Leash your damn dogs!

I decided to take a different route for my daily walk for the first time since starting an exercise routine. As I was walking toward one particular little shanty house, I see this rather large Doberman sitting quietly on the front porch. Being attacked by a dog when I was little, I felt an instant surge of adrenaline. I crossed over to the side of the road, the Doberman perked up and started bark ferociously.

Next thing I know, this Doberman starts literally chasing me down the street, actually nipping at my heels until I was THREE houses down the road and heard his owner calling him. On the way back, I almost had a panic attack passing by the same house but I was relieved to see the Doberman's owner telling him to "back down" while they were sitting on their porch.

So please leash your vicious *kitten* dogs so fat chicks don't nearly blow a knee running from them!


  • skinnnyxoxo
    skinnnyxoxo Posts: 210 Member
    I know I get so freaking scared!
    WATRD Posts: 25
    Oooh! You have touched on my pet peeve. This summer, I LOVED running on the local trail. Level gravel, 32 miles of country trail. But dozens of unleashed dogs, some more friendly than the other and tons of "land mines" *almost* makes me glad I have moved into the gym for the winter.

    This, from a dog lover for all my life.
  • jazzdspazz
    jazzdspazz Posts: 137 Member
    If you let him bite you, you would have a couple grand in your pocket.
  • Shawnalee0703
    you should have reported him! In many places off leash dogs in areas that are not meant to be off leash is illegal and especially if the dog attempted attacking you, HE and the police should know about the behavior of the dog. Hope he will leash him from now on. Scary, I am sorry!!! Another reason I never walk without my dog. Sorry to hear about your evening.
    Many strange dogs make me nervous too. This gave me chills. Sorry hun.
  • CallieDerenthal
    CallieDerenthal Posts: 170 Member
    oh my goodness! so glad you're ok!!! having been attacked by a pit bull and then encountering an unleashed rottweiler while on a bike ride (with a 2 year old child in a trailer on the back of my bike) i can certainly relate to the adrenalin rush. thankfully i wasn't chased, i can only imagine how scary that must have been! have you contacted local police and/or animal control? the next person to encounter this dog may not be so lucky... :frown:

    also, i walk with pepper spray to protect myself and my dogs from strays while we're out on our walks. that may make you feel a bit safer.
  • mccrockl
    mccrockl Posts: 55 Member
    When I visit my parents, who live in the country (where there are no leash laws), I have had dogs follow me for miles. Usually, they aren't vicious, but there is always the stressful moment when you are about to find out.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Sounds like you got a free workout, with all that running.

    I'd be happy.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Damn. I'd be running like Usain Bolt!
    My shih tzu like to nip at heels :)
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    If you let him bite you, you would have a couple grand in your pocket.

    ^^^^ I tire of quoting you. Stop saying hi-larious stuff.
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    I heard my neighbor talking about the same dog the other day and she walks on that road with a large stick! She said the dog's owner has been cited by Animal Control multiple times but he'll egg the dog on to "attack" teenagers that walk by his property.
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    I am so sorry that happened to you. I am a stickler about this as a dog owner myself. I hate when my dogs are leashed and some wild dog comes running up to me and my dogs causing a ruckus. I actually had this happen once and with all of the mayhem I got tangled in my dogs leashes and pulled to the ground and not once did the owner ask if I was okay.
  • JediMaster_intraining

    my neighbor has a little puppy and though not vicious it runs after me when i'm walking down the apartment stairs and it's so little i get scared that i'm going to step on it! i wish they would just leash the dog when taking it outside for poop!
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    I think I found a picture of the dog's owner:

  • Shawnalee0703
    and now that you mention he HAS been cited! Sounds like someone does need to get bit! I would never wish that upon anyone and it is horrifying to go through what you went through. But that *kitten* and his dog need to be taken care of. He is not a man who should even own a dog, or so it sounds! :(
  • Shawnalee0703
    I think I found a picture of the dog's owner:

    lol may as well be!
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I have mixed feelings about this. As a fellow runner (well, jogger), I hate when dogs aren't on leashes, especially mean dogs. There are routes I won't take anymore because I've been chased by dogs. I normally love dogs, but dogs seem to have an intrinsic dislike of runners.

    However, after visiting other countries, where dogs are free to roam around without a leash, I noticed how tame all those dogs were. They would never bark or chase anyone, because they were not constrained. I'm not sure if our habit of keeping all dogs confined is the problem or not, but it's an idea.

    Vicious dogs are usually the result of bad owners. If you have a dog who will bite or chase, they need to be on a leash.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Yeah, people have to leash their dogs. Two or three days ago I was attacked, but not in THAT sense. I was busy walking my tubby little female dog when out of nowhere comes this.. I dunno.. miniature poodle or something like that. He starts sniffing at my dog, who is rather unfriendly with other dogs since she hasn't been introduced to many. Fearing a fight at my ankles, I picked up my dog and continued on. He was persistent though. He jumped up on my legs and hopped about trying to get to her. It wasn't as scary as much as annoying though. I calmly tried talking hm away, though what I really wanted to do was give the little pooch a right jab to the top of the head.

    Thankfully the next door neighbors of the dog's actual owners called him off. Apparently they weren't even at home. They'd just left him there to roam.
  • celewis2011
    celewis2011 Posts: 243 Member
    So please leash your vicious *kitten* dogs so fat chicks don't nearly blow a knee running from them!

    love it!!!!!!! Well at least you were able to run , I would have had a heart attach or wet myself one of the two , lol
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    Okay, as someone who trained dogs professionally, forgive me for saying this, but if you're running and a dog starts chasing you, the worst thing you can do is keep running. It's something inherent in most dogs known as "prey drive" or "chase drive" (brilliant, I know). I completely agree dogs should be kept on lead and loose dogs are a pet peeve of mine as well, but knowing how to properly react in such a situation could literally save your butt. If this dog had truly been "vicious" you wouldn't be here telling us about this incident.

    For the record, most Dobies are big clowns. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand your fear if you've had a bad experience, but it helps to just assume people are irresponsible, and be prepared if you run/walk/bike outside. I'll just stick to the treadmill!
  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    I got knocked over and bitten on the ear by a corgi when I about 7 (I was a scrawny little kid). Took me decades to be able to handle dogs. Now I love them and have one of my own. But I still get very nervous when they are off the leash in the park, even the calm ones. I would be ringing the dog catcher.