Happy Birthday Marines

jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
Marine Corps Birthday: (excerpt from Warrior Culture of the U.S. Marines, copyright 2001 Marion F. Sturkey)

All U.S. Marines are gung-ho. But, few can match the vision and total commitment of the famous 13th Commandant, Gen. John A. Lejeune. In 1921 he issued Marine Corps Order No. 47, Series 1921.

Gen. Lejeune's order summarized the history, mission, and tradition of the Corps. It further directed that the order be read to all Marines on 10 November of each year to honor the founding of the Marine Corps. Thereafter, 10 November became a unique day for U.S. Marines throughout the world.

Soon, some Marine commands began to not only honor the birthday, but celebrate it. In 1923 the Marine Barracks at Ft. Mifflin, Pennsylvania, staged a formal dance. The Marines at the Washington Navy Yard arranged a mock battle on the parade ground. At Quantanamo Bay, Cuba, the Marine baseball team played a Cuban team and won, 9 to 8.

The first "formal" Birthday Ball took place on Philadelphia in 1925. First class Marine Corps style, all the way! Guests included the Commandant, the Secretary of War (in 1925 the term "politically correct" didn't exist; it was Secretary of War, not Secretary of Defense), and a host of statesmen and elected officials. Prior to the Ball, Gen. Lejeune unveiled a memorial plaque at Tun Tavern. Then the entourage headed for the Benjamin Franklin Hotel and an evening of festivities and frolicking.

Over the years the annual Birthday Ball grew and grew, taking on a life of its own. In 1952 the Commandant, Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd Jr., formalized the cake-cutting ceremony and other traditional observances. For example, Marine Corps policy now mandates that the first piece of cake must be presented to the oldest U.S. Marine present. The second piece goes to the youngest Marine. Among the many such mandates is a solemn reading of the Commandant's birthday message to the Corps.

Like the U.S. Marine Corps itself, the annual Birthday Ball has evolved from simple origins to the polished and professional functions of today. Nonetheless, one thing remains constant, the tenth day of November! This unique holiday for warriors is a day of camaraderie, a day to honor Corps and Country. Throughout the world on 10 November, U.S. Marines celebrate the birth of their Corps -- the most loyal, most feared, most revered, and most professional fighting force the world has ever known.

Semper Fi


  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    Any Jar Heads awake out there yet? Happy 236th Bday
  • Trueguardian
    Why, thank you for the Happy B-Day chant. Served in the Beloved Corps from 1884 - 1988 and back for Dessert Strom, yes the original one in 1991. Hope all my Leatherneck friends are doing well and Semper Fi!!!!!!!
  • sylouette98
    sylouette98 Posts: 65 Member
    Happy 236th Birthday Marines! Formation at 1100 at the main parade deck for 3 mile birthday run past the Commanding General's residence. Semper Fi!
  • Trueguardian
    Dang it, a formtation run.......................Havn't seen one of those in like 20 something years, perhaps some of us should just watch...smile....
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    Happy 236th Birthday Marines! Formation at 1100 at the main parade deck for 3 mile birthday run past the Commanding General's residence. Semper Fi!

    Had to read that twice because in my head it came out birthday suit run. Once a Marine always a Marine !!!

    Happy birthday my brothers and sisters Semper Fi

    Charlie 1/10 92-96
    Headquarters Battery 3/u11 96-99
    Headquarters Battalion 1/25 I&I 99-04

    11 years 8 months and 2 days.. not that I counted :)

    At 8pm EST I am going to have a drink in honor of the 236th birthday I hope you all join me in raising a glass to those fallen and standing proud in service of the Marine Corps.

    Of course same time tomorrow for all our veterans but today is our day!
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Semper FI Devil Dogs!

    Early 90's Marine here (Somalia) - Love to get some of you on the buddy list!
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    Happy Birthday Marines!! Found this on a fellow Marine's FB this morning:

    Marine Moe Thomas wrote this in response to an Army guy on "Facebook" who posted a comment on the Marine Corps site that he was sick and tired of "Marine arrogance".

    Moe says,

    "I think that what makes Marines special, if only in our own minds, is that elusive Quality of Esprit D'Corps. It's the fact that we, as individual Marines, don't feel that we are individual Marines. When we wear our uniform, when we hear our Hymn, when we go into battle, we are going with every other Marine who ever wore the uniform.

    Standing behind us are the Marines who fought during the birth Of our nation. We're standing with the Marines who fought in WWI and gave birth to the legend of the "Tueful Hunden", or "Devil Dogs". We are standing with the Marines who took Iwo and Tarawa and countless other blood soaked islands throughout the Pacific.

    We are standing with the "Frozen Chosin" and our beloved Chesty Puller. We are standing with the Marines who battled at Hue City and Khe Sanh and the muddy rice paddies of South East Asia. We are standing with the Marines who fought in Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom and now, are fighting in Afghanistan.

    Like real brothers, their blood courses through our veins, and when we go into battle, we would rather lay down our lives than be a disappointment to them. We carry on our backs, their legacy, their deaths and their honor. We carry that for the rest of our lives.

    The Marines Corps uniform doesn't come off when our active duty is over. We wear it daily in our attitude, and our love of Corps and country. We wear it on our tattoos and our bumper stickers. We wear it in our hearts.

    It's why, no matter where we are in the world, on November 10th, every Marine celebrates the Marine Corps birthday. It's why we'll never be an army of 1. It's why we never stop being Marines. It's why, for most of us, being a Marine isn't something we were. It's something we are.

    It's the most important part of who and what we are. Some say we're arrogant. We say we're proud. We have a right to be proud. We are the United States Marines The most feared and ferocious group of warriors to walk the face of this earth.

    When Americas' enemies formulate their battle plans, they plan on going around Marine units, because they know Damn well that they can't go through them. We are what other branches wish they were.

    We are the modern day Spartans. This isn't bragging. It's written in the battle history of our country. When there's a parade and the Marines march by, everyone pays a little more attention. Some say "arrogance". We call it "pride". It's why, in a crowd of service men, you can always spot the Marine. Why are Marines special? I don't know. We just are. "