Team Abnehmen October (Closed Group)



  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I am having a lame time today. I lost no weight at all this past week. To be honest, i didn't try extremely hard but I did have a deficit every day, so what the heck? Is my body just completely used to eating 1400 calories a day that I maintain my weight at that level? If so, uber annoying!!

    Yeah it's tough to judge exactly what it is that makes a body lose and not lose. Especially as women. Some people seem to have it so easy. They have a deficit and then they lose, like clockwork.

    Hang in there. Maybe changing up the challenges this month will help push things to move a little.

    I'm up a pound, 187. I didn't see a new chart yet so I'll weigh-in here.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Working on getting the new chart together... I should have it done and up by end of day. Where in the world has the time gone?

    i've noticed that the more consistent I stay with my calorie levels the more regularly I lose- the second I change anything it all goes to hell. Still, my weight will flux ~5 on any given day. Yay for being a woman!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yah the woman thing has got to suck the most. Last month's TOM was god-awful and hurt like hell. I went up 2 lbs at one point but luckily it all came down to only a pound gained. But I swear all that weight was just in my uterus alone. Grrrrr!!!

    I happily survived Meatless Monday. wasn't sure I could HAHAHA! I didn't realize how much meat products I use daily from breakfast to lunch. But I found some great veggie corndogs that are really tasty.

    Let's kick some BUTT!!!!

  • KelieHerrera
    I went pescetarian about a month and a half ago so if you need ideas, I'm your girl.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I went pescetarian about a month and a half ago so if you need ideas, I'm your girl.

    Thanks, chica. I just can't do salads all that much and that's my main source of meatless. Other than pasta. I can do whole wheat pasta with veggies and marinara sauce.
  • KelieHerrera
    I got burned out on salads over the summer, blech. I used to love them but right now it sounds awful, plus it's freezing here. Here are some of the things I do:

    Have you tried shirataki noodles? I don't like the straight up shirataki's but I do like the shirataki/tofu mixed noodles. They are insanely low in calories and even my kids love them and thin they are ramen. When I have a carb craving, I usually hit those up.

    Also, I've been making lots of veggie sandwiches lately. I take a delicious roll (I like bolillos and mini baguettes, around 200 cals) and stuff that sucker full of whatever veggies I like. I like sour flavors so I always add banana peppers or pickles to it. instead of mayo I use an avocado spread.

    For breakfasts I love Morning Stars veggie sausage patties on an english muffin with an egg. not a huge fan of their fake-bacon but the veggie burgers, chik'n and pretty much every other faux-meat they make is pretty delicious. Watch the calories, though. Some of it is quite bad for you. I like Boca brand "Meatless Ground" in place of ground beef. It tastes a little bit like a school cafeteria Salisbury steak,but I'm weird and I like that flavor, LOL.

    On the weekends I almost always make homemade vegetable rice soup. I just chop up whatever I have and cook it all with water and "no-chicken" boullion cubes.

    Falafel is AMAZINGLY tasty and you won't even miss the meat. I like falafel balls in a pita with hummus as the spread instead of yogurt sauce.

    For fast food: I get Jimmy John's (if you don't have those where you live, I feel sorry for you!) at work a lot. The veggie "unwich" with provolone, avocado spread and veggies is only 144 calories. I will sometimes splurge and have a cookie with it :)
    I also like veggie burritos but those are more of a calorie splurge since they are typically upwards of 500-600 calories at most fast-food places. Rubio's has really yummy fish tacos that are 300 calories each. I find I can be totally satisfied from just one most of the time.

    My snacks are almost always fruit or veggies, but I like those 100 calorie mini popcorns, too. most of you are probably sick of hummus by now, but I love it.

    Anyway, those are some ideas. Hopefully that helps some.
  • KelieHerrera
    Here's the signature banner for November!

  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    HAHAHAH!! I LOVE the banner!! Very cute and so colorful! Thank you for lending your creativity to the group!

    And thanks for all those meal ideas. I liked the veggie sandwich one the most! I'll have to seek out the noodles, those are new to me!

    So far this week I think I've earned each point. Today is another story because I can't get to the moves other people are posting yet. That will be tonight after Zumba.

    Oh Captain my Captain, How we doin' on that chart?
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hey ladies!!!

    We're heading into the second week of November.

    Everyone still hanging in there?

    I went ahead and created a November chart at the bottom of the October chart. It's very simplistic, no formulas yet, but it'll be a place we can plug in our points.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hey team!

    So to help out this month, I'll do what I can and step up to keep track of our chart and points. Please use the older October chart. November's challenges are listed at the bottom with your names. The points are not calculated yet so when the end of the week rolls around I'll count them by hand.
  • KelieHerrera
    Thanks for jumping in and taking charge!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Thanks! I'll do what I can. And if I can manage to work on the chart, maybe I'll be able to get the formulas working and a clean new chart.

    Gwynne did such a great job creating the October one.

    REMEMBER!!!! There are Bonus points this week!

    1 pt for weighing in ONLY on your day.
    1 pt for drinking 64oz of water every day, including weekends.
    1 pt for trying something new, either a new workout/food
    1 pt for sharing an NSV with the main board.
    1 pt for eating breakfast every day

    We can do this ladies!! Let's get every bonus point! Super duper easy!! :drinker:

    YAY!!! I FIGURED IT OUT!! New chart for November!!
  • adamkat
    adamkat Posts: 21 Member
    hey ladies. I am so sorry I have been MIA. I was on vacation for two weeks and the last week i have been dealing with selling my dad's house as he passed away in April and I am his executor. Then this Monday I was declared surplus at my job so I am no longer working. So life has thrown me for a complete loop however I vow to get back on board next week. Sorry I hope to come back and bring some great points.
  • emallyne
    Thanks! I'll do what I can. And if I can manage to work on the chart, maybe I'll be able to get the formulas working and a clean new chart.

    Gwynne did such a great job creating the October one.

    REMEMBER!!!! There are Bonus points this week!

    1 pt for weighing in ONLY on your day.
    1 pt for drinking 64oz of water every day, including weekends.
    1 pt for trying something new, either a new workout/food
    1 pt for sharing an NSV with the main board.
    1 pt for eating breakfast every day

    We can do this ladies!! Let's get every bonus point! Super duper easy!! :drinker:

    YAY!!! I FIGURED IT OUT!! New chart for November!!

    Couldn't open the new chart?