a pregnancy test). Anyway, just saying, it could be that your body is reacting strangely to the pill or the weightless or a combination, or it could be that the pill failed. If you want to take a test but not feel silly buying an expensive one for what may be nothing, the Dollar Tree has pregnancy tests that are just $1.00 and have the same (in some cases better) sensitivity as the name brand tests.
  • emt11dgreene
    i haven't had sex in several only way i'd be pregnant would be by immaculate
  • ehsquared
    I actually went off the pill about 6 months ago and not only lost weight (about 10lbs before starting MFP) but my cycles have normalized (they were crazy on the pill) and no more PMS ( also crazy on the pill ) since then though I have been happier and more active. Maybe this is your bodies way of saying it doesn't want to have them anymore. I had been on the pill for almost 12 years. How long have you been on it?
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    i haven't had sex in several only way i'd be pregnant would be by immaculate

    Okay, just had to ask. LOL
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    The first month I started losing weight, I noticed that my period actually came a week earlier than normal and only lasted 4 days as opposed to my usual 5-6. Also, the acne flare-ups that have accompanied every menstrual cycles since I was 12 have entirely disappeared.

    :D No complaints from me!
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    I've lost nearly 45 lbs in 11 weeks and am on the pill and so far I haven't had any changes. Though from what I've read I seem to be in the minority.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    :huh: Well BUMMER... I read the posts and apparently I am in the minority here :mad: hahaha Since I have started exercising and eating less my periods are WORSE! I used to go 3-4 days, not very heavy but 'there'. NOW it is more like 6-7 days and the last two seem to be just enough that I have to protect myself just in case. Between that and my upper womanly parts shrinking (ever so slightly) my husband is going to have a heart attack!:laugh:
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