Weight Loss "I love it when..." Moments!!!!

Besides the obvious, like "reaching my goal weight" or "losing a pound overnight."

MY personal favorite is feeling STUFFED like you went over your calorie limit and the meal was so delicious that it tasted unhealthy, but it really was healthy & barely any calories.


  • SunshineAndLove
    SunshineAndLove Posts: 194 Member
    I love it when I see my collar bones in the mirror - I have a good clavical!! Ha ha.
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    When people notice that I lost weight
  • yeah i used to be able to eat so much and still not be full but now i can get full and satisfied by only one plate or anything like that and realizing that even thought im completely stuffed i didnt go over on calories
  • i love it when i lay down and my pelvic bone sticks out
  • tracym17
    tracym17 Posts: 68 Member
    when I catch sight of my reflection and remember "I'm not fat"
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    MrsBycroft - I second that! I love looking in the mirror and seeing my collar bones :) Though some of the changes I see are probably all in my head.
  • Klegl
    Klegl Posts: 48
    I love it when my DAD says, "Wow Kay you look like you have lost weight. Make sure to avoid junk food at college to keep it off" lol
  • JWoodyard07
    JWoodyard07 Posts: 55 Member
    This past week a friend came over for dinner and last I saw him was September 17 when we buried my mom. I weighed 189 that day. Well, at dinner he asked if I lost more. I said ya like 7 pounds and he asked me if I was sure because I looked like I lost a lot more than that:) I love that!!
  • runiechica
    runiechica Posts: 180 Member
    Being able to wake up in the morning

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  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I love having enough physical AND mental energy to do housework AFTER a hike or walk.

    (not being stiff or sore the day after a hike is an added bonus)