

  • isherryb
    isherryb Posts: 47 Member
    High sodium, and they aren't very filling but good for a late lunch. I usually go for the ones lower in calories.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    you can usually make a healthier version of them with less calories, less sodium and tastier if you made them homemade. they really do taste like they came out of a box.

    edited to add: I've never found them very filling for the amount of calories.
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    i am not a big fan... but the amy's brand tends to have some pretty good tasting ones! i like those as microwave meals, but they are a bit on the pricey side
  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    Edible, yes.

    Satisfying, no.
  • CallieDerenthal
    CallieDerenthal Posts: 170 Member
    umm, i pretty much live on lean cuisine dinners. they have quite a few i like. they are high in sodium but for me it's a quick and easy meal and i love the fact that i know how many calories i'm getting (since someone else has already measured it all out for me).
  • auntie_missy
    auntie_missy Posts: 113 Member
    I love the chicken spring rolls. Other than that, though, I don't find them filling or very tasty. They don't have a lot of veggies and of course the sodium is through the roof. When I'm looking for a quick frozen meal, I always start with the Kashi meals. I really like the pesto pasta primavera and the black bean enchilada.
  • landlwoof
    landlwoof Posts: 46 Member
    I just stocked up on a bunch of those and the WW Smart Ones. I'm starting to structure my eating more so I don't have to think about what to eat............helps keep me in line. I'm eating a packet of Quaker Weight Control oatmeal for breakfast or the Heart Healthy Bananas and Nuts and then one of those frozen meals for lunch. I find I do need snacks in between my meals for sure so that's where I'm getting my fruit and veggies.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I have a few of these in my freezer for those emergency situations where I forgot to pack a lunch for work and don't have time. I would rather eat one of those than go out to eat and have something way worse. Just very high in sodium is all. But they're not really that bad.
  • traceyaand
    traceyaand Posts: 27 Member
    Stay away from the oriental meals and the mexican cuisine. ish! Teeny tiny meals. Not satisfyinging. Healthy Choice steamers are lots better for filling me up and taste wise.