"Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom " Group 7



  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    You guys are doing awesome!!! My sodium intake has been crazy out of control this past week, despite my calories being on track. So I'm up this week to 155.9 this week. Goals for this week are to get in all my water and to keep my sodium at 2500mg or less each day.

    Keep up the great work ladies!!!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    My pace is slowing down. I was 147.2 this week, which is only a .4 loss for this week. My dad was in the hospital this week, so I did not get in any workouts during the week. I ran 6 miles yesterday and ran in a 5K race this morning, so managed to get in a little activity. We are going out tonight with friends to a club for an adult Halloween party, so I am taking tonight off. We are all dressing up as 80's heavy metal rockers...should be a lot of fun. Crazy thing is, I bought my outfit new off the racks at the mall, not at costume or thrift store. It is totally crazy (and wrong) that 80's fashions are coming back. TOM also started today after a 6 week hiatis, so that is throwing me off today too. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Check in on my goals for last week.

    1. going to the gym 3x this week
    got to the gym once last week. I got my kids cold and having trouble working out.

    2 start EA Sports and finish week one.

    So goals for this week is
    1. drink at least 8 glasses of water per day
    2. Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night

    Trying to get rid of this cold before really working out. I could barely do anything today without coughing or being short of breath.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    WOW!! What a crazy busy week for me. Sorry to be posting this so late, I just haven't had time to breathe lately.

  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    *sigh* I've been a total recluse. I got REALLY REALLY down for awhile because my scale numbers were so crazy, then I took my "eat more to lose" theory a smidge too far (like past what in hindsight is "maintenance") and started gaining *eek!*. I'm sorry ladies, it just got incredibly depressing seeing you all make strides on the scale and in this competition while I couldn't make heads or tails of my numbers. However, as of last week, my calipered body fat % is the lowest it's EVER been, 18.85%. I finally sucked it up and updated my ticker (157.4 - though it's up to you all if you want to add me in again. I'm working my way through all the posts I missed now.) and took a really good hard look at my actual net calories for the past 29 weeks I've been meticulously logging. Even posted everything in detail to get some help: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/382812-net-calorie-geniuses-need-help-29-weeks-documented . The bad news? People seem to be in so much awe over my body comp they think I ought to ditch the scale entirely (which I've been hearing all along). I realized that perhaps I probably should've never joined a scale-based competition because in order to succeed here I'd have to commit the *cardinal sin* of parting with some lean mass. However, considering I've never done straight-up cardio for a workout since starting this whole journey, losing some lean mass (and therefore #s on the scale) in conjunction with keeping my composition the same would be a very natural (and perhaps still healthy?) result. *sigh* Lots of mixed messages. I let the number on the scale get me down when that is only part of the picture. I literally didn't access the website for a LONG time because of it... at least I kept plugging in away on the app.

    Anyway, I apologize for disappearing on you ladies. You seem to be doing wonderful and I'll keep peeking in to see how you all are doing even if I don't get readded.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    *sigh* I've been a total recluse. I got REALLY REALLY down for awhile because my scale numbers were so crazy, then I took my "eat more to lose" theory a smidge too far (like past what in hindsight is "maintenance") and started gaining *eek!*. I'm sorry ladies, it just got incredibly depressing seeing you all make strides on the scale and in this competition while I couldn't make heads or tails of my numbers. However, as of last week, my calipered body fat % is the lowest it's EVER been, 18.85%. I finally sucked it up and updated my ticker (157.4 - though it's up to you all if you want to add me in again. I'm working my way through all the posts I missed now.) and took a really good hard look at my actual net calories for the past 29 weeks I've been meticulously logging. Even posted everything in detail to get some help: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/382812-net-calorie-geniuses-need-help-29-weeks-documented . The bad news? People seem to be in so much awe over my body comp they think I ought to ditch the scale entirely (which I've been hearing all along). I realized that perhaps I probably should've never joined a scale-based competition because in order to succeed here I'd have to commit the *cardinal sin* of parting with some lean mass. However, considering I've never done straight-up cardio for a workout since starting this whole journey, losing some lean mass (and therefore #s on the scale) in conjunction with keeping my composition the same would be a very natural (and perhaps still healthy?) result. *sigh* Lots of mixed messages. I let the number on the scale get me down when that is only part of the picture. I literally didn't access the website for a LONG time because of it... at least I kept plugging in away on the app.

    Anyway, I apologize for disappearing on you ladies. You seem to be doing wonderful and I'll keep peeking in to see how you all are doing even if I don't get readded.

