Sexy Valentine Challenge Nov 14-Feb 14 2012



  • Melissa_Suzanne
    Melissa_Suzanne Posts: 75 Member
    This is perfect because my #2 goal weight date is valentines day!!!

    Height: 5'7"
    Beginning Weight: 155lbs
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 145lbs
    Personal Strengths: Determined
    Personal Struggles: Need to push my self harder
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Drink more water
    Favorite New workout: A dance workout dvd, not my favorite but its my only new work out
  • brwneyedmandi
    brwneyedmandi Posts: 12 Member
    I DEFINITELY want to join this challenge!

    Height: 5'8
    Beginning weight: 208
    2/14/12 Goal weight: 190
    Personal Strengths: I push myself hard during workouts
    Personal Struggles: Emotional eating
    This weeks personal challenge: Cut back on sweets, implement more low carb/veggie snacks
    Favorite new workout: 30 Day Shred & Just Dance on the Wii
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Height: 5'10
    Beginning Weight: 159lbs
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 149lbs
    Personal Strengths: mmm I am just a super kick *kitten* person in general
    Personal Struggles:lowering body fat % grrrr
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Lift weights regularly and lots of cardio
    Favorite New workout: I have just started a new dance that kicks my abs butt...only new thing i do
  • Love it! <3

    Height: 5'4
    Beginning Weight: 246
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 200
    Personal Strengths: Determination
    Personal Struggles: Lack of willpower
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: curb cravings
    Favorite New workout: C25k training
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    I'm in!!! However, I am going through a difficult breakup
    , so I'm doing this for ME!!

    Height 5'5
    Beginning weight. 194
    2/14/2012 185
    Personal Strength. Patience
    Personal Struggles. My depression
    This week personal challenge. My sadness
    Favorite new workout. Billy Blanks pt24/7
  • Me too!! I'm in! I'm so excited - my first group and Valentines was my personal new goal date already.

    Height: 5'4"
    Beginning Weight: 168
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 148
    Personal Strengths: I like exercise!
    Personal Struggles: I still get lazy trying to fit my workouts in....and I eat far too often when I am not truly hungry
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: To fit exercise in every day - even if it's only 20 minutes
    Favorite New workout: My old Denise Austin "personal trainer" and 10 minute pilates DVDs - ahhh...old friends.
  • jmgcummins
    jmgcummins Posts: 93 Member
    Sweet. I am doing a Chiristmas challenge, but this one will be good for a longer-ish goal :)

    Height: 5'6
    Beginning Weight: 167.5 (today)
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 145
    Personal Strengths: Portion control during meals
    Personal Struggles: Snacking
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Make time for the gym, I've been sick so I haven't been going
    Favorite New workout: I'm loving Yoga now. I didn't think I would, but it's a lot of fun.
  • I'm in! Need any motivation I can get.

    Height: 5'6"
    Beginning Weight: 272
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 240
    Personal Strengths: Not drinking soda.
    Personal Struggles: Haven't found the exercise I can stick with.
    This Week's Personal Challenge: Not eating out this week.
    Favorite New workout: Haven't found it yet but I like to walk, so I'll say walking.
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    I would like to join!

    Height: 5'6"
    Beginning Weight: 238
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 215
    Personal Strengths: Stubborn (can be good and bad!)
    Personal Struggles: Willpower and portions.
    This Week's Personal Challenge: Getting my butt off the couch and working out!
    Favorite New workout: 30 Day Shred
  • lauramae81
    lauramae81 Posts: 22 Member
    I want in!!

    I would love EVERYONE in this challenge to send me a friends request to hold me accountable!

    ~Beginning Weight:205(Although on my profile it says 197 because I refuse to give into what my "binges" have done to me
    ~2/14/12 Goal Weight:275
    ~Personal Strengths:I thrive in competitive situations, in a "group" challenge, I want to win! I may love you and will do whatever I can to support you to your goal, but I'm gonna kick yer *kitten*!!
    ~Personal Struggles:I have been recently diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder a.k.a P.T.S.D.(which makes binge eating an easy excuse for me!)
    ~This Week’s Personal Challenge:To make it one full week not giving into my late nite "save me from my hell" binge eating.
    ~Favorite New workout: Working harder and faster at work, so I sweat like a nasty pig!! AND...Walk/Jogging home from my weekly therapy session!

    ***Side note*** Although I am not "technically" in a relationship, I have recently professed my feelings to my best friend of 15 years(who has reciprocated his feelings for me)....and....I GAVE(not Lost) him my virginity on Valentines day 2000! Which would make this challenge an awesome "Anniversary" gift to us both!!!!(He is completely amazing, and has loved me unconditionally...through my darkest moments and my all time highest weight of 250lbs!!)
  • im in! need all the motivation i can get!

    Height: 5'1"
    Beginning Weight: 160
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 120
    Personal Strengths: very motivated at this point in my life... this will be my last fat november ever :)
    Personal Struggles: motivation, eating out of boredom, getting off the couch.
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: workout three days this week
    Favorite New workout: walking and jogging!
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    Oh I really want to be sexy for my hubby :)

    Height: 5' 7"
    Beginning Weight: 222.0
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 200
    Personal Strengths: reading/research
    Personal Struggles: time/motivation/baby
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Get moving in the morning at work, even if for just 15 mins.
    Favorite New workout: none yet.
  • I'm so excited to get this challenge started! It's so much easier when you have such fantastic support like this! xx