What is the most difficult?



  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I let myself cheat with a bite here and a pop later. I started logging everything I eat even if I only eat 1/4 of a serving. I'm realizing I cheat more than I really thought I was. Im hoping to see a lose this week since I've logged everything I put in my body and stopped pop nov 1st. I guess I'll find out if it worked on Friday.
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    mainly my family m hubby and mother in law say i dont need to lose weight and i dont need the gym, but thats not the case, id rather they be honset to me and say you do need it and push me more, and also meeting my calorie goal for the day, mfp is my new family and the incentive i need to keep going! :heart:

    They don't understand Em, yet. It's not JUST about weight loss, we are completely changing our lifestyle. By 2012 they will see!

    Yeah i know im fine with it, ryans better with it now, as of the other night when he really could see the difference, i think he more means he doesnt care what size i am, but presumably like me thinner :P
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    Right now? Still struggling with my relationship with food and finding a balance. I also find it hard to eat back workout calories some days.
  • kvandenbush
    I am having a horrible time staying away from junk good or snacks at night. I work about 40 hrs a week and do not get a lunch break so I often have to eat in my car on my way to another house to do therapy... I don't know how to kick these cravings I have either.... Any advice?
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    mainly my family m hubby and mother in law say i dont need to lose weight and i dont need the gym, but thats not the case, id rather they be honset to me and say you do need it and push me more, and also meeting my calorie goal for the day, mfp is my new family and the incentive i need to keep going! :heart:

    They don't understand Em, yet. It's not JUST about weight loss, we are completely changing our lifestyle. By 2012 they will see!

    Yeah i know im fine with it, ryans better with it now, as of the other night when he really could see the difference, i think he more means he doesnt care what size i am, but presumably like me thinner :P

    Men! lol at least he supports you thick and thin, but I get what you mean :p
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I struggle with motivation loss. It comes and goes. I just had a long stretch of having NO motivation at all, but luckily it has finally come back to me, for now at least :) To overcome it I just keep logging on to mfp every day, even if I don't log and food or exercise. I like to see what my friends are up to bc they all kick butt every day so it really inspires me. It may take a while, but I always want to be back in the club of posting calorie burns and "under calorie goal" days!

    If you get discouraged looking at your overall weight loss, try to get excited about the next five pounds. I think of my weight loss in 5 lb increments, meaning that when I weight 165, I was excited to get below 160, then i wanted to see 155, and so on. That breaks it up really nicely and is more manageable in my opinion! Good luck! :)

    Not to sound harsh, but maybe you're motivation loss could, at least in part, be a result of you not taking full responsibility of why you are losing weight. For instance, you said 'luckily it has finally come back to me', likes it a power outside of your control.

    I feel I would be amiss if I didn't say you have the will to do whatever you want, and luck and waiting has nothing to do with it!

    That's good advice. For me sometimes it's more complicated. I'm not going to say my willpower is as great as it should be, I can definitely work on it. I guess I should have mentioned that my loss of motivation usually is a side effect of depression, which makes me not care at all and takes a lot for me to fight it. But then what you are saying does still apply, bc usually I can't just sit on my butt and wait for things to change, I have to help myself.
  • uLinx
    uLinx Posts: 148
    For me, it's the constant discrepancy between wanting to lose weight now and as quick as possible and wanting to lose weight slowly and gradually, because I'm aware of the fact that radical changes are not likely to be enduring.
  • fitbaby3485
    Meeting my calorie requpirement (not eating enough) and the fact that my family doesnt have a single bit of understanding about my wanting to eat healthier so they'll order take out for dinner...that i cant eat. (pretty much overcome it, i buy my own food now).
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    My biggest struggle has been the plateaus. I was able to keep motivated on the weight loss part and never lost my motivation as long as I saw progress. I am now on my second multi-month plateau and these are killers. Nothing kills motivation like doing everything right and not seeing the scale move.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    the hardest for me is to look at myself in the mirror and still see my gut hanging out. I try to tell myself to just keep at it, and it will go away but its hard to think that far ahead when im staring right at it.
    Also I find it hard when I either gain weight or have little change in a week...I sometimes get angry with myself and my body...im doing the diet, doing the exercise, getting the sleep...LOSE WEIGHT already!

    but all that struggle pays off when my Boyfriend looks at me with those hungry eyes and calls me sexy =)
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Being hungry
  • pmcder10
    I would say the part I struggle with most is getting back into a workout routine. In the summer it was easy to hop out of bed at 6:00-6:30 in the morning to workout, but now that the weather is starting to cool (I'm located in NKY and we do not have cozy weather all year round) I'm finding it difficult to get out of the warm bed to workout. I have set my alarm to get up in time every day for the past week, but can't seem to overcome hitting the snooze button.

    If any of you have overcome this issue, how did you do it?
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I struggle with motivation loss. It comes and goes. I just had a long stretch of having NO motivation at all, but luckily it has finally come back to me, for now at least :) To overcome it I just keep logging on to mfp every day, even if I don't log and food or exercise. I like to see what my friends are up to bc they all kick butt every day so it really inspires me. It may take a while, but I always want to be back in the club of posting calorie burns and "under calorie goal" days!

    If you get discouraged looking at your overall weight loss, try to get excited about the next five pounds. I think of my weight loss in 5 lb increments, meaning that when I weight 165, I was excited to get below 160, then i wanted to see 155, and so on. That breaks it up really nicely and is more manageable in my opinion! Good luck! :)

    Not to sound harsh, but maybe you're motivation loss could, at least in part, be a result of you not taking full responsibility of why you are losing weight. For instance, you said 'luckily it has finally come back to me', likes it a power outside of your control.

    I feel I would be amiss if I didn't say you have the will to do whatever you want, and luck and waiting has nothing to do with it!

    That's good advice. For me sometimes it's more complicated. I'm not going to say my willpower is as great as it should be, I can definitely work on it. I guess I should have mentioned that my loss of motivation usually is a side effect of depression, which makes me not care at all and takes a lot for me to fight it. But then what you are saying does still apply, bc usually I can't just sit on my butt and wait for things to change, I have to help myself.

    That information sure sheds more light on the situation. I hear you completely, because not only are you battling weight loss, but depression as well. And both on their own, can absolutely take hold of people (I know of both examples controlling friends of mine).

    I won't act like an expert at all, because I've always been able to pull myself out of whatever would bring me down... my only advice here is to simply state this:

    "All problems that mankind may face are a product of their own minds. In understanding that we create all problems ourselves, we therefore understand we can destroy them."

    I'd take solace in knowing that whatever problems you may face, you've deep within your mind created the environment for it to exist to begin with. By taking control of that and throwing it back in its own face, you've just overcome your greatest fears!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Stress. I do not handle it well, and I always get the urge to binge eat a bag of potato chips.