Applebee's Spinach and Shrimp Salad @ 1,000 cals!!!!



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I posted a reply but noticed it wasn't there. I posted again and saw a double post. Now I do not see any posts other than the original poster. MFP technical difficulties I guess.

    So it's not just me that had that trouble! :D
  • shellfey
    You can ask for their nutritional information. I am struggling with my gall bladder, it has to come out in December. But I have to be very careful about fat grams. So I always have to ask.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I ate there last night with my kids. I got the Asiago Peppercorn Steak with herbed potatoes and veggies, 380 calories and 1520 mg sodium. The sodium is a tad high, but not as bad as some other items.

    We also had dessert shooters. They have these small dessert portions for $1.99. Mine was 390 calories. So with dessert, I got out of there for less than 800 calories.

    I think the reason restaurants put so much sodium in their food is so that people will be thirstier. If you're just drinking tea or water, it doesn't help them, but for someone drinking alcohol, they'll end up ordering more drinks, which equates to more money. I just drink water and drink more of it to make up for the sodium in the food.
  • Semperfione
    I have run it to this too....totally agree with you. I now check on my blackberry before ordering. You can download app on your phone if you have not done so yet. Hope that helps a bit.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    Restaurants are rough. I refuse to eat at a restaurant that doesn't have their nutritional info online or somewhere I can get it in the restaurant. There are so many restaurants that do have nutritional info available these days it gives me plenty of choices.

    Alot of times the values are listed in columns, so after checking my favorite meal (and 99% of the time realizing it's not do-able) I skim down the calorie column first and find the lowest calories - then I scan the sodium column next and try to find something that is under 1,000 mg of sodium. Seems like most restaurants load everything up with salt so finding something eatable is very challenging.

    Take IHOP for example, they have their fit and smart or whatever selections, but even those are loaded with out of this world salt. I went there and got the veggie omlette off the fit menu. It was VILE, I dunno what they used for egg substitute but it was disgusting and it was $8 wasted on a pile of inedible goo. I should have just eaten at home before we went and ordered tea and a side fruit salad.
  • Jana9559
    OMG I am just sickened by this! I love that salad and it's litterly made of raw spinach and shrimp! What could be healthier than that? It's that stupid dressing....but honestly, what the heck is that made of???? Is it made out of entirely corn syrup? And not to mention that they load it was dripping with this so called "dressing". Thankfully, I didn't eat all the dressing...I left a lot at the bottom of the plate. If I ever go to Applebee's's steak and a side salad with green veggies. Geesh! I hope my FAIL to look up calories before I went helps others to do so. :)
  • shsdlt
    shsdlt Posts: 2 Member
    oh my gosh! That is a lot! I agree...they should put the calories on the menu. What was in it??
  • Jana9559
    Nothing but basically 5 ingredients: raw spinach, grilled shrimp, almond slices, red onion, and raspberry vinaigrette dressing. It's the dressing that contains all the fat and calories. I guess from now on, ask for the dressing on the side and use just 1/2 of it. I didn't use it all because my salad was drenched in it. I left a glob at the bottom of my plate. But still....when you order a salad, you don't expect it to cost you a whole days worth of calories, fat, carbs, etc. Live and learn! I learned the hard way. Beware everyone when you eat at ANY restaurant. From now on I will ask for a calorie list before I order ANYTHING anymore
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Yeah that happened to a few times in the past *shakes a fist at Olive Garden's calamari*. These days I try to look the online menu over and find something worth eating before leaving the house. Watch out! Those fast-food and sit-down restaurant salads can creep up on you.