The Least You Can Do...

Ok, so the other day I was talking to my mom about Obama-care.
She's a stanch Republican, and really I don't understand why. She's always complaining that she doesn't make enough with social security (she really doesn't.) and she also can't afford health insurance. So I asked her what she didn't like about it.
This was to no avail, she had no idea why she didn't like it! I started to ask her some of the topics that it covered such as,
"do you think that poor families should have access to healthcare at a cheaper cost?"
"do you think that people with disabilities who need equipment to live should have more assistance?"
and a few other things. to all of my questions, she answered "yes."
finally, I said, "mom, you basically just said you support it..."
She got mad at me for telling her this, so she started to attack Obama personally.
Moral of the story, before you say you are for or against something, please know what it is about.
I'm not saying that one side or the other is right, just know what your side stands for before you choose, don't just choose the side that the rest of your family/friends choose. :)
