Going Under 1200 Calories per day



  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    So, go and ask your doctor. You may be one of the tiny minority for which this is a healthy calorie deficit.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This is daft!

    Way below BMR.

    Unless told to you by your doctor please dont eat below BMR.
    It robs vital organs of nutrients!

    Calculate yours here!

  • big_dog8
    big_dog8 Posts: 43 Member
    what is your weight? height? maybe your weight is stalled because you're at the weight you need to be at. your exercise routine is great and probably gaining muscle so that weighs more. have you lost inches? the scale is not the only way to measure success...
    personally i would switch to skim milk and instead of just bananas, eat more berries. soups are great choices but do have alot of sodium so could make you retain water. are you drinking enough water? if not, could be retaining water so not seeing a loss on the scale....
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Hard to build muscle at that cal level.
    Just loosing the fat and discovering that you have had some muscle is nice but protein and calories need to go up up up.
    A great body is built in the kitchen and while sleeping!
    Workout 3-5 times a week and eat right and get those 8 hours rest!
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Yep. Here come the arguments. Basically, figure out what works for you. You have gotten some positive advice on how to make what you are already doing work. I'd sift through that and talk to a doctor (although my trust of doctors is limited). 1200 is not a magic number, and if you are losing on it and think that you can maintain it, then great. Personally, I have found that I CAN maintain it. I've been trying to zig-zag my calories, and I find it VERY difficult to stuff myself with enough food to meet my higher-calorie days, even when I'm TRYING to, so, most likely, your diet is already maintainable for you. If you feel great, and you are making progress, steadily, then I'd stay the way that I was.

    Good luck!
  • lequire
    lequire Posts: 20 Member
    I have found that it is hard for me to reach 1200 calories a lot of the time. I snack when I am hungry, mostly almonds at work so I don't snack on the candy dish but at night I find myself having to fill calories by drinking milk or something. It just feels pointless to eat when I am not hungry.

    I usually don't eat back my exercise calories, which is a whole different story. Especially if it is on Saturdays when I go on my long runs. If I can't eat 1200, I sure as hell won't be able to get to 2000 unless I go out and get hammered or something. It has all worked out pretty well so far so I believe it is okay to go under 1200.
  • techgeeksquared
    techgeeksquared Posts: 30 Member
    If you are only eating 800 cals a day, make sure make sure make sure you are taking a whole foods multivitamin every day. Also, ensure they are not synthetic vitamins but whole foods. Because on 800 cals you are more than likely missing some vitamins and minerals that you need to keep your body healthy. I applaud your success, you are doing great.
  • It all depends on your current weight, activity level, and goals. My doctor once told me to eat no more than 1200, dont eat after 7, nothing white (bread, rice, etc..), no sugar, no fried, and you will lose without even exercising. It was very true. I had better results than when i had a trainer. I also walked too.

    I am doing the Fat Burning Soup Diet now for a jumo start but will go back to that regime when i am done on wednesday.
  • A lot of people have really passionate opinions about this subject.

    I have 75 lbs to lose total, and went to a doctor to start a medically supervised weight loss program. They have me on 1000 calories a day, and to not eat my exercise calories unless I'm doing more than 180 minutes of cardio a day (which I'm not!).

    I eat 5 small meals a day with limited carbs and and lean protein with every meal. There's no room for calories without much nutrient value.

    This is going really well for me, and I'm losing almost all fat and keeping most of my muscle - but it's monitored by the doctor every 2 weeks. Not something I would try on my own!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    So, go and ask your doctor. You may be one of the tiny minority for which this is a healthy calorie deficit.

    Actually, anyone who is obese and has large stores of fat can afford this type of diet. The body sort of has a priority list for what energy gets used and how. If you are obese, your body has been storing fat for just such an occassion and gladly uses that first. As someone else stated, the closer you get to your goal the more dependent your body will be on food for energy.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I'm no expert, but I think there are two big reasons why someone should avoid eating ridiculous calorie intakes. IMO, 1200 is bordering ridiculous (700 is idiotic for almost everyone) but it absolutely depends on an individuals stats:

    1) Are you very carefully eating nutrient dense foods to avoid nutrient deficiencies? Low calorie diets lack nutrients and the lower you go in calories the more careful you need to be with food selection.

