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  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    making my own cashew nut butter, laughing cow wedges, raw carrots cut into chips to dip with.
    How do you make the cashew butter?

    I put 2 cups of cashews in a food processor and chop them up until semi fine then gradually add 2 Tbs of canola oil a little at a time while it is running. I use canola rather than vegetable but you could use either. I have added a dash of salt on a couple of the batches (different cashews) but usually don't need it. It doesn't taste great right at first. I put it in an air tight container and put it in the fridge overnight and it is really good the next day. I don't know how long it lasts in the fridge because it usually doesn't last more than 3 or 4 days here anyway. I do know it about the same or less than peanut butter but there are no preservatives so I like it.

    here is the info:

    Serving size is 2 Tbls
    Calories 220
    Total Fat 19 g
    Cholesterol 0g
    sodium 100 mg
    carbs 10 g
    fiber 1 g
    sugar 2 g
    Protein 6 g
  • Tamrahan
    Tamrahan Posts: 29
    [can someone tell me the deal with quinoa? I am curious but don't know what to do with it or how to prepare it or.... gimme the scoop!

    Anything you can do with rice you can pretty much substitute Quinoa. I usually just eat rice/quinoa plain or melt a slice of lowfat cheese on it. Lauphing cow wedges might be good too.
    Sometimes I prepare the quinoa with 1/2 water and 1/2 orange juice to give it a differant flavor.

    I get Bobs Red Mill quinoa so it is already pre rinsed-just simmer it in water for about 12-15 minutes then let it stand for another 15 minutes.

    So good and so good for you too. I think it is considered a complete protien.