need low cal FILLING snacks



  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I like to mix yogurt with Fiber one cereal and sometimes fruit. I also like the Pure Protein bars....20 g of protein and 180 calories. PB2 peanut butter is powdered peanut butter. 3 tbls is 68 cal, and put it on one slice of 40 cal bread with sugar free jelly.....a little over 100 cal and very filling! Good luck!
  • Fiber One Key Lime Yogurt with Kellogs Bran Buds sprinkled in it!
  • Laughing Cow lite cheese wedges! 35 calories each! perfect paired with carrot sticks
  • i've been eating a whole pint of Arctic Zero for like 40 mins now. it's only 150 cals for the pint and if you let it melt a little bit it actually tastes like real ice cream! the vanilla maple flavor is really good. peanut butter chocolate is disgusting. cookies and cream is pretty good.
  • angiestoltmanlee
    angiestoltmanlee Posts: 19 Member
  • protein bars. Luna is great. Nutz over chocolate is 190 calories.

    I'm agreeing with Luna bars. I've always got one in my purse or my gym bag and they keep my super full! Plus since I don't eat a ton of meat, I have trouble meeting my protein count by the end of the day, so Lunas help me offset that.
  • If you haven't gotten into Kale Chips yet, trust me its a diet must! Making them at home on your own is super simple and they feel like such the bad junk food... they are like potato chips and you can't stop eating them when you make them. Now - making them on your own takes a little bit of work but they are much cheaper this way.

    For starters if you've never had them before, take a stop at a Whole Foods near you and pick up a couple of bags of "Rhythm Superfoods - Kale Chips" (two of my absolute favorite flavors are Bombay Curry and Zesty Nacho). Both have a nice kick to them and believe me, when you crunch on them they are totally addictive and you almost feel guilty for eating them. But take a look at the label and you'll be throwing yourself a party! I will admit, they are on the expensive side, but it's well worth it to try them out.

    If you like either of the aforementioned premade flavors, you can also make these at home almost exactly like they make them with just a teency-bit of recipe tweaking (pertaining to adding some specific dry seasoning to make them taste like Rhythm premade) using a base recipe I found on Youtube for Kale Chips by a gal with a tagname of RawRadiantFoods (to find her type than tagname and also type Kale Chips into the search box)... and also of course, there's a million kale chip recipes online to suit all different flavors, styles and levels of simplicity (they really are a total diet must have)! For me personally, I always have Kale in the fridge waiting for me to turn them into some form healthy junk food and I'm always making different flavors and types so there's no chance it will get old!

    Also, here's a neat little take on air popped popcorn... take you favorite flavor hommus (I like Cedar's Garlic Lovers and Artichoke-Kalamata Hommus ) and serve yourself up a portion of it to your liking in a dish. Then once your air popped popcorn is ready, dip the popcorn individually or in small bunches in the hommus and its delish... a great substitute for pita chips without a huge overage on carbs!

    Keep up the good work, you can do it!
  • awaito
    awaito Posts: 18
    Thank you so much! That's super helpful and thanks for the vote of confidence!! :)
  • Kale chips. Easy to make and good for you.
    Baked garbanzo beans. You season them and cook them in the oven until crunchy
    Sweet potato chips
    Carrot chips are great too if you have a mandolin to cut them nice and thin and then bake till crunchy.

    What all do you put on your garbanzo beans? How do you cook them? Thanks
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    Snack : Stuffed Red Pepper
    178 Calories : 24g Protein : 17g Carbs : 1g Fat

    Peppers - Sweet, red, raw, 1 large )
    Nonfat Feta Cheese, 1.6 oz
    1 Fresh Garlic Clove
    Red Onion 2 Tablespoons
    Mushrooms raw 3/4 cup
    Real Turkey Breast 1.6oz

    · Spray the red pepper with pam. Throw the red pepper on the top of the grill or stove burner. Yes stove burner.
    · Cook on med/hi until the side is fairly black. Flip and repeat until all sides are done.
    · Scrape off the blackened part. Be gentle enough not to go thru the pepper.
    · Mix or blend all of the items
    · Put pepper into a coffee cup or bowl in the stand up position.
    · Stuff the red pepper.
    · Cook for 15 min at 425.


    Great low calorie snack. No, it is not immediate. The micronutrients are phenomenal. Potassium, Iron and the whole works.
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 445 Member
    Kale chips. Easy to make and good for you.
    Baked garbanzo beans. You season them and cook them in the oven until crunchy
    Sweet potato chips
    Carrot chips are great too if you have a mandolin to cut them nice and thin and then bake till crunchy.

    What all do you put on your garbanzo beans? How do you cook them? Thanks

    I'm curious about the garbanzo beans as well ~ Love them, so I am always looking for new ways to prepare them!!! Also love sweet potato chips, the Good Health Natural Foods Kettle style ones with sea salt are awesome!!!!!
  • nojoker
    nojoker Posts: 3 Member
    how do you like the taste of if I went out and bought every flavor I just couldn't eat it
  • Dry apple chips :]
  • kbonamour
    kbonamour Posts: 49 Member
    My favorite thing to eat for a snack is cinnamon roll flavored oatmeal. It tastes delicious, and is high in fiber and protein. And it cures my sweet tooth, also.
  • morenita71
    morenita71 Posts: 137 Member
    all great ideas - also you might just want to try drinking some water first to see whether you're hungry for food or just dehydrated!

    I like Ryvita crsipbreads, Carr's Cheese melts and Speculoos biscuits! Almonds are good - you only need a few to feel satiated!

    Good luck!
  • JenFerguson1
    JenFerguson1 Posts: 156 Member
    if you're looking for seriously low calorie and pretty filling...try raw celery dipped in yellow mustard. Sometimes I even add a packet of Equal to my mustard to give it the 'honey mustard' taste:)
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    Celery dipped in tomato sauce!
  • jodimcd
    jodimcd Posts: 14 Member
    i agree. just bought it this week.
  • wow lots of great ideas! i like having a bowl of oatmeal if i'm hungry between meals. 1/2 cup (dry, before cooking) with cinnamon and a packet of splenda is only 150 cals and VERY filling
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Chobani 0% plain yogurt : 100 calories, 7g carbs, 0g fat, 18g protein, 0g fiber, 80mg sodium

    You can add your favorite fruit to it to make it a little tastier.