Fasts didnt work, maybe excercise will?

david581c Posts: 337
edited October 5 in Introduce Yourself
I'm David and I am 22 years old.

few weeks ago, finished a 40 day water fast; only water and a powdered multivitamin for 40 days.

I went from 220lbs to 150lbs. Everyone thought I was gonna die but I didn't, once I started eating again, I gained like 30 lbs. I'm at 180lbs now.

I find it hard to eat when I should, and when I do, I get full quick. I'm figuring exercise is the correct way to do things, downloaded the app and looking to lose weight and be more responsible.

This place seems cool, I might stick around.

Edit: also, this is a weightloss beard, once I'm see significant weightloss that I'm happy with, I'll shave.


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Sorry you put yourself through that. Hope you sort things out and get your metabolism back on track.
  • Okay so, you fasted for 40 days....LOST 70 lbs. Then, gained 30 (180 isnt a bad thing), And your claiming it did not work?
    sounds like it worked perfectly fine to me.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    The reality is a fast wouldn't keep the weight off because you can't live that way forever. Definitely work on balancing nutrition with exercise. Have you been to a doctor to discuss?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Okay so, you fasted for 40 days....LOST 70 lbs. Then, gained 30 (180 isnt a bad thing), And your claiming it did not work?
    sounds like it worked perfectly fine to me.

    Really? I guess if the goal is to make the number on the scale go down....

    What about muscle mass, and you know... general health and well being?

    Why don't you try a 40 day fast and then go get some blood work done at the doctor's office... if you're conscious.
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    WOW!! to have the will power to stay with the fast for the hole time! Congrats to keeping all but 30 lbs off! But its really not a surprise you gained that back. I really hope you can find a way to lose the 30lbs & this site is an awesome place to do that.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    The reality is a fast wouldn't keep the weight off because you can't live that way forever. Definitely work on balancing nutrition with exercise. Have you been to a doctor to discuss?

    ^^ This.

    I can't really see how anyone would think a water/vitamin "diet" is going to be successful long term.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Mike?? Is this a test?
  • iwosmo
    iwosmo Posts: 8 Member
    I am not sure if fasting for 40 days is a good idea for your body...but its done...
    You should slowly introduce food after fasting, specially when it comes to carbs, if you start eating starchy carbs straight away you will gain weight quickly, because you slowed down your metabolizm
  • Okay so, you fasted for 40 days....LOST 70 lbs. Then, gained 30 (180 isnt a bad thing), And your claiming it did not work?
    sounds like it worked perfectly fine to me.

    Really? I guess if the goal is to make the number on the scale go down....

    What about muscle mass, and you know... general health and well being?

    Why don't you try a 40 day fast and then go get some blood work done at the doctor's office... if you're conscious.

    I agree with Guru. This is horrible for your poor body. Your muscle mass probably decreased immensely and your metabolism is shot. Get on a regular eating schedule and exercise schedule. While you might gain weight at first it is only because your body is repairing itself.
  • Okay so, you fasted for 40 days....LOST 70 lbs. Then, gained 30 (180 isnt a bad thing), And your claiming it did not work?
    sounds like it worked perfectly fine to me.

    Really? I guess if the goal is to make the number on the scale go down....

    What about muscle mass, and you know... general health and well being?

    Why don't you try a 40 day fast and then go get some blood work done at the doctor's office... if you're conscious.

    I agree with Guru. This is horrible for your poor body. Your muscle mass probably decreased immensely and your metabolism is shot. Get on a regular eating schedule and exercise schedule. While you might gain weight at first it is only because your body is repairing itself.
  • whoa...deep breaths...
    100% cereal
    Sorry you put yourself through that. Hope you sort things out and get your metabolism back on track.
    I know, I hope so too, so far, so good. *fingers crossed*
    Really? I guess if the goal is to make the number on the scale go down....

    What about muscle mass, and you know... general health and well being?

    Why don't you try a 40 day fast and then go get some blood work done at the doctor's office... if you're conscious.
    My muscle basically went to what I assume was 0%, the gym made me realize that. I got blood work, everything was on the up and up, though I didn't tell him I was getting light headed around day 30.
    WOW!! to have the will power to stay with the fast for the whole time! Congrats to keeping all but 30 lbs off! But its really not a surprise you gained that back. I really hope you can find a way to lose the 30lbs & this site is an awesome place to do that.
    especially when coworkers are putting their food in your face telling you to it, and work has a free full stocked vending machine.
    I agree with Guru. This is horrible for your poor body. Your muscle mass probably decreased immensely and your metabolism is shot. Get on a regular eating schedule and exercise schedule. While you might gain weight at first it is only because your body is repairing itself.
    I suppose, though referring to my the former RHCP guitarist, John Frusciante, said about his guitar, "sometimes you have to mistreat it to realize how beautiful it really is"

    overall, you're all totally right, though fortunately I'm level headed now, been there done that with a fast. if I could devote myself to a fast I could exercise and finally have integrity in weight loss oppose to the easy way out of doing nothing.

  • Ok, the up side if you had enough motivation to do this fast for so long you certainly can lose the weight and stick with a sensible plan! Especially with our help on here!
  • I know, right?

    if only everyone around me could be as supportive as this commun.

    this place is great.

    thanks, again.
  • Fasts may work at first, but they don't work long term. (obviously you figured this out. haha) Instead of fasting, just eat smaller portions. Once your body gets used to it, you actual stomach will shrink and therefore need less food to feel full. Once you get to that point, make sure you focus on not letting yourself over eat. Your stomach will stretch much faster than it shrinks and then you have to start all over again. And exercise is definitely the way to go!!!! Its all about the balance. Moderation in all things.... that's what I live by.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    This got to be a troll, no chance in hell that you can deprive your body from essential nutrients for 40 days.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Excercise will not work. You'll go into starvation mode and even the water you minerals you drink will turn to fat.
  • exactly.

