Hello Lovely ladies! looking for some support due to terribl

Hello girls! I just joined this as i have been trying to lose weight for ages now and i just dont have the will power to carry anything through! Hoping that being able to chat with people who are in the same boat might help!

So, about me: I'm Laura, 21 years old, in 2nd year of uni in london and so self-concious of my body it's unreal. I feel like i should be able to wear any clothes i want, be confident and have the time of my life. Instead, i feel uncomfortable in all clothes i wear, so tend to just stay indoors in my pyjamas. I have the dreaded rubber ring area on my tummy and hips, admittedly from eating too many takeaway and junk in my first year of uni. I find it really difficult to lose weight and so easy to put it on, but im a sucker for sweets and crisps and all things bad. I think it's a vicious circle; i eat because it makes me feel happier because i have no confidence and i have no confidence because i eat too much.

At the minute, im a size 14-16, about 13 stone (182 lbs). i'm only 5'3 so i know this is too heavy for my frame. Ideally would like to get to a size 10-12(uk) and down to around 9-9.5 stone. it's not so much about the weight as more about how i look and my clothes size.

I feel really shallow and superficial, but i just see girls round my uni who are my age who are teeny tiny size 6's and it makes me feel crap. i want to go into shops and be able to buy nice clothes that sit right on me, to not think that people are thinking 'fat thoughts' about me when they look at me etc.

So any advice on how to keep up the willpower and snack less would be great. I'm hoping to lose around 1/2-1 stone by around the 15th december. I am cutting out all junk foods, as many carbs as poss (i will prob still eat pasta, rice, potatoes) and i am doing a zumba workout 4 times a week (starting today). I am actually really annoyed at myself because i started the zumba ages ago and lost half a stone in about 2 weeks and then got lazy and stopped working out and put it all back on plus more! but i will be doing zumba 4 times a week and walking to and from uni/town pretty much every day.

My sisters wedding/hen party are in december and i would love to look great in the photos and feel confident in myself walking down the aisle behind her. the other bridesmaid is a teeny size 8 and i feel like a whale beside her.
I do have a naturally curvy body, but the belly roll and love handles obviously arent meant to be there and need to go asap!

Sorry for the essay!
Lots of Love!


  • demonNIИ
    I was about the same weight when I started my journey too. I'm also 5'3" now I'm close to the 150's, want to get down somewhere around 130. Welcome to MFP ^.^
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    Wanting to do it is the first step ... MFP is amazing and the people on here are so supportive ... Good luck .. :)
  • slimfiona
    i know exactly how you feel, i have back on my healthy eating and my fitness programme, i have just been a bit lazy with it lately, anyway let me know how you get on and you will get there
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm nearing my goal weight, and also a student in London so hopefully I can empathise and advise.
  • sarahnicole1989
    sarahnicole1989 Posts: 3 Member
    I think you definitely made the first step by wanting to lose weight, and also joining MFP!
    I am 5'2 and was sitting at around 170 lbs when I started my weight loss. I'm now down to 156, and climbing slowly down.

    I think MFP, not to sound all advertisement-y, really helped me. Tracking calories is something that is really important to me in my weight loss. I wasn't losing much weight until I started using MFP regularly and keeping my calories below what I was allotted. Just remember that weight loss is just an equation - calories in vs. calories out.

    If you eat less and exercise more, you'll lose weight, but also keep in mind that it's 90% what you eat and 10% exercise.
  • jcposton
    jcposton Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Laura, I am 5"2" my start weight was 181 so I know exactly how you feel! I am 49 but still want to be able to go in any store and buy cute clothes and not worry about how they look on me. Feel free to add me as a freind, I have not been on here long either and would love some support from people my height and size as well. I did the 30 day shred, lost inches but not alot of weight. My clothes are starting to feel better on me and I even feel like I look better in them (lol). Wishing you much sucess on this journey. I know for me it has to be a life change because I like food.
  • tubie22
    oh thank you everyone! it's so nice to get a response from girls who feel the same and to have some female support and some girl-power! :tongue:

    Well i did do a workout today and did eat healthy (well, healthier than normal ha!) but i officially start tomorrow. I literally have the biggest sweet tooth ever so it's probably unrealistic to say i will never eat another sweet or have sugar in my tea again, but i think starting by lowering it and having things in moderation is a good start.

    Thanks again girls! I'll keep you updated with how i do!

    Lots of love!
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    Hi Laura, I am 5"2" my start weight was 181 so I know exactly how you feel! I am 49 but still want to be able to go in any store and buy cute clothes and not worry about how they look on me. Feel free to add me as a freind, my clothes are starting to feel better on me and I even feel like I look better in them (lol). Wishing you much sucess on this journey. I know for me it has to be a life change because I like food.

    Hi Laura, I have similar stats as the above poster also...5' 2" tall, started at 184 and have lost 35 lbs since May! You can do it - I plead: please stop putting yourself down and try to think positive... You are a special person and worth being a smaller, healthier you!! Log everything and you don't have to give up all sweets - I love skinny cow bars if I have enough cal left at night, etc... Great treat!! Also don't think diet - think this is the beginning of your new lifestyle change. Make small little goals and think of those upcoming events - they can be real incentive boosters. Good luck - cant wait to see more posts from you of your success!! Dani :flowerforyou:
  • tubie22
    Hi Laura, I have similar stats as the above poster also...5' 2" tall, started at 184 and have lost 35 lbs since May! You can do it - I plead: please stop putting yourself down and try to think positive... You are a special person and worth being a smaller, healthier you!! Log everything and you don't have to give up all sweets - I love skinny cow bars if I have enough cal left at night, etc... Great treat!! Also don't think diet - think this is the beginning of your new lifestyle change. Make small little goals and think of those upcoming events - they can be real incentive boosters. Good luck - cant wait to see more posts from you of your success!! Dani :flowerforyou:

    Thank you so much! I know i need to think positive, i just hate that i used to be a size 10 and put so much weight on from general laziness and unhealthy eating. No one else to blame but myself really. But if i put it all on, i can get it all off again :)

    i am ready for a new eating plan, a new lifestyle. Working out makes me feel buzzing and energetic and i know i need to look after myself, cos there's only one of me.

    Thank you so much again. Lovely advice from a lovely lady
