Mummy Tummy and Other Ills :)

Looking for another mom who has been there for some support...

I am 4 months post-partum and gained a lot of weight in my pregnancy. Haven't lost a pound since my initial weight loss a week after coming home from the hospital....even though I am breastfeeding exclusively! I have about 30 lbs. to go to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

I have a Mummy Tummy that is VERY fact, I still look pregnant :(

The world is telling me it takes 1 year to get your body this true, mom who has been there? I know everyone is different...

Some days I just want to body and feels looks SO DIFFERENT!


  • Hollirot
    Hollirot Posts: 92 Member
    I'm ten months post pardum & I have eight pounds left to go before hitting my pre-pregnancy weight. So, for me, a year is going to be pretty much dead on. I gained more than an average woman should though, I gained sixty five pounds. I just couldn't stop eating hamburgers. :embarassed:

    My stomach will never be what it was, sadly. Mainly due to the tiger stripes that are now etched into it. :brokenheart:

    Good luck in your weight loss journey! Feel free to add me for support. :smile:
  • I almost gained the same baby was big too!

    How did you lose the weight?
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    When I had my daughter 6 years ago I gained 55lbs with her and this was after I made my WW goal weight. It took 18 months, but I lost all the weight I gained with her. I stayed home the first year and 8 weeks postpartum I started exercising again. I added in weights too. My belly got better and I was able to wear smaller clothes for sure, but my body shape was still different from before.

    I just had my son in January and pumped exclusively for him for about 9 months. Now I'm working on losing his weight. I gained less, but weighed a bit more this time when i got pregnant and I plan to get back to my old pre-kids weight and thensome if i think I want to lose more. It''s not going to happen overnight and not necessarily in 1 year. I ended around 220 when I had my daughter. Now I'm about the same again and working on it, though I started after 9 months so I wouldn't screw up my supply. I eat whole foods and drink a lot of water and go to the gym whenever I can. Of course the kids keep me active too. Hang in there. If you put your mind to it you can do it.

    My daughter was 9lbs 11oz. My son was 6.6lbs, but had many health problems and was in the hospital for 3 months starting at birth so when he came home it was hard to function let alone lose weight.
  • 2knoxs
    2knoxs Posts: 81
    Well, I have had 6 boys, one pregnancy was twins...between 2 and 3 I got back to "pre-pregnancy weight, but I joined the Marines and in that time between those two pregnancys I went to Iraq (instaweightloss!) Im currently working on that prepregnancy body-again. ANd I just want to put out there that its not all about have to tone those muscles and ligaments that stretched out back into the right spots, tone, tone, tone! Slow and steady is best and it will happen! If I can do it at (almost) 35 after 5 pregnancys, you can too!
  • Scatterdragon
    Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
    My child is 3.5years old and I just recently started my weightloss. I have the mummy tummy, or what I call the shelf gut. I really hope it goes away, but most of the moms I know in the same boat as me, lost the weight, and the shelf gut was just a bunch of loose skin. :(

    Good luck! feel free to add me
  • Hollirot
    Hollirot Posts: 92 Member
    I almost gained the same baby was big too!

    How did you lose the weight?

    I started exercising a three to four times a week, usually only for twenty or thirty minutes because my son is very demanding of my attention. Haha. I also started tracking all my food on MFP. I honestly owe much of my success to MFP. I had no idea I was eating as much as I was until I started logging. It didn't come off fast, usually about five pounds a month... But I'm glad I took the steps I did, because I'm almost back to where I want to be. :smile:
  • peacheshka
    peacheshka Posts: 25 Member
    They are worth it... most days! I have twins they will be two in February. A lot what u are feeling might be some post pardome. Been there lost it many times! I have low selfasteem and didnt realize what o would really look like after babies, but I'm learning and just reading some stories on here makes me feel better- I'm not alone- anyways take a deep breath sleep when baby does and know u are still eating for two but start now trying to eat healthy- if u don't already- for baby and that way when that toddler is ready for snacks u both can eat ways good for u! Jus some thoughts add me if u would like. U made life inside Ur body give urself time to heal-my stomach still cones like when I first got pregnant- lots of luck congrats on being a new mommy some days are great others its better if u can vent and not be judged! Heather
  • apeecaleb
    apeecaleb Posts: 58 Member
    I am also 10 months post pardum and this is my second pregnancy in the last two and a half years.....Everybody is completely different, so don't get yourself down..I am breastfeeding and I swear I am more hungry now feeding than I ever was pregnant. I never gave myself enough time to loose weight between both kids so this is my time now to loose the weigh's actually happening;-) I have a cousin who, when breastfeeding lost a ton of weight after her first baby and yet I am still breastfeeding and it doesn't help with my weight one bit. I do believe most women just need to allow time to heal their bodies. You just had a baby and your body went through a major ordeal, give it time to heal. I am just now gaining the energy to exercise and cut down on my eating and if you give yourself time and be persistance you'll do awesome! Hang in there, that body of yours just gave you such a precious gift ;-)
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    My daughters are 4 and 2, not only do I have my pre-pregnancy body back - but I'm in better shape than I've EVER been, even before I was ever pregnant.

    I didn't get serious about it though until my 2nd daughter was about a year old. It took me about 8 months to get to my pre-pregnancy weight (but not my healthiest weight as I had gained some from pregnancy #1 also).

    My point is, as others said - if you eat clean and strength train - your body will blow you away.

    Of course now, I'm TTC again! :bigsmile:
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    my poor old mummy tummy is in a hell of a state.

    it'll never be the same again unfortunately.

    i am only about 5kg from pre-pregnancy, and my stomach is a disaster, i'd have to get about 10kg below pre-pregnancy weight to actually lose the tummy i reckon. my legs, butt etc. are all ok, but the tummy is not going to be good without surgery i have that much excess skin.
  • my poor old mummy tummy is in a hell of a state.

    it'll never be the same again unfortunately.

    i am only about 5kg from pre-pregnancy, and my stomach is a disaster, i'd have to get about 10kg below pre-pregnancy weight to actually lose the tummy i reckon. my legs, butt etc. are all ok, but the tummy is not going to be good without surgery i have that much excess skin.

    How post-partum are you? Have you been eating well and exercising for a long time?