Bob Harper - Total Body Transformation DVD

Bob Harper is selling Total Body Transformation on his site for under $9.00 with shipping so I order one. I am curious if anyone on MFP has done this workout? What are your thoughts on the DVD?



  • redfox43
    redfox43 Posts: 39 Member
    I have his set of 4 DVD's and find that they all provide a killer workout. Really challenging! But each DVD also has a shorter workoutl as a way to workup to the hour long workout or if you are short on time. Well worth the money.
  • Hardest. workout. ever. It will kick. your. butt.
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    I have 2 of his other dvds- love them- they are tough. I would say tougher than jillian-but in a different way. He is really straight forward but great attitude. I noticed his selling tactics as well. I figured 2 is enough for me right now:) Go for it! You will sweat and burn calories!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Having done most of Jillian's, I have now started Bob's strenth DVD. Words fail me really! SO difficult, but I like a challenge, so pressing on with it.
  • I agree. Just did it for the first time! Crazy.