    2) Can you succeed long term while eating like this?

    And while 1) clearly is the health related question, I think 2) is the big reason why people are silly for even trying. How many people are here because they tried WW, or they tried Slim Fast, or they tried Nutra whatever (insert diet here) and they are coming back because they couldn't keep the weight off?

    Then they come here and try to create a massive calorie deficit by eating 1000 calories. This is equally as short-sighted as the person reaching for the pills or strapping on the hot pants.

    There genuinely are people who probably do have maintenance intakes that are low enough that 1200 calories is actually a perfectly reasonable intake. I'm willing to bet it's not the majority and it's certainly not the majority of people who come to this site.

    Ok, that was my saturday morning rant.

    Carry on.

    This is great advice. And I would imagine your weight loss stalls because you aren't eating enough. I would also think eating so little for a long period of time and being really active isn't doing your metabolism any favors either.

    ETA: I also would suggest not going to a regular doctor for nutrition and weight loss advice. I would go to a nutritionist or dietitian. The training most doctors get in nutrition is pretty pathetic.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Actually, anyone who is obese and has large stores of fat can afford this type of diet. The body sort of has a priority list for what energy gets used and how. If you are obese, your body has been storing fat for just such an occassion and gladly uses that first. As someone else stated, the closer you get to your goal the more dependent your body will be on food for energy.

    Energy stores are only a small part of the equation.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member

    Actually, anyone who is obese and has large stores of fat can afford this type of diet. The body sort of has a priority list for what energy gets used and how. If you are obese, your body has been storing fat for just such an occassion and gladly uses that first. As someone else stated, the closer you get to your goal the more dependent your body will be on food for energy.

    Energy stores are only a small part of the equation.

    And it appears from the OP's profile, she is near her goal weight, which means this does not apply, even if it were this simple. If she had said she still has 300 lbs to lose, I think the answer would have been a little different.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    I would imagine your weight loss stalls because you aren't eating enough. I would also think eating so little for a long period of time and being really active isn't doing your metabolism any favors either.

    And yes to the above.

    For the record, my underlying point isn't that eating 1200 calories will kill you. My point is that it's a foolish strategy for the majority.
  • So, 801 is ok? What a joke.

    I guess I shouldn't be telling anyone 800 is okay for them. Personally, I can eat around 800/900 a day and not be starving. Just to make sure I'm getting good nutrients though, I usually eat around 1000-1100. All I was saying was that it will not kill you to eat 400 cals under 1200.

    lol. not right away, at least.

    OP, it looks like you could use a little fat in some of your meals...your first meal is carb and protein. i'd add an ounce or so of avocado and maybe a couple teaspoons of peanut butter in the afternoon. that would up your fat and calories, plus increase the satiety factor with all the vegetales.
    i can't recall now if you are strength training, but you are doing a lot of cardio. up your strength routine if you have one or start one if you dont and cut down a little on the running. give it two weeks to see if you need to tweak and where.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    So, 801 is ok? What a joke.

    I guess I shouldn't be telling anyone 800 is okay for them. Personally, I can eat around 800/900 a day and not be starving. Just to make sure I'm getting good nutrients though, I usually eat around 1000-1100. All I was saying was that it will not kill you to eat 400 cals under 1200.

    Sheesh. No, it won't kill you, but it will certainly screw up your health and keep your metabolism from revving where it needs to be.
  • yasmine36
    yasmine36 Posts: 41 Member
    If you are getting all your nurients and your not hungry then you should be fine. But always remember to take a multivitamin for any nutrients that you might be missing.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    And OP: I never gave my opinion on your stallout issue.

    I'm happy to offer my opinion on this but can you tell me (you can PM me):

    1) How long have you been at a deficit and do you take diet breaks/cheats/maintenance days where you aren't at a deficit.
    2) Approx height/weight
    3) If your diary is open disregard this: Average kcal and macro intake in grams over the past 4 weeks, estimating is fine. I will check your diary if it's open.
    4) How long you've been stalled out.

    I may not have the answer and I'm not a professional of any sort, but if you want to provide me with the above I'm happy to give you my opinion on this. If not, no worries.