    OF COURSE we'll add you back in! I just dropped your name from the chart since you hadn't responded in awhile--I didn't want you to feel any pressure if you weren't in the right place to participate! I'll put you back in the chart. 157.4 will be your official starting weigh in. What is your new goal to reach by 12/31? I have 145 as your original goal, but if you want to change just let me know!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Updated chart including Izzie:

  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Hi Ladies - Wooo...crazy, busy week!! Weigh in for this week is 146.2, which is a 1 pound loss for the week. Not too bad considering I kinda took last weekend off. We had a blast going out with friends Saturday night to a club for an adult Halloween party. Our 80's heavy metal rocker costumes turned out great and we had a blast!! We even went out to dinner in full costume!! I'll have to add a picture to my photos on here. I drank too much Saturday night, and then on Sunday, drank some more and ate hot wings, etc. while watching football. But I was good on Halloween...no cocktails and no candy. I have actually surprised myself with the candy in the house...I haven't really wanted any of it. I think I have only had 2 small Tootsie Rolls all week. I survived the week of TOM, which is really throwing me off, since it is not regular anymore. I hadn't had it in 6 weeks, so I think it was building up to hit me extra hard...lol. In addition to TOM kicking my butt, I have not felt good this week...had a cold which turned into a sinus infection, so haven't been running, since I can't breathe. But not feeling well lead to a few days of not really eating much more than soup, so that had a good impact on the diet, I guess. I am planning to run a 5K on Sunday, and need to fit in a little longer run sometime this weekend, and then rest up for my half on 11/13. I am not really feeling prepared, but also not stressing...I know I can finish it, and it is along a nice flat, scenic route along the beach...it's all good. I will just take my time and enjoy the moment...for 13.1 miles...lol!! Hope everyone else had a good week and has plans for a fabulous weekend!!
  • racerten
    racerten Posts: 1 Member
    I wanna be a hot mom,lol
    Having a hard time I love to eat....
  • amers55
    154.0 sorry ladies. I haven't been logging or really trying. Life is stressful right now. At least tomorrow is a new day and weekend to start over!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    ~~ MY WEIGH-IN 11/05/11 ~~

    Well, I expected it...a gain. Not as bad as I thought it would be though. :tongue:

    I had a gain of .8 lbs which puts me back at 152.2.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Been a crazy week. Computer crashed, so finally got a new one on Friday. Havent been working out or eating good, and it showed on the scale. I was up a bit to 149 this week. But at least I am still below 150. Will start to excerise and log again starting Monday. On Tuesday I am going to check out a zumba class.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Here's the updated chart from last week's weigh in. Missing a couple folks. Keep working it, ladies!!


    Amy--just guessing at the gain for you, as I didn't have a weigh in for you for the past couple weeks, and went based upon Week 13's weigh in. Overall a gain for the group, so hopefully we'll see big losses next week!
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Come visit our main topic thread and find out which Hot Mom has reached her goal weight!

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Totally fell off the wagon these past 2 weeks, have been really busy. Bot eating right and not working out. Going to get back at it on Sunday. Start of a new week.
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Sorry guys I forgot to weigh in last week. It was so busy then over the weekend my youngest daughter broke out in hives. I took her to the dr on Monday and it was only a virus most likely associated with her cold.

    On another note I am feeling better so I am getting back on the wagon and working out, or at least keeping my body moving.

    I cleaned my house today which will be my workout for today.

  • amers55
    Sorry girls. I need to quit the group. My head/emotions aren't in the right place. At the dr and just weighed in @the 158 I am a mess and need to fix my attitude before I fix my body
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Sorry girls. I need to quit the group. My head/emotions aren't in the right place. At the dr and just weighed in @the 158 I am a mess and need to fix my attitude before I fix my body

    Sorry you're having a hard time Amy! :( Feel free to come back if you want, and if you need others to help cheer you on!!!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    146.6 today....actually a 0.4 increase from last week. I was down to 145.8 earlier in the week, but have had a few days of over indulgence the past few days. I will get it back on track this weekend, and will be burning off a lot running a half marathon on Sunday, so not stressing about it too much. Hope everyone had a good week and that you are enjoying a relaxing Veteran's Day, and have a fun weekend planned.
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    146.6 today....actually a 0.4 increase from last week. I was down to 145.8 earlier in the week, but have had a few days of over indulgence the past few days. I will get it back on track this weekend, and will be burning off a lot running a half marathon on Sunday, so not stressing about it too much. Hope everyone had a good week and that you are enjoying a relaxing Veteran's Day, and have a fun weekend planned.

    You're doing AWESOME!!!