Eating quirks



  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    haha I do pretty much the same thing with reeses peanut butter cup. I use my teeth to bite off all the chocolate so that its only the peanut butter left. Then I eat the peanut butter slowly and savor it... Mmmmm

    I do this with a lot of candy bars. Butterfingers, Reese cups, ect. I also do the thing with the peanut m&m's. I don't like things mixed together. I prefer layers. Salad, yogurt and fruit/honey, burritos. Really pisses me off when pancheros "bobs" my burrito! Lol

    lol now that I think about it, I do the same with other candybars as well... kit kat bars I eat all the chocolate and separate the wafter layers and eat those separately... I've done that to butterfingers and twixes as well.... glad to know i'm not the only one like this, I was starting to get worried lol!
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Not sure if it's an eating quirk, but I believe PBJ and other sammies taste best when spreads are evenly spread/distributed across the bread. My hubby puts gobs in the middle of the bread, barely spreads it and it makes me insane, lol gobs of mayo or gobs of PB. I also have to eat the outsides of my sandwiches first and love having the softest middle part as my last bite instead of the dastardly crusts. :D
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    Little Debbie's Swiss Rolls - eat the chocolate coating first, then unwrap the roll, eat the chocolate cake and lick out the vanilla cream in the center...

    Frosted Pop Tarts - eat the crusts first, then peel the crust off of the back of the Pop Tart, which leaves the frosting and the 'center' to enjoy all by itself! Sweetness heaven!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    I eat the white of my eggs first, cutting around the yolk then I carefully pick the whole yolk up on my fork. look around to make sure no one's looking and shove it into my mouth whole then chew it with a smug look on my face.
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    I love apples just apple. I hate apple juice,cider,pie and so on.
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    I love apples just apple. I hate apple juice,cider,pie and so on.

    ha ha! This just reminded me that I am the same with grapes. LOVE grapes. HATE anything grape flavored: juice, gum, etc. ::shudder at the thought::
  • ProudDaddy
    ProudDaddy Posts: 80 Member
    OK I microwave my ice cream so its soupy..I hate hard ice cream..My wife thinks im wierd for this lol..
  • michy_elliot
    When I eat salad in public I fold the lettuce up into a little parcel, then skewer it on the fork with other veggies and things in the salad. I like it to be neat, otherwise I'll get salad dressing all over my face. I didn't know this was weird until my Dad pointed out what I was doing. Then he said to me "One day, a man will fall in love with you for the way you eat your salad." Not sure I beleive that :P
  • skinnnyxoxo
    skinnnyxoxo Posts: 210 Member
    When I eat a Snickers bar, I eat all four sides of chocolate first, then the peanut and caramel layer, and then the nougat! That's my fav!
  • Banrion
    Banrion Posts: 157 Member
    Apparently how I eat any of my food is weird. If I have four different things on my plate I have to eat one section before I move on to another, then the next....etc. I will never take a bite of corn then go take a bite of beans and I didn't realize it till this last year in college when my friends said something!
  • marzahl68
    Red Cabbage, Mashed Potatoes and Meatballs (it's a German thing): I only eat it if the cabbage and potatoes are all mushed up together producing a pale pink pile of "stuff", then I mash up the meat balls and fold them in with the pale pink stuff. Yummy!
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I used to eat my animal crackers legs first becuase I did not want them to run off. Now I bite the heads off first, it's more humaine that way.

    Funny :). I can't think of any quirks really except when I eat animal crackers i don't just eat them i look to see what animal i'm eating first. :) Thats pretty wierd. the funniest part of this is that last week I gave one of the soicial workers i work with some animal crackers and noticed she did the same thing.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I eat the salt off of my pretzels first.
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    It's funny that I too eat my M&m's the same way, as well as Reese PB cups (I eat the chocolate around then the center last)
    I eat the skins off my grapes before eating the center.

    My family has always made fun of me for the fact I HATE my food on my plate much that my mom bought me (when we had family get togethers) "separated plate" with sections for the food! And I HATE when I see people put their desserts on the same plate their meal was on!! Gross
    I have to put my coffemate/creamer in the cup before my coffee or it doesn't taste the same...weird I know!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    OK I microwave my ice cream so its soupy..I hate hard ice cream..My wife thinks im wierd for this lol..

    This ^^^ everyone thinks I am weird. lol..My ice cream has to be soft too.
  • lwhitman4
    lwhitman4 Posts: 144 Member
    I love eating Cheetohs Puffs dipped in ketchup: I'll suck the ketchup off and make the Puff all soggy and then eat it. But, alas, I cannot eat any form of Cheetoh otherwise. Not the crunchy, nor the Puffs, nor any other variety. Only the Puffs with ketchup :)
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Sometimes I color coordinate my skittles. I'll pour all of them out, color code them into like four or five groups, then eat from one color at a time. On some occasions, I'll pick off the other colors and leave the red for last.. then I enjoy a mouthful of the red ones.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Can't stand cheeseburgers but LOVE Patty Melts. Makes zero sense. And when I eat my hamburgers I take them the top bun, the meat and then the bottom bun.
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    When I eat pancakes or french fries or whatever I like to dip my food into the condiment I hate it when people drown their food with ketchup or syrup whatever. And my friends think I'm strange I eat pizza with a fork and knife.
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    If I'm eating something that has colors (like skittles) I will eat them by color. I eat the red first, then the orange, followed by yellow and green.