Ever considered trying the HCG diet?



  • ShrinkingChelle
    Very well put, I hope she takes everything that is said into her decision, she may feel the need to lose that weight but I hope she knows that she will feel better in the end if shes does it healthy and it is more likely to stay off. I few years back I lost a bunch of weight fast, like 10 lbs in 5 days, and I didnt do it a healthy way, not only did I feel like crap and have no energy but I gain it all back, PLUS more. Now I am here to do it right way, the healthy way.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I did notice that under the new Groups feature, there is a group devoted to the HCG diet. Just as an fyi.

    Thanks everyone for taking my very neutral post and making it a) sound like I was supporting HCG and b) bashing me because of it. I am not taking a stance either way b/c I have no personal knowledge. I knew that the OP would get mostly negative responses and was only trying to point her in a direction that may or may not be helpful.

    You can get your point across in a much kinder way, that is all I am saying.
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    Have you ever considered trying the HCG diet? If you are interested in learning more, feel free to follow my blog:


    This blog is intended to document my experience. While I do realize there is no quick fix, magic pill, or potion to lose weight, that it does take a combination of eating right and exercising, I am using this in a combination with both of those things to jump start my diet.

    Does anyone else have any experience with the HCG drops? Please share. Thanks!

    I know this is a hot button...but I don't remember the poster saying "Please give me your advice and opinion" just sayin.....I hate these posts because everyone always comes in and RUDELY states their viewpoint.
  • tmj8908
    Thank you for all the responses good and bad. While some obviously may not agree with my decision, it is one that I came to with careful consideration after consulting my doctor. While this may not be for everyone, for those of us that have more weight to lose than others, it is a viable option to kickstart a weight loss program that teaches us how to make healthy food selections, portion control, etc. I agree that this is not a long term solution and it only lasts 21 days; however, for me, it is the right option to get me going in the right direction. While like I said I appreciate everyone's opinions, we are all on here for the same reason, so who are we to judge.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Have you ever considered trying the HCG diet? If you are interested in learning more, feel free to follow my blog:


    This blog is intended to document my experience. While I do realize there is no quick fix, magic pill, or potion to lose weight, that it does take a combination of eating right and exercising, I am using this in a combination with both of those things to jump start my diet.

    Does anyone else have any experience with the HCG drops? Please share. Thanks!

    I know this is a hot button...but I don't remember the poster saying "Please give me your advice and opinion" just sayin.....I hate these posts because everyone always comes in and RUDELY states their viewpoint.

    Actually, she did ask people to share, and honestly, this is the most respectful HCG threads I've seen yet. All anyone has done is share possible side effects and issues that some of them have had. I don't really see how anyone has been rude...it's actually been the most mature conversation on this diet that I've come across. Even one of the MFP staff commented that everyone has kept it mature and respectful.

    I wish the OP the best and hope she doesn't experience any of the nasty side effects others have had.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    While this may not be for everyone, for those of us that have more weight to lose than others, it is a viable option to kickstart a weight loss program that teaches us how to make healthy food selections, portion control, etc. I

    I'm sorry but no.. it does not teach you to make healthy food choices and about portion control. It teaches you to depend on a chemical and restrict your food intake to dangerously low numbers.

    Good luck OP and hope everything turns out ok.
  • aliciar3
    After the number of people that have just shared their own awful personal experiences (not 'this happened to my friend' stories) from this diet, I'm surprised you're still willing to go ahead with it.

    I honestly worry for your health, how any doctor could actually recommend this kind of 'program' I don't know.

    I sincerely hope you don't experience any of the awful symptoms everyone else seems to have.

    Good luck.
  • hjames0486
    Thank you for all the responses good and bad. While some obviously may not agree with my decision, it is one that I came to with careful consideration after consulting my doctor. While this may not be for everyone, for those of us that have more weight to lose than others, it is a viable option to kickstart a weight loss program that teaches us how to make healthy food selections, portion control, etc. I agree that this is not a long term solution and it only lasts 21 days; however, for me, it is the right option to get me going in the right direction. While like I said I appreciate everyone's opinions, we are all on here for the same reason, so who are we to judge.

    As someone who has been on this diet and as a person who weighs 250 plus pounds, I have to disagree with your comment as this is a way to jump start your diet. It didn't jump start my diet, it actually hindered it. I had horrible side effects and then gained back all the weight I lost and then some. I wish you the best of luck on this diet and I hope you have better results than I did, but I would advise you to stop the diet as if you feel like it is not working the way it should. I was told that the hunger pains and the fatigue will go away after week 1 and it never did and I kept going. It caused havoc to my body. While on this diet, make sure you listen to your body and do what it wants and not what you want it to.

    Good luck and stay healthy
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    it does take a combination of eating right and exercising

    What does HCG have to do with the "eating right" part?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    it does take a combination of eating right and exercising
    How will your body benefit and recover from exercise if you aren't eating enough?
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    ....nope. Can't say that I have.
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    I am an enthusiast of the HCG diet! I lost 100lbs, I mix the urine with OJ, cant even taste it! :drinker:
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Just agreeing with the majority here.

    You may well lose that 40lb fast. Much of which will be muscle, and you will lower your metabolism.

    So, lose 40lb fast and unsafe, and then gain it all back and probably alot more when you stop. Why is is so important you lose it fast?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    it does take a combination of eating right and exercising

    What does HCG have to do with the "eating right" part?

    ^ Or even just the eating part.
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    My BFF did this. She lost an insane amount of weight really fast. I don't see how that can be healthy. In addition my thinking on it is what are you changing about your lifestyle that you can maintain long term? She may have lost a lot more than I have in a shorter period of time but I'm willing to put money on who is going to keep the weight off and who FEELS better even now (and by better I mean healthier).

    That's just my two cents ... for what it's worth.