I just want to eat



  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I don't understand, I do eat all those things and still lose weigh, I can't eat a trough of it. But I can exercise to build up the number of calories I can have so that I can eat what I want. That is what this site is all about to me. I'm not going to deprive myself. I think that is how most of us got here. Good Luck.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    If you have the calories do it. If you don't have the calories, don't do it. I don't deprive myself because I'm not dieting. If I really want something or know I'm going to be eating it I plan for the calories, do an extra workout, whatever it takes. Or I find a way to make it healthier so that I can still eat it and not have to kill myself on calories.

    This is a lifelong journey and sometimes you do have to tell yourself no and sometimes you don't. I like mexican, especially tostadas, and have found a way to make them healthier and lower cal so I can still eat them.

    You need to decide if it's worth what you will have to do/sacrifice to have it!!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    FIND ALTERNATIVES! They're out there.

    When I crave chips? Veggie Straws...............you can eat 38 of 'em for MUCH less than 10 potato chips...130 cals, 7 gr fat.
    Pizza? Farm Rich mini pizza slices. 2 of 'em for only 125 calories
    Ice Cream? Skinny Cow makes a HUGE ice cream bar.............mint truffle is my fave.........100 calories!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My philosophy is if you want to have something, you CAN. You just have to count the cost and decide if it's worth it. For instance, is it worth it to consume the 430 calories ONE slice of Pizza Hut stuffed crust pepperoni lovers? Is it worth the 705 calories to eat one slice of french silk pie from Perkins Restaurant?

    I have had times where I decided YES to both those questions, but on each of those occasions I made up for it elsewhere in the day.


    +10 for mentioning Perkins. I haven't been to one in years, since I haven't lived anywhere near one in 10 years. Great pancakes :)
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Fit a treat into your calories
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    indulge a little and do some extra working out if you need to make up the calories. just don't over do it. and listen to people who are talking abput alternatives. make your own food in a healthier version of what your craving. and skinny cow is a life saver. lean cusine makes some pretty good pizzas allso
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    If it fits in your calories and macros, eat it. There's no good or bad food...just food. Negatively labeling food is not conducive to developing a healthy relationship with eating, thus making it harder to stick to long term weight loss maintenance.
  • ixiHemlock
    ixiHemlock Posts: 83 Member
    Have some sugar/fat free sorbet or fudgecicles instead

    or, fat-free yogurt with real fruit and a little honey.

    How about air popped popcorn?
  • Tvstarbabe
    I love you all! I drank some water, did some crunches, and then I realized, I'd much rather be healthy and skinnier than waste all my hard work on a burger or pizza! :)