Best friend told me he likes me more than a friend!



  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    sigh, this topic is too new for me to discuss, good luck with your decisions
  • laurenmXD
    laurenmXD Posts: 141 Member
    Do you want to do it to him? If you do... go for it. If you dont... DONT!

    That's a good way of putting it!!! You need to be sexuallly attracted to him!!! Good luck!

    ^Yep. People can argue all they want that "Looks don't matter" but they do. I was in a relationship with a man I cared about very much, and he was a great friend and we became more...we were together for almost 4 years, but I wasn't physically attracted to him, and I didn't realize that until the end of the relationship. Same goes for the other way around, too--was in a relationship with a man I found very sexually appealing, but there was no substance, thus, no "real" relationship, no matter how much we labelled it so.

    Is he on holiday right now, as we speak? As in...did he tell you this while he's away? Because if so, that's actually how my boyfriend and I started out. We were both "friends with benefits" for over a year, but had both gotten out of really bad relationships shortly before we met each other, so we were hesitant to enter an actual serious relationship. When I was on vacation out of state, he called me, and we ended up talking about it over the phone, and a relationship started right then and there, officially. :laugh: I'm also asking because...when people say things (especially of this nature), and we aren't there to physically see them say it and physically hear them, we react differently. You may not be physically attracted to him right now, but would you if you saw him saying it in person? Or maybe the opposite is could be a complete turn off. Just my 2 cents. :flowerforyou:

    Really its been 3 weekssince weve seen each other cos i went on holiday week before he did. Youve actually made me hink of the situation differently. What if imthinking something could happen because we havent seen each other for a while and when we do talk he is being the most sweetest guy ever to me. Thankyou. I will have to wait till hes back i guess to see how i feel. Thankyou x
  • laurenmXD
    laurenmXD Posts: 141 Member
    Also thankyou everyone for giving me your views it helps talking
  • kappyd
    kappyd Posts: 199 Member
    if you are not attracted to him it would be tough. But if he has feelings for you already on that level even if you don't do anything it will be tough on him. He may say he is alright just being friends but it will kill him when you date someone else. that is my take as a guy anyway.
  • laurenmXD
    laurenmXD Posts: 141 Member
    if you are not attracted to him it would be tough. But if he has feelings for you already on that level even if you don't do anything it will be tough on him. He may say he is alright just being friends but it will kill him when you date someone else. that is my take as a guy anyway.

    This now brings me to the subject of me not wanting to hurt him, hes been hurt by girls before, i dont want to be another one. Hes tooo nice to have to get hurt. And what if i tell him i dont want anything to happen and our friendship is ruined there, i dont want that :s
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    Physical attraction can grow too - I am married to my best friend, but for the longest time, we were just good friends. Then... something changed. Now there is a passion, an intimacy, and a contentment there. Don't rule it out... if there is even an inkling of curiosity there, explore it, but cautiously. It may be the best choice you ever make. I know it was mine.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I hate to be the pragmatic weasel of the group, but you have to figure out your feelings for him, independent of how he feels about you. If you're in a relationship, of course your significant other should be your best friend, but that doesn't mean your best friend should BECOME your significant other. My closest friends are all guys, and I wouldn't marry or even date any of them. You can't make yourself feel something you don't feel.

    If you are not sure that you have romantic feelings for him, then keep things the way they are for now. He will be more hurt in the long run if you jump into a relationship, realize you don't feel that way about him, and then break his heart. Be honest with yourself and with him.
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Ohhh, I remember that conversation! I married him 12 1/2 years ago, and have never regretted it!
  • jbdowns35
    Physical attraction can grow too - I am married to my best friend, but for the longest time, we were just good friends. Then... something changed. Now there is a passion, an intimacy, and a contentment there. Don't rule it out... if there is even an inkling of curiosity there, explore it, but cautiously. It may be the best choice you ever make. I know it was mine.

    Absolutely!!! My ex-boyfriend & I were great friends for a long time. I wasn't attracted to him physically. He was dear to my heart, I just didn't feel the spark. He stayed persistant & started to grow on me, so I finally let him kiss me & wow, did sparks fly!! We were together 5 years, and our physical relationship was nothing short of phenominal. He was a fantastic lover, very passionate. I think because we had already reached a certain level of intimacy in our friendship, when we became more than friends, it developed naturally & came very easy. Unfortunately, we didn't stay together, but we ended amicably & still love & respect each other to this day. No regrets & I have FANTASTIC memories of the friendship & the sex!!! You just never know what can happen, give your friend a chance. If you're close friends, you can be open & honest with each other & continue to be friends even if the relationship doesn't evolve into something more.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    if you like him back go for it!
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    It does work. I'm currently dating my best friend and we know that we want to get married. If you like him back, go for it! You just have to make sure that if things don't end up working out that it won't ruin your friendship. I think it's very important to be best friends with the person that you're dating. That's how it was with me in the beginning, I wasn't sure, but now there's that special feeling and I never want it to go away. And even if you don't feel a physical attraction, that can grow and develop. Just take the time to figure out how you feel and if you don't notice that any physical attraction is growing then it may not be the best idea. If you really want things to work out with someone, you have to be physically attracted to them. I really liked a guy once but wasn't really physically attracted to him so I knew it just couldn't work out. So good luck with that situation!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Fit it in your macros.


    srs though go for it.
  • laurenmXD
    laurenmXD Posts: 141 Member
    I think im stwrting to fall for him. But im not rushing into things cos there is allot to loose if itgoes wrong xx