Calling all Chocoholics



  • deemarie12
    Sometimes I'll have a slice of whole wheea toast with a tablespoon of Nutella. Turns out to be about 165 cal. Could be less if you get the low cal bread. I find it to be a great reward on days that I have been good.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I either eat chocolate, or have a small spoon of Nutella.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I have it every day in some form or another. Right now I'm stirring a Tbsp of peanut butter into my oatmeal and then sprinkling about half a Tbsp of mini chocolate chips on top. Sometimes I'll have Fiber One brownies as dessert also. The one thing I can't have in the house is chocolate ice cream. It is physically impossible for me to measure out one measley half cup serving and stop there.
  • dancer4275
    I usually do god dieting all day, and then am so tempted to binge at night. Usually I want chocolate. Hey, what can I say, I'm a girl? However, instead of depriving myself, I just go to the cabinet and take about 4 chocolate chips out. I do this like 3 times a day. Then, I've had chocolate, but haven't binged on it. It works!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    When I want chocolate I have some. My body just will not accept a substitute. I love the Dove dark Promise squares. One or two and I am good. I have also found some frozen yogurts that are pretty tasty.
  • mommy2squish
    mommy2squish Posts: 126 Member
    I do sugar free chocolate pudding with cool whip. Ive even gone as far as buying chocolate cool whip. Its 85 calories total.
  • Peque1130deleted
    I currently have a bar of Lindt Intense Orange chocolate bar in my fridge...Its 210 for 4 block, I have 2. its dark chocolate with orange bits and pieces. It's yummy!! I have it every few days....but I can go a while without it. If I want chocolate, I have chocolate....I just dont have the whole bar like I used to...
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I can't try to avoid it, or I will binge in a very bad way. I especially want it at TOM...

    Portions are a huge thing. If I get a chocolate bar, I stash it at work (where I am only 16 hours a week) and have one little square (45 calories). I add it to my diary right away, so I can compensate for the fat, cals, etc.

    I also love Fiber One brownies. At 90 calories they are so guilt free and yummy, and best of all, the fiber keeps me from wanting to snack on something else and tides me over till dinner.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I currently have a bar of Lindt Intense Orange chocolate bar in my fridge...Its 210 for 4 block, I have 2. its dark chocolate with orange bits and pieces. It's yummy!! I have it every few days....but I can go a while without it. If I want chocolate, I have chocolate....I just dont have the whole bar like I used to...

    This sounds great.

    Trader Joes has an organic milk truffle bar, which I mentioned in my post without giving the name / brand.
  • traceywaugh
    chocaholic try yo avoid it if get taste just want more then have too much
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
    I allow myself a treat every day because I have a big sweet tooth and if I dont allow myself a treat I'll go crazy. My favorite healthy chocolate snack is an ounce of dark chocolate. Its super sweet so its satisfying, but it doesn't have a lot of sugar in it-I use endangered species dark chocolate supreme 72%, I also like the one with forest mint, it taste like Andes candies. I also like the so delicious coconut fudge bars they are really good but tiny, only 70 calories. The mojo mountain mix bars are also really good!!
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for all the replies and suggestions, I definitely have some new ideas on what to try for those times you just have to have some chocolate :)
  • odettedancing
    odettedancing Posts: 18 Member
    I have chocolate puddings 126 cal or chocolate mousse worth 69 cal. i steer clear of any real chocolate as i cannot refrain myself from eating the whole thing, i am a chocolate eating machine.
  • GuillaineC
    GuillaineC Posts: 74 Member
    When i get a craving for chocolate I usually eat it, lol. I like dark chocolate dove when a craving comes, but recently I found this kettle corn that has a drizzling of dark chocolate on it. Yummo!! Plus it's all natural.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I wish I could eat a few ounces of candy but have no control. I will eat the entire bar and then starve out of guilt the rest of the day. I must avoid candy at all costs.