
Hello to everyone, I am new to this message board thing, but thought I would say Hey! I like the fitnesspal software tracking of food and exercises. I think it has helped me so far be more conscious about what I am putting in my mouth and helps me quantify where I am starting at and where I hope to end up. They say you have to have a plan before you can deviate! Seriously I have tried at least a half dozen or more different diet programs and personal trainers and never have had the will power to learn to teach myself to control what I am putting in my body. I seem to do great on any of these programs for a while, 3 to 6 months usually. Then I let life and other excuses take over and just go back to the way I have also been. I am hoping with this forum, that I will be able to sustain this for a lifetime and learn to make good decisions on health matters. I have lost 16.5 pounds in about 3 weeks or so and making good progress. I have went to working midnights in the last year and it has made it, a lot more difficult to get motivated and get the exercise in that is required to keep your body working good. I have set my mind to it now and hoping for good results for years to come.


  • netztoy
    netztoy Posts: 83 Member
    Hi Mike:drinker: ...great accomplishment so far. Best of luck at reaching your weight loss goal!!!
  • mtd442000
    Thanks for your support and good luck to you as well.