Frustrated...3 weeks with NO loss - should I try a diet?

I am very frustrated having weighed in for 3 weeks with no loss & only 2 inches down from my waist. I exercise on a daily basis for 45-60 minutes and I always stay under calories and usually don't use the calories added by my exercising. I am trying to make healthy choices on my food or when I don't make a healthy choice I use portion control. I'm wondering if I would be better off following some sort of diet?! And if so, what one?!
I am looking for any and all advice! This is killing me because if I can just lose 2lbs, I will be in a weight range that I haven't been in years! Overall I need to lose about 60lbs!
Also, I have been exercising regularly since February 2011, but didn't use MFP dedicatedly until a little over a month ago! I've only lost about 10lbs since February.
I know I should not get easily took me 6 years to put on all this weight, so I know it's not just going to fall off overnight! I am no where near falling off the wagon; however, it is really frustrating to feel like you work so hard and there is little to NO progress to show in the course of 3 weeks!!!
Any advice would be welcomed & greatly appreciated! Also, looking for any motivating friends to support me in my journey!


  • KelseyLayne
    KelseyLayne Posts: 23 Member
    i am having almost the EXACT same problem! i am trying to change up my eating routine to spike my metabolism, as i was staying within my calorie restrictions but eating them in bulk-400 here, and then 600 here, and then going to bed! also i heard that if you drink soda it will slow down weight loss because it makes it harder for your body to process the fluids so you retain a lot more water! Good luck!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Are you eating enough? Are you eating your exersise calories?

    Go to the tools section and figure out your BMI:

    Generally someone with a BMI over 32 can do a 1000 calorie a day (2 lbs a week) deficit
    With a BMI of 30 to 32 a deficit of 750 calories is generally correct (about 1.5 lbs a week)
    With a BMI of 28 to 30 a deficit of 500 calories is about right (about 1 lb a week)
    With a BMI of 26 to 28 a deficit of about 300 calories is perfect (about 1/2 lb a week)
    and below 26... well this is where we get fuzzy. See now you're no longer talking about being overweight, so while it's still ok to have a small deficit, you really should shift your focus more towards muscle building, and reducing fat. This means it is EXTRA important to eat your exercise calories as your body needs to KNOW it's ok to burn fat stores, and the only way it will know is if you keep giving it the calories it needs to not enter the famine response (starvation mode).

    This is just a part of it! please read the link above
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I can't see your diary, but it is quite possible that you are not eating enough..... a lot of people fall into this -- I have done it myself, but chances are if you up your calories you'll start losing weight again. Also, I'm not sure what kind of workouts you're doing, but if you're doing the same thing day in and day out -- your body gets used to it and it doesn't have the same effect it used to. Are you weight training too?
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    When is the last time you changed your workout routine? I have to add change levels, take a day of etc every so often to keep my body off balance. Once your body gets to used to something everything slows down. It is still working just slower. (at least that is my personal experience.)
  • Bunnyboo82
    Bunnyboo82 Posts: 42 Member
    You did have a loss. You lost two inches! Just because it's not pounds doesn't mean you didn't achieve something. Keep positive and motivated. If you are serious about trying a diet , look into the DASH diet. It's rated as the best diet to follow. Not only does it help with weight loss it also is designed to help lower and keep your blood pressure low. It has multiple benefits. Keep up the great work!!
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    Do you drink soda or have a high carb intake? I don't follow a special diet, but I've basically cut those two things off and am losing about 4 lbs a week. I do eat carbs, but they don't exceed 40 a meal. For snacks, they don't exceed 15. I have read that you're actually supposed to eat your exercise calories. I have a hard time doing that, though. Best of luck to you!
  • Yorkshirelass2
    Before i got sick and had to stop exercising i was exercising for about an hour to hour an half. I didnt drop anyweight and i do mean any weight. it was really frustrating. I never went on a diet but also i do portion control i eat off a salad plate instead of a normal dinner plate. If you go out to eat i ask them not to bring breadsticks out or rolls, when they bring your meal out ask for a to go box an put half of it in there before you start. these are tips i use. I lost a couple of pounds doing that.
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    Try eating back your exercise calories and remember sometimes we do stall at a point but don't give up
  • EllaA26
    Try to up your water. Also, you might want to try to eat back some - if not all - of your exercise calories. Maybe not every day, but a few. I found that really helps to shake things up and gets your body going again. Also, try to make sure that you are varying your exercises. If you do the same ones all of the time, your body gets used to them, gets more efficient doing them, and then will burn LESS calories.
  • michcruz
    michcruz Posts: 152 Member
    Are you eating more throughout the day? If you have smaller meals throughout the day (5-6) as opposed to just 3, you will speed up your metabolism. I also find that not eating past 7-7:30 at night helps. You should try not to eat at least 3 hours before you go to bed. Also, you did mention that you lost 2 inches. As hard as it is, try and remember that it's not always about the amount of weight lost. You are slimming down and you could be gaining muscle from working out. And the type of work outs you are doing could be the reason you are gaining muscle and muscle will always weigh more than fat. Maybe re-evaluate what type of exercises you are doing.

