Late night Snacking

Hey all,
Often times I wake up in the middle of the night and my stomach is growling so bad. Or right before bed my stomach is growling. What are some great "midnight snacks" to have? Or am I supposed to resist the urge to snack on something? Because sometimes my stomach is growling so much that it hurts. Help?


  • Creaswen
    I get the late night snack cravings too and I have found that most the time a crunchy snack is what I want so I eat a few veggie straws. There great tasting and very low in calories and sugars and such... and a servings size is 38 straws... yep thats more than you get in that tiny bag of chips.
  • flutish
    Two possibilities could be at work here:

    1: You've gotten your body in the habit of snacking at night and/or
    2: You aren't eating well enough during the day that after a few hours your body (even in sleep) feels it needs food (more likely this one).

    Remember, you burn calories even in your sleep (more even than if you were awake sitting on the couch watching T.V.). You shouldn't eat too close to bedtime, but you should experiment with maybe eating a little later or a little more. "Breakfast" has its name for a reason: you haven't eaten in a long time. Make sure your putting enough in your body to sustain you until you wake up.

    In general, late night snacking is a bad habit to get into. You'll be less likely to eat breakfast in the morning and not have as much energy.

    Hope this helps!
  • buhbuhbeccuh
    It definitely is the 2nd one. My shifts at work are usually 2-11 so I sleep in until like 1230-1, get ready for work, and then when im at work (which is a Deli Clerk at Safeway) I'm usually snacking on the foods there which aren't healthy at all. I wonder if I need to set an eating schedule for myself.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    I usually eat 200-300 of fruits/veg/small sandwich at midnight and count it as breakfast.... I can't sleep otherwise haha
  • buhbuhbeccuh
    I usually eat 200-300 of fruits/veg/small sandwich at midnight and count it as breakfast.... I can't sleep otherwise haha

    hmmm... at least its fruits & veggies? x]
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    Yeah so its filling... it hasn't hindered my weightloss at all cuz I'be been doing it since starting mfp 3 weeks ago haha
    I usually eat 200-300 of fruits/veg/small sandwich at midnight and count it as breakfast.... I can't sleep otherwise haha

    hmmm... at least its fruits & veggies? x]
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Bottom line is....if you are below your calories for the day, you can eat ANY time of day. There is zero effect on weight loss from meal timing.
  • buhbuhbeccuh
    Bottom line is....if you are below your calories for the day, you can eat ANY time of day. There is zero effect on weight loss from meal timing.

    Really? I had no idea! I always thought it was bad to eat after a certain point.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Bottom line is....if you are below your calories for the day, you can eat ANY time of day. There is zero effect on weight loss from meal timing.

    Really? I had no idea! I always thought it was bad to eat after a certain point.

    Nope! Meal timing is irrelevant. Huge myth that you can't eat after X time
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    Yeah so its filling... it hasn't hindered my weightloss at all cuz I'be been doing it since starting mfp 3 weeks ago haha
    I usually eat 200-300 of fruits/veg/small sandwich at midnight and count it as breakfast.... I can't sleep otherwise haha

    hmmm... at least its fruits & veggies? x]
    This is exactly what I do! I try to save 2-300 calories or just count it as breakfast -apples and tea with almond milk is great
  • buhbuhbeccuh
    Bottom line is....if you are below your calories for the day, you can eat ANY time of day. There is zero effect on weight loss from meal timing.

    Really? I had no idea! I always thought it was bad to eat after a certain point.

    Nope! Meal timing is irrelevant. Huge myth that you can't eat after X time

    That's wonderful to know. Thanks guys!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Yeah so its filling... it hasn't hindered my weightloss at all cuz I'be been doing it since starting mfp 3 weeks ago haha
    I usually eat 200-300 of fruits/veg/small sandwich at midnight and count it as breakfast.... I can't sleep otherwise haha

    hmmm... at least its fruits & veggies? x]
    This is exactly what I do! I try to save 2-300 calories or just count it as breakfast -apples and tea with almond milk is great
    I like cow's milk (non fat is fine) for feeling more full. Almond milk only has around 1g of protein in a cup where non fat milk is around 9g. Much more filling on the stomach. Depends of course on what you're trying to accomplish!