Which would be more accurate?

mama_to_1 Posts: 45 Member
I just bought a Wii today (and the fitness board). I have been 173-174lbs all week according to my bathroom scale. When I did the Wii fitness, i was 169.5lbs according to their scale. I checked on my bathroom scale after the Wii told me I was 169.5 and it said 174. Which do you think would be more accurate?


  • CourtneyLeigh83
    CourtneyLeigh83 Posts: 19 Member
    I don't think any scales (other than the ones at the doctor's office) are accurate, but as long as you consistently use the same scale you'll know how you are doing in relation to the last time you weighed yourself.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    I agree that most at home scales leave a lot of room for error since most of us can't fork out the cash for the super duper fancy shmancy ones :laugh: but as CourtneyLeigh83 said, as long as you're using the same scale for your own weigh-ins you'll still have an accurate gauge of loss.

    Oh and as far at the original question, is it a dial scale or a digital scale? If it's digital I would guess that's it's more accurate than the Wii but if it's dial, I have no clue. I swear I need binoculars just to read the dang numbers on mine :tongue:
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    The Wii subtracts like 5 pounds for clothes, even when you say you're dressed lightly, I believe. I would go by your bathroom scale since it is what you have been using thus far. :)
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    I don't think any scales (other than the ones at the doctor's office) are accurate, but as long as you consistently use the same scale you'll know how you are doing in relation to the last time you weighed yourself.

    I agree.
  • runiechica
    runiechica Posts: 180 Member
    I would get something you know the weight of and test it on the bathroom scale.
  • mkallie
    mkallie Posts: 110 Member
    Is the Wii on hard floor or carpet? If it's ever on carpet, that will cause it to underestimate your weight too.
  • I use/like the Wii board and have since the beginning - I don't have another scale in the house. I like it because it tracks for you (includes your BMI but I don't put much stock in that), and goes to the ounce.
    When I weigh myself - I usually wear leggings and a tank and I choose "light" for the clothing option and set the board in the same spot every time.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    You could have 5 scales and get 5 different readings. Really, they are only a guide. People put way to much emphasis on what the scale is saying. Workout, weigh yourself every 2 weeks at the same time wearing the same clothes. You will have a much better idea as to what your weight loss is that way without going crazy over every little pound. It's how your clothes fit and what you see in the mirror that should matter.
  • Lupiemomma30
    Lupiemomma30 Posts: 140 Member
    I don't think any scales (other than the ones at the doctor's office) are accurate, but as long as you consistently use the same scale you'll know how you are doing in relation to the last time you weighed yourself.

    I agree.

    Me too!
  • JeffHackney
    JeffHackney Posts: 81 Member
    I have a digital scale at home that is accurate to the tenth with my doctor's scale. my wii board is totally off.
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