    Good luck! :)
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    If you're consistently under your non-exercise calorie allotment - which is already at a deficit - AND you're not eating your exercise calories, it's very likely your body is close to if not already in starvation mode. It's going to hold onto everything you give it.

    Think about it... Let's say your non-exercise allotment is 1200. You consistently eat only 1000 of it (I'm just giving an example). You are at much more of a deficit now - the 1200 is ALREADY a deficit. Now assume you burn 500 calories exercising, but don't eat those back. You are asking your body to subsist on only 500 calories. NOT HEALTHY.

    Your net should not go below 1200 calories. Period.

    It may take a while to get your body back on track (I don't know how long you've been eating like you say you have), and you may gain for a bit when you start that because your body isn't going to trust you that it's going to keep getting food, but eventually it will learn that it's going to be fed appropriately and the weight will start to come off again.
  • minimommy1
    minimommy1 Posts: 84 Member
    After over 25 years of doing the 'diet' thing I can tell you from experience that the 'diet' thing doesn't work. You may lose the weight temporarily but most people gain it back because they have not learned a thing. People don't change their behaviours they just look at it as a temporary way of eating and then go back to the same old ways. I am on a healthy lifestyle journey. I have 125 lbs to lose. It will take me a long time to lose it but that is ok because once it is gone it will be gone. I am changing my way of living. I don't pay too much attention to the scale. I try to eat all of my calories. I aim to only lose 1lb per week. If I don' t lose I don't worry about it because my focus is on making the right choices. If however I gain for 2 weeks in a row I will look back at my menus to see if I need to adjust something. Maybe I am eating too much bread - that has been the case on occasion. There was a time it was because I wasn't eating enough calories. I have totally changed my views on eating. I now see food as fuel.
    So don't get discouraged by not losing pounds. The scale is just one way to gauge things. How you feel walking up stairs is a much better way to gauge your health than a scale. Just keep doing the right things. Change your lifestyle and eventually the weight will come off.
  • Anweena
    Anweena Posts: 45 Member
    Is it just me, or does 2 inches sound pretty great to have lost in 3 weeks?
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks for all the advice thus far! I appreciate it! I do not drink any pop...only water...but I can surely up it! I think I might check into the DASH diet because I do have high blood pressure! But I am also enlightened on eating your exercise calories! It seems like that shouldn't make sense, but really it does! Also, my workout routines vary from using Turbo Jam & various workouts by Mom's Into Fitness Lindsay Brin. They both have exercises that use weight/strength training as well that I do.
    Thank you all for being so motivating & positive!!!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Is it just me, or does 2 inches sound pretty great to have lost in 3 weeks?

  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    Just looked at your food diary.

    First problem is I don't think you are eating enough. How did you get to your allowed calories? I would check those settings to make sure they are accurate. Also, be careful not to overestimate your calorie burn because you ARE supposed to eat those calories back.

    Second, I think you should track your sodium. You are eating a LOT of processed foods and fast food. Those have a lot of sodium.

    Third, you are eating a lot of, in my opinion, crap. See "second" above. Lots of fast food and processed foods. In my opinion, you need to add fruits and veggies. In the few days that I saw, you weren't eating any at all. While it is good to have splurges now and then...I'll eat pizza once in awhile but try to keep to my calories. Or eat ice cream once in awhile. But you need to fuel your body with good food. Healthy food. Take some baby steps to add more fruits and veggies into your life.

    MFP is about a lifestyle change. You have made some changes. Baby steps are good. Just make a few more and stay the course.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I think the problem is that you aren't eating enough, start eating your exercise calories. When I started eating mine I started losing lbs more consistantly than when I was eating less.