Who wants to weigh in everyday?



  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Yesterday, 151.1, today 151.8 UGH! My sodium has been up so hoping that's why I'm stalled.
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    I weigh in every morning, but I only post when I lose. A lot of people say it's bad to weigh in daily, but I can't help myself. It's actually very motivating for me.

    I do the same thing ;) It works well for me!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I weigh myself each and every morning. I am currently in maintenance and for me, I like knowing that all is well and I'm weighing in my "range".

    I personally think that weighing everyday can teach you about your body's fluctuations. It can teach you about what foods cause you to retain water and therefore gain some water weight. It teaches you about your "range" (and we all have one). I'm glad I learned my range because knowing it makes it so I don't freak out over a pound gained or whatever.
  • drygravytrain
    drygravytrain Posts: 13 Member
    I weight myself everyday, I like seeing how I fluctuate throughout the week. You can still have the same fluctuations weighing in weekly, you just dont know on what day it happened.
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    yesterday's weight 162.2 todays 162.6 and mine could be sodium as well, hopefully! Not a big difference so no big deal I just hope to be in the 150's a week from now!
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. I find it very rewarding to know a day of really clean eatng has paid off, and I also like knowing what foods cause a gain. It has helped me learn that a McDonalds happy meal really can effect me, it helps me to be honest with myself, what I call "tiny cheats" and tell myself they're nothing, really do slow down my loss, or halt it all together. It's been keeping me accountable and motivated to keep going!

  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I'm already a little obsessive about this ... I weigh every single morning and actually I wish I could STOP!
    For instance, this morning I gained 3.2 pounds since yesterday -- and yesterday I exercised, I was under my goal and ate very good! But I think its almost that time of the month -- so regardless, I went to work feeling like a fat cow! Some days I'll lose 2-3 overnight and then I think its awesome!

    Glad to see I'm not the only daily weigher hiding that dirty secret :)
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    OMG Haloumi is one of my weaknesses! I LOVE IT!
  • MaeKhaleesi
    MaeKhaleesi Posts: 61 Member
    I weigh myself every day to keep myself accountable. If I wait until the end of the week I get discouraged. Weighing myself every morning keeps me inspired to push myself harder to work out and eat healthy.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I'm glad the scales have so many fans.

    Another reason I think daily is a good idea is because both French and Japanese websites recommend it. There is a lot I don't like about French and Japanese attitudes to weight (both my French exchanges had unhealthy attitudes to food, caused in part by social pressures, and the BMIs some Japanese girls aspire to are just scary!) but they ARE pretty good at keeping it off :laugh:
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I weigh in everyday :/ I see what i am, what i stick on and what i do when im naughty!
    I am that obsessive i have a fridge chart for the month and i write them in my book so i know each days weight since august last year when i started :p
    I have been counting 7 and seeing what id be a week ago and LOL i was seeing a steady decrease to my monthly observation til i hit my platue! That killed my spirit! I havnt been measuring myself since i havnt seen any results but bring on monday for the start of my 30 day shred!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    weighing in every day set's you up for failure (been there done that :) )
    your weight fluctuates so much from weather, water retention, many things
    IMHO not a good idea

  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    I weigh everyday and it gives me the motivation that I can do this. My hubby currently is hiding the scale from me for a week and I am going crazy, but I was becoming a slave to the scale and driving him crazy! Hope to see big numbers in a week!
  • xjlishey1
    xjlishey1 Posts: 286
    I am a scalaholic..I can't help myself. It is an awful addiction and very depressing at times...I always say I am going to throw my scale in the trash and never do :indifferent:
  • xjlishey1
    xjlishey1 Posts: 286
    I am a scalaholic..I can't help myself. It is an awful addiction and very depressing at times...I always say I am going to throw my scale in the trash and never do :indifferent:
  • chuckuloco
    chuckuloco Posts: 7 Member
    Weighing in every day is a no-no. I see people everyday who do it and they are always upset with themselves, to many variables. Best to weigh-in every week on the same day. Thats my 2 cents.
  • heyjude1358
    I weigh myself maybe a couple of times a week, middle of week and weigh in day. I record it once a week. I fluctuate so much daily, that it drives me insane to weigh every day.
    To each his or her own...
  • shifthappens2011
    just my two cents... but you CANNOT live by the scale. the scale should not be your source of motivation OR guilt. it's just not accurate and it can change on a whim.

    PLUS. when you reach goal... you will go crazy because your weight naturally fluctuates.

    i am a HUGE advocate of looking to other indicators for success. how do you feel? are you eating healthy? do you have enough energy to get through the day? are you active? do your clothes fit?

    THESE are the real things that matter.... NOT the number on the scale. it is after all, just a number. YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR WEIGHT.

    Thanks! When I read here I feel like the only person who's last priority is the number on the scale. In my youth, I might have been on every day. But that was back in cave man days when they didn't even HAVE digitial!!! Can you kids imagine??? So the scales were so inaccurate it was a joke anyway. Now I realize I'm in this for the long haul and what the scales says doesn't matter so much as where my head is.

    As far as the mentality of encouraging or discouraging, it's probably neither for me. I weigh whenever I'm up in the morning and remember before I've had breakfast. And because I don't weigh every day (or as some have said, multiple times a day) I occasionally get a really nice suprise. And I guess that's the emotion I really like attached to the process.... a really nice morning surprise that sets the tone for a good day.
  • chuckuloco
    chuckuloco Posts: 7 Member
    I weigh in once a week, always on the same day. Don't get obsessed with the daily weigh-ins, it will discourage you. I always weigh in on Mondays as it motivates me to not go crazy with my weekends!
  • jellerose
    jellerose Posts: 74 Member
    If you read through the thread you'll see that for many personalities, mine as well, weighing every day isn't a discouragement but a source of motivation and we find it interesting to see the natural fluctuations. I think we need to know what works for our mindset and not assume everyone else has the same motivating factors. Discussing the pros and cons of each approach can helps someone figure out which way leads to better succcess for them.
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