Breaking a weight loss plateau?

Hello All :)

I'm having trouble breaking a weight loss plateau, and I'm not sure what I can do to break it. I work out at least 5 times a week at the gym, both cardio and weights, and stay at or under my calorie level, but still can't seem to lose the weight. I've been stuck over a month, and want to lose some more before the husband gets back from Afghanistan around Christmas. Any advice? Thanks!


  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Do you eat three larger meals every day or do you break them up? Do you eat breakfast? I found that when I plateaued I started eating a bit more protein and eating smaller meals every 2-3 hours, and it's really helped me. Good luck!
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    eat more, workout less.

    Confuse your body for three days :-)
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    I know this sounds obvious, but you want to start really pushing yourself at the gym - an extra 5 minutes of cardio can make a big difference (and it's easy to get complacent). Also, mix up your exercise schedule so you're always working different muscles. :)
  • comeback0903
    comeback0903 Posts: 114 Member
    eat more, workout less.

    Confuse your body for three days :-)


    Your body getsused to the routine... break it for 3 to 5 days then get back on it... you will see a difference
  • Do you eat three larger meals every day or do you break them up? Do you eat breakfast? I found that when I plateaued I started eating a bit more protein and eating smaller meals every 2-3 hours, and it's really helped me. Good luck!

    I'm having the same problem with my platuea... I will try eating more protein to try and see if that will help. Also, I stopped exercising for the last week so my body could "rest". I have heard that works wonders!
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    this sounds completely counterproductive but eat whatever your maintenance is for a day or two to confuse/jumpstart your metabolism. it creates a "theres more food!! woohoo were not starving!" kind of effect on your muscles and whatnot so your metabolism speeds up and you break the plateau! happy eating:happy:
  • I agree with the protein and smaller meals...I was stuck for a few months and now it is starting to go fast, lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks. More muscle = more fat burn all day long. There is some great muscle milk whey protein (vanila powder) at Costco that tastes great and will help you make your protein intake. Don't be scared of the calories. Good luck
  • Plateaus are your bodys way of saying--I need a short break. Take 2-3 days. Increase your calorie intake by 25-40% to shock your body. Dont make it wasted calories, but do throw in something carby, like a snickers, or even a coke. yes a coke. During this time, keep exercise light to none at all---give your body, essentially, a break. Then change up your workout routine as you drop back to your normal caloric intake---try interval training--it seems great at helping plateaus,. Cardio for 10, weights 10, cardio 10, weights 10 etc....If all you do is cardio, go heavy cardio for a time, then go very light, then go heavy etc... A small break, coming back in w anew approach will give your body the fuel and rest it neds and then bringing in something new will get the muscles burning more....and you should have results. Be careful dropping calories or upping exercise too much---both can scar the body into survivial mode. Approach it with a plan and move forward.
  • Cut your daily calories in half for 2 days, then go back to your normal intake. That's what works for me.
  • I eat a lot of protein, that's the one I go over on most days. I eat small meals throughout the day, and for the past two weeks doubled both my cardio and weights, but nothing. I'll give the eating more for 2 or 3 days a try though! Thanks! :)