Mini Desserts

I first saw them at Olive Garden earlier this year. You can get a "Dolcini": a little cup filled with a dessert, with 5 different options to choose from. Their website says they are 210-290 calories. Compare that to the white chocolate raspberry cheesecake (my favorite) at 890 calories. Yikes! Huge difference!

Then last night I went out to Cheddar's, and they have just added "Dessert Minis" to the menu! It's basically a shot glass sized dessert, with 3 options to chose from. No nutrition information, but I'm guessing they are 100-150 calories.

They are great for finishing off a meal with a few bites of something sweet and delicious, without going overboard and feeling guilty. I'm loving this trend, I hope I start seeing these in more restaurants! Has anyone seen these elsewhere?


  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    What a great idea. I think I will start making mini deserts, I think I need to get mini containers to make them. Like the mini cupcake pans, but that is really cool. Thanks for sharing.
  • itsmarcel
    itsmarcel Posts: 52 Member
    Yeah, I've seen mini desserts all over the place. I believe I saw them for the first time at Applebee's about a year or two ago. I've never actually had one because they're like Pringles to me. I can't stop at just one. :laugh:
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    O'Charley's also has mini desserts
  • kp_88
    kp_88 Posts: 53 Member
    I think its a great idea! I have seen them at applebees, chilis, olive garden, and starbucks!
  • hsmirnov
    hsmirnov Posts: 7 Member
    i saw them at TGI fridays a while back, but u got 3, so it was a very good idea to share. i definitely like the trend of smaller portions, i know a lot of people want to get more for their money but i am totally happy with a small dose of something REALLY tasty lol
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Those mini desserts at Cheddars are likely between 250-350 calories but still better than the bigger desserts!