Im am really frustrated as hell. I have been on MFP for 8 months and have only lost 20 pounds. Accept for the last week, I have been really good about staying on track. I usually ate 1600 calories a day and exercised between 30 minutes to 4 hours a day. However, since mid-June my weight has stayed the same. I have tried lowering my calories and increasing my exercise/ raised my calories and decreased how much I exercised. Nothing I seem to do works. On top of feeling sad about not losing weight, I also have seasonal effectiveness disorder. This basically means my brain can't cope without the sun. Recently I have been thinking about doing the HCG diet or the Mckenna diet to try to boost my weight loss and possibly get me out of the rut I am in. I still have another 80-100 pounds to lose.

Please do not ***** at me about how horrible you think either of the diets are, I have family and friends who have used one or both of them to drop between 40 and 300 pounds.


  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Sound like you have already made up your mind.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 593 Member
    What is the McKenna diet?
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    In the past I had done the HCG diet and lost 20-30 lbs but gained it back pretty fast unfortunately =/ I dont think i'd ever do it again. I liked it at the time but finding an easier way to deal with eating less (but definitely more than the HCG diet) as well as working out and finding what works best for you seems a heck of a lot better to me. I've done pretty well so far. Lost 54 lbs since May 9th this year. I did have plateaus but one thing that worked best for me was eating around 1200-1260 calories per day, working out doing cardio for at least an hour per day minimum, I kept my fat, sodium and sugar lower than the recommended amount on here and I upped my protein and fiber to more than they recommended on here as well and that helped me A LOT. Maybe you could try that? =) Hope that helps some. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    HCG is notoriously bad. No idea about McKenna. I would suggest zig zagging calories, making sure to take exercise rest days(don't work out every single day of the week, at LEAST 1 full rest day). It's hard to see the bigger picture without seeing your diary. If you've already decided on one of these fad diets, then I really don't know what you are even asking here.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Recently I have been thinking about doing the HCG diet or the Mckenna diet to try to boost my weight loss and possibly get me out of the rut I am in. I still have another 80-100 pounds to lose.

    Please do not ***** at me about how horrible you think either of the diets are, I have family and friends who have used one or both of them to drop between 40 and 300 pounds.

    Okayyyyy. Knock yourself out then. You already know that everyone will (rightly and correctly) tell you it'sat best short-term, and at worst downright dangerous.

    It you want results more than health, you're a grownup and have clearly made up your mind.

  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    I have always wanted to turn my head 360 degrees (Exorcist.) I know people who have done this. Well, they are dead now. What do you guys think? And please don't say anything bad.
  • DesertSunsetRain
    Wait... you used to exercise for.... 4 hours a day? 4 hours? I am just shocked... that's a lot.

    If you want to do HCG then do it. If you think it will help, try it out. It's not really *that* safe, but if you are feeling frustrated... do it.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    hearing that you exercised up to 4 hours a day sometimes, im going to assume you arent eating enough. you said you tried more calories/less long did you do that before you tried something different? sometimes it can take a couple weeks for your body to figure out whats going on and normalize. can we see your food diary?
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    Maybe you should talk to your doctor about why you are not losing the weight. Maybe there is something going on that needs to be corrected before your body will allow you to lose the weight....
  • akgrl1020
    You might want to make your food diary public, and maybe ask for recommendations. Are you watching your sodium, sugar, and fat intake? Are you drinking plenty of water? Weight loss is more then just calories and exercise, I am finding. It is a learning process, to find what works for you to lose weight. Good luck!
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Professional sports players don't work out for 4 hours a day.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Another thing about exercising since others are noting that. Doing too much exercise can work against you, stick to around 30min to an hour. When your muscles are sore and recovering from exercise, they will tend to retain water weight. This will give you a temporary weight gain as well, so keep that in mind. Also exercising for 4 hours, I would hope that you are eating back some exercise that would be another reason you'd stall out and plateau.
  • LillyMosley
    I think something must be up if you have really lost NO weight since mid June, might be an idea to check with a doctor and have some blood tests. If everything is fine, let folk here see your diary, double check portion size, that can be a secret killer of weight loss, and see what suggestions people come up with. I truly believe you can stuff your metabolism on some of these fad diets, just think carefully before you embark on one, but wishing you all the best!
  • kj40
    kj40 Posts: 3
    What kind of exercise are you doing - a variety, or mostly just one type? If you're only doing one type, it could be worth trying something completely different or cross training with 2-3 different types of exercise. You may have just gotten to a level of fitness in your current exercise (yay!) where you can't move the weight unless you really increase the intensity/pace or challenge. Do you have a heart rate monitor? Can you tell how many calories you're burning, even roughly?

