I'm confused and worried...



  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    Thanks everyone for responding!!

    I have been eating amazingly healthy, with whole grains and veggie, check my diaries! But what I really am concerned about is the breads. never in my life have I been a junk food lover. I was raised a pasta loving italian so all my food is fresh and well prepared! lol

    I rarely have junk so thats not my concern. I guess I just couldn't believe I could have whole wheat pasta, or lamb chops, or even portioned vodka sauce and still be loosing weight yanno? I never found satisfaction in brownies and chips.

    That sounds like a healthy and sesible diet to me. I inferred a much less healthy diet from your OP but that is a drawback to forums, I suppose.

    I misunderstood too....I infered from eat anything I want to eat...that you meant eat anything that "I--drmomm" want to eat. which of course for me is cookies and brownies and pie and ...and...and......from this post it looks like you are on track.just keep on going it looks all good to me...
  • johnlms
    1200 calories of brownies sure does sound tasty, but yeah... you need to still be sensible about what your body needs. I track potassium a good bit along with some other things. I still generally just eat what I prefer along those lines and everything just kinda falls into place and my weight loss keeps moving right along.

    Can you quote the part where she says she is eating 1200 calories of brownies?

    lol, I wasn't saying she did. That was more to the point of "eat whatever I want". Sorry for not spelling it out.