Mini Tri Prep Question

I'm doing a mini tri on Saturday morning. 45 min spin class + 45 min lap swim + 45 min power walk/run.
Here's my question- should I take the day off of exercise tomorrow (Friday) to rest up? Should I eat anything special for dinner tomorrow night? What should I eat Sat morning before the tri?


  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    I'm doing a mini tri on Saturday morning. 45 min spin class + 45 min lap swim + 45 min power walk/run.
    Here's my question- should I take the day off of exercise tomorrow (Friday) to rest up? Should I eat anything special for dinner tomorrow night? What should I eat Sat morning before the tri?
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    I am training for my first tri next month so keep that in mind. You need rest days built into your training. I would eat what you would normally eat for dinner the night before as for breakfast I would eat some oatmeal or a bagel w/some peanut butter on it before starting, leave enough time to digest whatever food you decide on. I would also take some snacks to eat along the way. I like the sport beans and also that shot blocks. These are small and easy to carry and eat. Let us know how it goes. And have fun:smile:
  • weeble2008
    weeble2008 Posts: 147 Member
    My suggestion would be to do a light workout the day before, but I'm still learning and I've never done anything like that. Sounds fun!!! Good luck! :happy:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I'm no expert but maybe do something light on the Friday like Yoga or go for a nice walk if the weather is good.

    As for food I would keep it simple the day before and avoid anything processed and high in salt.

    Good luck. Let us know how it goes :happy: