Looking for Motivation Friends.

heey there, im looking for friends on here to travel together on the weight loss journey, i use to exercise and diet with my mom but she always backs off and stops working out and eating healthy.....so when she stops i usually do too. well i have decided that even if she isnt going to try to lose weight i am! so im looking for people on here to help keep me motivated and vice versa. If you want to travel with me on this journey feel free to add me.


  • andshrinking
    andshrinking Posts: 91 Member
    add me if you like :)
    join my group for extra motivation
  • Athena76
    Athena76 Posts: 18 Member
    Sent you an add, stay strong you can do this and there is a lot of us here to help along the way.
  • beachlove09
    beachlove09 Posts: 24 Member
    add me! i just started and am looking for a support group!
  • mindycal
    i have been very lucky finding friends that have kept me going and believing in me when i wasn't sure about myself.some have been there every step of the way, a few came along later, and sadly like your mom, some were there and now seem to have vanished. I never would have imagined when i took my first walk on March 1st that i would have come this far. i have lost 83 pounds and i have 6 5k walks to my credit, each one with a better time than the one before, i am now "training to be able to run part of one and eventually to do a 10k as well. i would gladly welcome another friend to join me on my journey, the more friends i have along the better it gets :happy:
  • runiechica
    runiechica Posts: 180 Member
    You can add me. I'm looking for support people for motivation as well! :)