    The other possibility is that you have built muscle to replace fat - which weighs more, but takes up less space. Have you checked your measurements, or do you notice a difference in how your clothes fit?
    If you're not strength training, you may want to consider building it in - you'll burn a truckload of extra calories!

    If you've tried all of this and nothing is working, then hey - it's your life, and who is anyone else to judge you for trying a diet that may or may not work? You won't know if you don't try. Just make sure you go into it with your eyes open. Good luck!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Professional sports players don't work out for 4 hours a day.

    Sure they do. How many do you know?
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I do strength training andvariety of cardiovascular exercise. I also do pottery on a wheel it is alot of upper body work. I have tried varying my calories between 1200 and 1600 calories. I was tracking my weight and my inches. My weight and inches have stayed the same for 3 months. I have not seen a doctor in over two years because I don't insurance or access a doctor. I know I need to because I have had medical problems recently. I have not been able to exercise for the past few weeks because every time I get my heart rate up, I get dizzy and ill. I also have a bump on my spine that has my mother (she is an RN) scratching her head.
  • pmcder10
    Have you recalculated your caloric intake value to match your current weight or are you still going off what was based for your weight when you first started?
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I do strength training andvariety of cardiovascular exercise. I also do pottery on a wheel it is alot of upper body work. I have tried varying my calories between 1200 and 1600 calories. I was tracking my weight and my inches. My weight and inches have stayed the same for 3 months. I have not seen a doctor in over two years because I don't insurance or access a doctor. I know I need to because I have had medical problems recently. I have not been able to exercise for the past few weeks because every time I get my heart rate up, I get dizzy and ill. I also have a bump on my spine that has my mother (she is an RN) scratching her head.
    Sounds more like you need to work out your health issues before trying more weight loss, but your doctor's opinion on this would by far be the best. Take it easy and heal up.
  • dia705
    dia705 Posts: 43
    My best friend dropped close to 200 lbs on the HCG diet and injections. She's gained it all back in one year now AFTER surgery to take off the excess skin!

    If you are hitting a plateau like this you might just need to change up your workouts. Up the intensity, rest when you need to. Do not cut your calories your body will not drop weight if you aren't feeding it enough. Keep up with your water if your body is dehydrated it wont' lose. Watch your stress level it will hinder you losing as well. Don't obsess about numbers, do you feel better, do you look better, do your clothes fit better? I hit one of these and after two months went off and gained 24 pounds in a few months. I'm back and know that just keep pushing is the way to do it.

    Also, it's ALMOST frowned upon but to lose 164 pounds once every two months I had a fat week. I'd still gym it but I'd indulge in those foods I truly wanted that were crap not all day everyday but all week I had one thing a day that was not on the full healthy life style I was living. A lot of my problems is carbs so I'd have carbs on that fat week with my dinner ( a piece of yummy bread or regular pasta instead of ww). It worked for me and I see that happening again. Train like crazy for two months and have a little time to let my hair down. Now though I notice when I start to plan out my cheats they are still pretty healthy (still ww I like clean food now), but it's a little more indulgent on some front.

    Chin up, have you talked to a nutritionist, do you go to the gym, do you have a trainer, do you set your goals for the week? Maybe just try a variation and see how it works. HCG does work but it's not a full life change it's just momentary and why kill yourself to have it all pop back.

    Either way, good luck!
  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    How about making your food diary public so we can see what you eat?