To track fruits & veggies or not to track fruits & veggies?



  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    no way! There is no need to count your veggies! I don't even log mine. Fruit yes because they have a significant amount of calories and sugar.. But you can pretty much eat unlimited veggies in a day and not gain weight!!!
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Hi Johnna1 . . . Just wanted to add something not yet mentioned, I think.

    Fiber is a major factor in weight loss and good health. You can't track fiber, or any other food values that are important to our health unless we log everything.

    Good luck!
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Especially veggies!
  • I am a Lifetime Member of WW but this site doesn't really work the way WW does. If you are counting points this tracking might not work well for you. I count all food that I eat since this site is based on calories. Give it a try.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I don't count veggies. The amount is just so small.
  • I track fruit and veggies for fiber and nutrition information. Its also helpful when looking over your food diary to see what you've been eating for your daily calories.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Track EVERYTHING with calories. This website is about the calories you take in, so yes track it!

    Fruit can really add up.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Well, calories aren't everything if you are eating a balanced diet, there is fiber (oh so important) sugar, sodium (yeah many veggies have sodium (like celery, yikes). So to be sure you are getting a healthy and balanced approach then yes, if you eat it or perhaps drink it, then track it, I like a few have said, track some of my supplements too, but not all.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    It depends. Are you using MFP to track calories and nutrients or just to log exercise? If you're tracking calories, you need to add everything you eat - no matter how few calories. Everutjomg adds i[/
  • So fruits definitely need to be tract.They have a lot of natural sugars and calories that should count toward your daily goals. As for veggies I track them just so people looking at my diary know I ate them and to keep a record for myself as well. Although they are minimal in calories it is good track em just to see if you are getting all your food groups in etc.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    every one focuses on the calories part, personally I like to see my nutrients at the end of the day/week/month
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Yes sayekim, me too.
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Hey woou. lol Sounds like you need to eat more veggies! :wink:
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Hey woou. lol Sounds like you need to eat more veggies! :wink:

    oh no. i can eat half a huge napa cabbage in one sitting. :laugh:
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I track everything I eat. If my friends are going to see the ice cream I had last week, I want them to see that I get my broccoli, carrots, potatoes, peas, etc too! LOL. Fruits and veggies have calories, so I track them. If its a very small amount of calories, I still track it, b/c small amounts eaten multiple times during the day can add up to a not-so-small amount. Plus it just gives you a more accurate picture of your day. There is a particular salad that I like to make that adds up to close to 300 calories - if I didn't track the produce in it, it would appear to be less than 210. That's a significant difference. Calories consumed and burned affect weight loss/gain, so I track it all.
  • Personally, I do not count veggies as they are really low anyway. I do count fruit.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    I track everything I eat. If my friends are going to see the ice cream I had last week, I want them to see that I get my broccoli, carrots, potatoes, peas, etc too! LOL. Fruits and veggies have calories, so I track them. If its a very small amount of calories, I still track it, b/c small amounts eaten multiple times during the day can add up to a not-so-small amount. Plus it just gives you a more accurate picture of your day. There is a particular salad that I like to make that adds up to close to 300 calories - if I didn't track the produce in it, it would appear to be less than 210. That's a significant difference. Calories consumed and burned affect weight loss/gain, so I track it all.

    Exactly! I look at so many diaries and see no fruit or veg, but biscuits, ice cream, brownies, chocolate - they say they also eat veggies and fruit, but I look and they're already over their calorie count.... Track everything I say!
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    I track all my fruits and veggies!!
  • I can only speak for me, and I know that when I keep a food diary (regardless of whether it's this site, a spreadsheet, or a piece of paper) it keep sme more accountable and honest. It's hard to rationalize in your head that a handful of carrots, grapes, a pear here, a banana there doesn't count. But it most certainly does. I don't track EVERYTHING (medicine, cough syrup, mustard (for example)), but I track anything that has more than a couple of calories, and without doubt fruits have more than a few (hello carbs) as do some veggies. Try it, and see what happens. It's really not as hard as it seems. I"m fairly new to this site and I primarly use the iPhone app and since I always have my phone, it's easy to log things.