    I'm a F'ing anomaly.

    starvation mode happens, ...then Ketosis. My body was literally eating itself. I was prob. 25% body fat so it had plenty to eat.

    trust me, you won't know unless you've been there.

    ask any Vietnam vet who's still living, they never get passed that "thousand yard stare", and it's because they been there.

    I've seen the extremes, I've starved myself and I've gorged myself. I'm ready to accept life for what it is.

    I'm ready to be responsible.
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    Stop attacking the guy! He admitted that the fast was a bad idea, it's done! From what I've read he isn't planning on doing it again and seems to be reaching out for support in attempting weight loss in a HEALTHY manner! Good on him!
  • Stop attacking the guy! He admitted that the fast was a bad idea, it's done! From what I've read he isn't planning on doing it again and seems to be reaching out for support in attempting weight loss in a HEALTHY manner! Good on him!
    Bless your heart.
  • raychill007
    raychill007 Posts: 55 Member
    Totally agree with above poster, he said fast is done, and he's looking for a new way to lose weight, we're supposed to be helping, not critisizing something that's already done - we don't all attack somebody when they say they binged, we say that they can start afresh, why isn't it the same in this case?! Weirdos, why did ye respond if you're not there to help.

    Right, so well done on lasting 40 days with the fast, I can imagine it must have been a nightmare, but then it probably proved to you that a whole lifestyle change is what you need, not a quick fix. I do short term diets all the time when I need to lose weight quickly (eg the Dukan Diet that I'm currently on!) but it's not really a problem because I see results quickly (obviously not on the same scale as your fast) and even though it comes back on, it's kind of OK with me as long as the wedding/holiday/reunion is complete ;)

    So, you said you need to start exercising, great, what are you planning on doing? Jogging is easy and complely free, definitely do the couch25k to begin with. It's to help brand new runners work up to running 5km in one go. It's a jog/walk plan - ppl calling it wogging on here - you can download an app to help you, or just follow the original program which is here ->
    I used that to begin running and now I run half marathons comfortably, although slowly ;) Weight just melts off with running!
    Also if you can afford it, joining a gym is a brilliant idea, when you join you'll be given a run through of all the machines and how to use them and what they're for. That's what gym staff are there for, use them! They should give you some kind of tailored program to follow as well, it helps to have somebody tell you what to do, gyms can be daunting if you try to go it alone.

    You've done 40 days of intensity and pain, try another 40 of eating a balanced diet (no processed foods, and staying below the calorie intake suggested by MFP) and working out. Bet you will see a wonderful difference!

    Best of luck, I look forward to watching you on your journey and seeing the pounds being shed and the fitness levels improving!
  • velarneyraptor
    velarneyraptor Posts: 94 Member
    Let's all try and get past the whole 40 day fast thing and focus on helping this guy lose/maintain weight in a sustainable way...
  • Stop attacking the guy! He admitted that the fast was a bad idea, it's done! From what I've read he isn't planning on doing it again and seems to be reaching out for support in attempting weight loss in a HEALTHY manner! Good on him!


    Were here to be supportive!

    Good luck with your weight loss journey :)
  • thinkingthingirl
    thinkingthingirl Posts: 153 Member
    I'm David and I am 22 years old.

    few weeks ago, finished a 40 day water fast; only water and a powdered multivitamin for 40 days.

    I went from 220lbs to 150lbs. Everyone thought I was gonna die but I didn't, once I started eating again, I gained like 30 lbs. I'm at 180lbs now.

    I find it hard to eat when I should, and when I do, I get full quick. I'm figuring exercise is the correct way to do things, downloaded the app and looking to lose weight and be more responsible.

    This place seems cool, I might stick around.

    Edit: also, this is a weightloss beard, once I'm see significant weightloss that I'm happy with, I'll shave.

    Well excersising and eating is a deffo more healthier way to lose weight. As my saying goes. Always Eat Less and Move More.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    I've watched videos on Youtube of people doing the 40 day water fast.. They all looked miserable.

    Hope you're happy and smiling. =D
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    WOW! 60lbs in 40 days???? Yes you really wouldnt be able to maintain what you lost without exercise and diet, especially if once you start eating again, you start eating a high calorie amount immediately
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    WOW! 60lbs in 40 days???? Yes you really wouldnt be able to maintain what you lost without exercise and diet, especially if once you start eating again, you start eating a high calorie amount immediately

    No, bad idea. Assuming the OP ie being genuine with his post, immediately jumping from a 40 day fast to eating a high calorie diet could be even more harmful than the fast (re-feeding syndrome).
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Hi David! Welcome to MFP. On a normal day this place is filled with very supportive people who can help keep you on track! I'm sure 90% or more of us have tried some crazy @$$ diets to lose weight fast and discovered that's not a healthy way to do things. However, here at MFP it's a lifestyle change that will help you get and keep a healthy body! So glad you found us! =)
  • everyone here is great.

    I'm not discouraged in the slightest, life is gnarly, if you look for others approval you'll never impress yourself.

    It was a mistake, the fast, though it's understandable the dismay. it's not normal and everyone's entitled to their opinion.

    one thing the fast taught me, it's to be patient, calm, cool, and collective.

    this community is overall well intentioned, so thanks for having me.

    I'm currently finding people to work out with, and its working. I feel happy and I suppose that's what matters.

    A fast is a very controversial thing, results are based on the individual...I don't reccommend it though if someone want's to do it, I'm not gonna stop 'em.

    I'm the martyr here, I just want to find peace in my own life and be happy.
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